Saturday, December 25, 2010

Offering to the baby Jesus

Today, we want to offer the baby Jesus an Advent calendar. One of those calendars with little windows which children open so eagerly as behind each window there is a little piece of chocolate with form of star or shepherd. Windows are open day by day but one has to look for them because they are not in order.

Today, we offer you this Advent calendar. Not every window is open. Perhaps with all our hurries and distractions these days, we didn't have time to look for them. Surely your grandchildren or nephews and nieces or your ittle children would have found them all. However, we offer you those which we did open. For today a new era starts. Spears become pruneyards and swords plows, people will not fight against each other, they will not get ready for war. Wolf and calf will live together and there will be no harm in all my holy mountain. For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given and his name shall be called Wonderful Councellor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

Ofrenda al niño Jesús

Hoy queremos ofrecer al niño Jesús un calendario de adviento. Un calendario de esos que tienen ventanitas que a los niños les encanta abrir porque hay una chocolatina debajo con forma de estrella o pastor. Las ventanitas se van abriendo cada día pero hay que buscarlas porque no están en orden.

Hoy te ofrecemos este calendario de adviento. No tiene todas las ventanitas abiertas. Quizá porque con tantas prisas y distracciones de este tiempo no nos dio tiempo a buscarlas. Seguro que vuestros nietos o sobrinos o niños pequeños las encontraron todas. Sin embargo te ofrecemos las que sí abrimos, porque hoy comienza una nueva era, las lanzas se convierten en podaderas, de las espadas se hacen arados, no se alzará pueblo contra pueblo, no se preparán para la guerra, habitará el lobo con el cordero y no causarán daño ni estrago por todo mi monte santo. Porque un niño nos ha nacido, un niño se nos ha dado, al que llamarán Maravilloso Consejero, Dios Todopoderoso, Padre Perpetuo, Príncipe de la Paz.

Spiritual Sharing December 2010

Thu 20101202

* May my dearest Lord give me the spark, the chemistry, the enthusiasm to initiate a relationship. A necessary gift, an important base to initiate a relationship.

Isaiah 11:6-10
6 Dann wird der Wolf beim Lamm zu Gast sein, der Panther neben dem Ziegenböckchen liegen; gemeinsam wachsen Kalb und Löwenjunges auf, ein kleiner Junge kann sie hüten. 7 Die Kuh wird neben dem Bären weiden und ihre Jungen werden beieinander liegen; der Löwe frisst dann Häcksel wie das Rind. 8 Der Säugling spielt beim Schlupfloch der Schlange, das Kleinkind steckt die Hand in die Höhle der Otter. 9 Niemand wird Böses tun und Unheil stiften auf dem Zion, Gottes heiligem Berg. So wie das Meer voll Wasser ist, wird das Land erfüllt sein von Erkenntnis des HERRN.

Fri 20101203

Hoy comienza una nueva era,
las lanzas se convierten en podaderas,
de las espadas se hacen arados
y los oprimidos son liberados.
Hoy comienza una nueva era,
no se alzará pueblo contra pueblo,
no se prepararán para la guerra.

Isaiah 11:6-9
6 And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. 7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder's den. 9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Jehovah, as the waters cover the sea.

Isaiah 11:3-4
3 Gott zu gehorchen ist ihm eine Freude. Er urteilt nicht nach dem Augenschein und verlässt sich nicht aufs Hörensagen. 4 Den Entrechteten verhilft er zum Recht, für die Armen im Land setzt er sich ein. Seine Befehle halten das Land in Zucht, sein Urteilsspruch tötet die Schuldigen.

Tue 20101207
* Thank you for I spent almost the whole day with my aunt my nephew and niece. It was good. I enjoyed it very much.
* About confirming that it was a good idea to reject the associate professor position at the UCM. It is not worth to be so busy.
* Thank you for the talk by Axxx Vxxx about discernment in community. It was good to hear him. About finding someone from my work just after the talk at the main entrance of CRISMHOM.

Thu 20101209

The Spirit of the Lord has been given to me. He has sent me to bring good news to the poor.

Mon 20101213
* Thank you for this past weekend. Thank you for the advent retreat prepared by Rxxx and Rxxx. Just a few people. We are all very busy. Very well prepated though.
* On Saturday I was extremelly tired. I could not do too much preparing the economic capital topic for the coming course in May. I went to bed early and woke up the following day late. I needed the sleep.
* Thank you for the meal with mum and dad. It was good.
* Thank you for the magic show on Sunday evening. Thank you, Gxxx ,for inviting me.

Thu 20101216

John 6:65-68
65 And he said, For this cause have I said unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it be given unto him of the Father. 66 Upon this many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. 67 Jesus said therefore unto the twelve, Would ye also go away? 68 Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

* Someone reminded me these words. Where shall I go?, if I abandon my dearest Lord. He has words of eternal life.

John 6:66-68
66 Als sie das hörten, wandten sich viele seiner Anhänger von ihm ab und wollten nicht länger mit ihm gehen. 67 Da fragte Jesus die Zwölf: »Und ihr, was habt ihr vor? Wollt ihr mich auch verlassen? « 68 Simon Petrus antwortete ihm: »Herr, zu wem sonst sollten wir gehen? Deine Worte bringen das ewige Leben.

Fri 20101217
* The virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they will call him Emmanuel: God-is-with-us.
* Heute, es ist die erste mal in Jahren dass Pxxx Mittagessen mit mir allein haben wollte. Vor einige Tage hat Mxxx mich begrüsst als ich vor dem Eingang von CRISMHOM stand. Es war klar dass er schon weisst dass ich schwul bin und ich für ein christliche Gemeinschsft arbeite. Mxxx und Pxxx sind gute Freunde und es ist sehr möglich dass sie über mich mit einander gesprochen haben und jetzt Pxxx hat gut bestätigt was er schon wusste: ich bin schwul. Die neue Sache ist dass er vieleicht nicht wusste dass ich für diese schwule und christliche Gemeinschaft freiwillig arbeite.

Tue 20101221
* An offering to the baby Jesus:

Today, we want to offer the baby Jesus an Advent calendar. One of those calendars with little windows which children open so eagerly as behind each window there is a little piece of chocolate with form of star or shepherd. Windows are open day by day but one has to look for them because they are not in order.

Today, we offer you this Advent calendar. Not every window is open. Perhaps with all our hurries and distractions these days, we didn't have time to look for them. Surely your grandchildren or nephews and nieces or your ittle children would have dound them all. However, we offer you those which we did open. For today a new era starts. Spears become pruneyards and swords plows. People will not fight against each other. They will not get ready for war. Wolf and calf will live together and there will be no harm in all my holy mountain.

Hoy queremos ofrecer al niño Jesús un calendario de adviento. Un calendario de esos que tienen ventanitas que a los niños les encanta abrir porque hay una chocolatina debajo con forma de estrella o pastor. Las ventanitas se van abriendo cada día pero hay que buscarlas porque no están en orden.

Hoy te ofrecemos este calendario de adviento. No tiene todas las ventanitas abiertas. Quizá porque con tantas prisas y distracciones de este tiempo no nos dio tiempo a buscarlas. Seguro que vuestros nietos o sobrinos o niños pequeños las encontraron todas. Sin embargo te ofrecemos las que sí abrimos, porque hoy comienza una nueva era. Las lanzas se convierten en podaderas, de las espadas se hacen arados, no se alzará pueblo contra pueblo, no se preparán para la guerra. Habitará el lobo con el cordero y no causarán daño ni estrago por todo mi monte santo.

Wed 20101222

Isaiah 9:6-7
6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:5
5 Denn ein Kind ist geboren, der künftige König ist uns geschenkt! Und das sind die Ehrennamen, die ihm gegeben werden: umsichtiger Herrscher, mächtiger Held, ewiger Vater, Friedensfürst.

* Thank you, for you chose to be one among us. You came to be God-with-us in the simplest possible way. A baby born, the Councelor, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Thank you, little baby.

Spiritual Sharing November 2010

Tue 20101101

Yo sé que mi redentor vivo está
Y que al final se alzará sobre la tie--rra.
Yo despertaré y me tomará junto a él.
Con mis ojos yo le veré,
aquel a quien veré será el Señor.
Su brazo extenderá y me tomará junto a Él
y mi fe ya no vaci-la.

I know that my saviour is alive
And in the end She will rise over the earth.
I will wake up and She will take me with Her.
With my eyes I will see Her,
The One who I will see is the Lord.
She will rise her arm and will take me with Her, and my faith does not doubt.

Oculi nostri ad Dominum Jesum.
Oculi nostri ad Dominum nostrum.

* Today, day of the dead, my prayer for my two grandmothers.

Wed 20101103

I shall be filled when I awake, with the sight of your glory, O Lord.

Lord, hear a cause that is just,
pay heed to my cry.
Turn your ear to my prayer:
No deceit is in my lips

I kept my feet firmly in your paths;
there was no faltering in my steps.
I am here and I call, you will hear me.
Turn your ear to me; hear my words.

Hide me in the shadow of your wings.
As for me, in my justice I shall see your face
and be filled, when I awake, with the sight of your glory.

* This text reminded me so much to Jxxx Mxxx. Haiti has put his patience to the extreme test. May You bless him so that at every moment he feels in the whole midst of your presence.

Mon 20101108

Although You watch my heart,
visiting it at nicht,
although You test me with fire,
You will not find badness in me.

My feet stayed firm in your ways,
My steps did not doubt.
Goodness exists. There exist good people.
I think they are many. Among christians,
and among the rest.
The world is full, also, of goodness.

This is a reason of great happiness.
I, like hiding,
I join their singing:
Take care of me as one of Yourchosen,
hide me at the shadow of Your wings.

Stand up, my Lord, and defend me
in the midst of so much failure,
with Your hand, keep me far from those who think that all their chance is only in this life.

With my heart I come in Your presence.
When I wake up, I will be filled with your presence.

Aunque sondees mi corazón,
visitándolo de noche,
aunque me pruebes al fuego,
no encontrarás malicia en mí.

Mis pies estuvieron firmes en tus caminos,
y no vacilaron mis pasos.
Existe la bondad. Existe la gente buena.
Pienso que son muchos. Entre cristianos
Y entre los demás.
La tierra está llena, también, de bondad.

Y es motivo de inmensa alegría.
Yo, como a escondidas,
me uno a su canto:
Guárdame como a las niñas de tus ojos,
a la sombra de tus alas escóndeme.

Levántate, Señor, y defiéndeme
de tanto fracaso que me rodea,
Líbrame de tu mano de quiémes piensan
que toda su suerte está sólo en esta vida.

Con mi oración vengo a tu presencia.
Y al despertar, me saciaré de tu cercanía.

Fri 20101112

Romans 12:14-17
14 Wünscht denen, die euch verfolgen, Gutes. Segnet sie, anstatt sie zu verfluchen. 15 Freut euch mit den Fröhlichen und weint mit den Traurigen. 16 Seid alle miteinander auf Einigkeit bedacht. Strebt nicht hoch hinaus, sondern haltet Gemeinschaft mit den Verachteten. Verlasst euch nicht auf eure eigene Klugheit. 17 Wenn euch jemand Unrecht tut, dann zahlt es niemals mit gleicher Münze heim. Seid darauf bedacht, vor den Augen aller Menschen bestehen zu können.

Bendecid a los que os persiguen; sí, no maldigáis. Con los que ríen, estad alegres; con los que lloran, llorad. Tened igualdad de trato unos con otros; no tengáis grandes pretensiones, sino poneos al nivel de la gente humilde.

Mon 20101115
* Today it is my saint name. Thank you, my dearest Lord for this past weekend. Thank you for the concert on Friday, the company of Gxxx. Hard work on Saturday but enjoyed going to mass with dad and mum. The ICAI dinner waa great. That was our 15th anniversary after graduating. On Sunday I finished a part of the paper and was satisfied with it. Last piece of work for CRISMHOM. I transferred all the data to the computer I prepared for CRISMHOM. The webpage meeting was fine.

* My prayer for the mother of Jxxx. She gets operated of a tumor. Be near Jxxx and the rest of the family these days.

Luke 23:42-43
42 Und zu Jesus sagte er: »Denk an mich, Jesus, wenn du deine Herrschaft antrittst! « 43 Jesus antwortete ihm: »Ich versichere dir, du wirst noch heute mit mir im Paradies sein. «

Wed 20101117

Padre creador, que escuchas y atiendes
los clamores de la humanidad,
y que en Jesús nos mostraste
el proyecto de Bondad y Libertad
para tus hijos.

Haz de nosotros creyentes audaces,
que libres de todo afán de dominio o ganancia, sepamos ser servidores de todos,
especialmente de tus hijos solos y abandonados.

Que seamos constructores
de un mundo sin exclusiones,
en el que todos quepamos con igual dignidad,
para que la humanidad que sufre
pueda también un día levantarse,
y encontrar su lugar en el mundo.

Thu 20101118

Luke 23:36-43
36 And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him, offering him vinegar, 37 and saying, If thou art the King of the Jews, save thyself. 38 And there was also a superscription over him, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 39 And one of the malefactors that were hanged railed on him, saying, Art not thou the Christ? save thyself and us. 40 But the other answered, and rebuking him said, Dost thou not even fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. 42 And he said, Jesus, remember me when thou comest in thy kingdom. 43 And he said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To- day shalt thou be with me in Paradise.

Luke 23:36-43
36 Auch die Soldaten machten sich lustig über ihn. Sie gingen zu ihm hin, reichten ihm Essig 37 und sagten: »Hilf dir selbst, wenn du wirklich der König der Juden bist! « 38 Über seinem Kopf hatten sie eine Aufschrift angebracht: »Dies ist der König der Juden. « 39 Einer der Verbrecher, die mit ihm gekreuzigt worden waren, beschimpfte ihn: »Bist du denn nicht der versprochene Retter? Dann hilf dir selbst und uns! « 40 Aber der andere wies ihn zurecht und sagte: »Nimmst du Gott immer noch nicht ernst? Du bist doch genauso zum Tod verurteilt wie er, 41 aber du bist es mit Recht. Wir beide leiden hier die Strafe, die wir verdient haben. Aber der da hat nichts Unrechtes getan! « 42 Und zu Jesus sagte er: »Denk an mich, Jesus, wenn du deine Herrschaft antrittst! « 43 Jesus antwortete ihm: »Ich versichere dir, du wirst noch heute mit mir im Paradies sein. «

* Thank you, my dearest Lord, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you SO MUCH, for you chose this very way of giving you to teach me how to love.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for the King of the universe chose to express the fullest and maximum splendour point in the cross.  The extreem giving. Thank you for choosing it so.

Fri 20101119
* Jesus, remember me, when you come into your Kingdom.
* Jesus, König des Universums, danke weil du deine höchste Herrschaft an der Kreuz angeschaut hast. Denk an mich, Jesus, wenn du deine Herrschaft antrittst!

Mon 20101124
* Yesterday, I received a proposal of a place of associate professor. This is perhaps what I have been waiting for some time. However, accepting it would mean not to have free time in a long time. My dearest Lord, I don't know what to do. Be close to me in the following hours so that I may choose to do your best option for me.
* Thanks for yesterday life sharing group. I feel as when I first run the welcome group in the jesuit community six years ago. I feel very much the midst of your presence.

Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom.

Thu 20101125

May the way go to your encounter. May the wind blow to your back. May the sunlight shine onto your face. May the rain softly soak your fields. And, up to the moment when we see each other again, may the Lord bring you written in the palm of his hand.

Que el camino vaya a tu encuentro. Que el viento esté siempre a tus espaldas. Que la luz del sol brille en tu rostro. Que la lluvia caiga suavemente en tus campos. Y, hasta que nos volvamos a ver, que Dios te lleve en la palma de su mano.

Spiritual Sharing October 2010

Fri 20101001
* About expectations for acknowledgement: we are merely servants: we have done no more than our duty (Luke 17, 5-10).

Mon 20101904
* Last weekend was the first one in several months where I have nothing compulsory to do or prepare. I just did what I felt I wanted to do. I spent most of the time reading my german book. Can you help me to get time for myself?
* My prayer for Jxxx. He might have leucemy. He did some tests and gets the results this coming Thursday. He is very young and he is going through a difficult time.
* My prayer for Mxxx. She came last Friday but went back soon. May you protect her through us.

Wed 20100610
* Yesterday I talked to a professor of the Complutense university. Thinking of giving courses next year and perhaps being an associate professor. Let me know my dearest Lord whether this is your plan for me.

Mon 20101011
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for this past weekend in Seville in the company of Ixxx. Let me indeed value what I have. Many people do not have it.

Luke 18, 1-8: Jesus told his disciples a parable about the need to pray continually and never loose heart.

* Let me keep praying, my dearest Lord. Don't allow me to loose heart. Good habits, let me insist always. Let me be your "pain in the ass". About persisting, going on.

Mon 20101013
* Good celebration at home for mum's Saint day. Helping Jxxx to finish a library for mum.

* Good start for the life sharing group of CRISMHOM. Small group of people willing to share their lives, good atmosphere, encouraged to be with this group.
* I start to have too many meetings in CRISMHOM. I need to limit them.

Fri 20101015
* Matthew 11:25
Jesus und der Vater. Einladung zu erfülltem Leben
25 Danach rief Jesus: »Vater, Herr über Himmel und Erde, du hast angefangen, deine Herrschaft aufzurichten. Das hast du den Klugen und Gelehrten verborgen, aber den Unwissenden hast du es offenbar gemacht. Dafür preise ich dich!
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for you hid your Kingdom to the wise and learnt but revealed it to the simple.

Tue 20101019
* About last busy weekend. It was good. Perhaps too many activities. I greatly enjoyed meeting Jxxx at the solidarity dinner organized by Welcome and Sharing. She is now living in New York but came to Madrid for a short visit.
* About Sunday lunch with my family. I was playing with Mxxx when the rest were discussing about the woman taking care of my nephew and niece. She is not doing her job properly. I enjoyed the time I spent my niece.
* About the talk about the history of CRISMHOM. It was very good. I had to leave early. Too many things.
* My prayer for dad. Now he has the menisque broken and he cannot walk properly.
* My prayer for Jxxx. I am very disconnected from him but I simply cannot go beyond.
* My dearest Lord, help me take care of myself. I don't expect anyone to do it for me but just You. Please, do take care of me.
* Today, The webpage comission of CRISMHOM will start. I hope this project goes forward.

Thu 20101021
* Gestern, hatte ich ein kleines Gespräch mit mein Chef. Es war ganz spontan. Ich wollte ihn sagen dass ich am Freitag früher ausgehen wollte. Ich wollte eine Treffung mit Leuten von der Universität haben. Ich gehe nicht allein, aber mit Mxxx, ein Kollege von der Arbeit die auch interesiert ist um Unterrichten zu geben. Sie behzalen uns nicht für die Unterrichten die wir geben. Nur unser Unterrichten werden als Lehrtätigkeit anerkennt. Pxxx, mein Chef, hast mir erzählt dass es besser vieleicht wäre in Private Institutionen ausbilden. Darüber haben wir etwas mehr gesprochen. Ich habe gefunden dass sein Rat ehrlich und Sinnvoll war. Dann habe ich ihm erzählt dass ich nicht allein unterrichten wollte. Dass ist weil ich Mxxx verwickelt habe. Dann ich sagte dass ich ganz müde allein zu arbeiten wäre. Ich habe mit Exxx gearbeitet und es war sehr erreichend für beide. Zwei oder drei Personen die zuzammen arbeiten können viel mehr erreichen als wenn sie getrent denken. Er hat angefangen zu erzählen das Projekt wo ich mich hinein teilnehmen wollte. Ich hoffe diese Richtung weiter macht. Danke, mein liebster Got, danke sehr schön.

Mon 20101025
* Thank you for this weekend. I wanted to start writing a paper, but I couldn't. My computer broke down and I spent the weekend installing a new one I had bought a few months ago.
* Cxxx said something on Saturday which made me think. I should stop complaining. I have little time. Therefore I should do less things and stop complaining.
* My prayer for my dearest Axxx and Pxxx. May they achieve  a whole common shared life.
* About spending Sunday afternoon and evening with my family.
* Thank you for the Friday party. It was fun and laugh. Thank you for the Sunday party. That was mainly laugh. It is good for me to laugh.

Sabiduría 11, 22 - 12, 2
Señor, el mundo entero ante ti es como un grano se arena en la balanza, como ina gota de rocío mañanero que cae sobre la tierra. Te compadeces de todos, porque todo lo puedes, cierras los ojos a los pecados de los hombres, para que se arrepientan. Amas a todos los seres y no odias nada de lo que has hecho; si hubieras odiado alguna cosa, no la hubieras creado. Y ¿cómo subsistirían las cosas si tú no lo hubieses querido? ¿Cómo conservarían su existencia, si tú no las hubieses llamado? Pero a todos perdonas, porque son tuyos, Señor, amigo de la vida. En todas las cosas está tu soplo incorruptible. Por eso corriges poco a poco a los que caen, les recuerdas su pecado y los reprendes, para que se conbiertan y crean en ti, Señor

Fri 20101029

Ich weine viel
in meinen Einsamkeiten,
der Herbst in meinem Herzen
währt zu lange.
Sonne der Liebe,
Willst du nie mehr scheinen,
Um meine bitter'n Tränen
Mild aufzutrocken?

Lloro amargamente
en mi soledad.
Dura demasiado
la primavera en mi corazón.
Sol del amor,
No vas a brillar ya más,
para enjugar suavemente
mis amargas lágrimas?

I cry a lot
in my loneliness.
The spring in my heart
lasts too long.
Sun of love,
Will you no longer shine
to mildly wipe off
my bitter tears?

Spiritual Sharing September 2010

Mon 20100906
* Back to usual life after four weeks of vacation. I thank my dearest Lord for this period, for all the good things that have happened in it.
* Thank you for letting me decide to go and see the whole family after 4 weeks out. I played longly with my niece. I also worked correcting the paper. A good mixture.
* My prayer for Cxxx, Jxxx Lxxx's parents, Mxxx's father and Mxxx.

Tue 20100907
* May my dearest Lord help me find my place. I don't feel myself quite there. It is not only the problem of the people around me. It's mainly me. Help me please to find my place.
* Yesterday I felt tired at the end of day. We had the birthday party of Xxxx. I didn't feel at all like going. I had a drink with him and some other people beforehand. I thought it was well done this way. Give me your peace.

Wed 20100908
* Mein liebster Gott, hilf mir meine Stelle, mein Platz zu finden. My dearest Lord, help me to find my place.
* My prayer for Axxx Lxxx. He went out my jesuit group more than a year ago for he thought it was not his place. Getting into some difficulties.
* My prayer for Cxxx, he lost his father a few weeks ago. Also I think of Cxxx, she was operated in the brain due to a congenital problem. I called her yesterday but could not reach her. All the very best for her.

Thu 20100909
* Mein liebster Gott, hilf mir bitte mein richtigen Platz zu finden.
* My prayer for Cxxx Hxxx. I spoke to her yesterday and found out that she is fine. However, she will be operated again next week. My prayer for her and her husband too.
* I also spoke to Mxxx yesterday. His father is recovering well. His strength is back and he is happy. Thanks for he is better.
* Thank you for dad is also better. Enjoying life better and travelling a little with mum.
* Thank you for your mercy. For being so patient with me. Let me not be the centre of my own life.

Fri 20100910
* Luke 6, 27: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who damm you, pray for those who tell lies about you.
* I'm not the only one to be tired at work, willing for a change. I'm not the only one who feels out of place. Most of the comments and gossip maybe come out of the necessity to release tension. Teach me, my dearest Lord to be sympathetic and patient. I'm not releasing my tension the same way the other people of my group do. I don't dump my tension criticising others or making them to seem ridiculus. That is not quite my way. I'm just eating all up myself. Teach me to be sympathetic and patient. I'm simply not the only one.
* Thank you for yesterday I got back home, saw the rest of a series in german that I started yesterday, played the piano for spme time and spent some time reading my german novel. I guess that if I have to choose how to spend more time for myself, I should be doing just what I did yesterday. It was great.
* My prayer for Dxxx Fxxx. May you help him move forward.

Sun 20100912

Alleluia, Alleluia!
May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
enlighten the eyes of our mind,
so that we can see what hope
his call holds for us. Alleluia!

I will leave this place and go to my father. I will him declare, I love you my Lord.

Oh Lord, open my lips
and my mouth shall declare your praise.
My sacrifice is a contrite spirit;
a humbled, contrite heart You will not spurn.

Fri 20100917
* Luke 8, 1-3: Jesus walked from village to village proclaiming the Good News. The twelve were with Him and also some women and men who He had cured.
* I'm one of those who go by His side. Maybe not walking very fast or too close. One of those very ones who He cured.
* My prayer for Dxxx. Cure him, he also walks by.
* My prayer for Mxxx Sxxx de Pxxx. I was in the funeral of his wife the other day. She was very young.

Tue 20100921
* Thank you so much for the outstanding wedding of Rxxx and Fxxx. Something so especial. Good people as the two who married. An event to remember for very long time.

Wed 20100922
* Thank you for Cxxx is fine after the operation. Also her husband Fxxx.
* May this servant of Yours not be alone. Help him find a true partner. Whatever You want, whenever You want, if ever You want.

Thu 20100923
* My dearest Lord, remember the words that you said to your servant. Those which made her live in hope and consolation and tell them us again.

Mon 20100927
* Timothy 1, 6: "Keep as your pattern the sound teaching you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. You have been trusted to look after something precious; guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us".

Spiritual Sharing August 2010

Tue 20100803
* This past weekend I spent it doing the review of this paper of quantitative finance. Yesterday evening I was thinking to do the same thing. However, I spent some time reading the lyrics of some songs by Mark Knopler. Romeo and Juliet stroke me. My emotions were back. I had an inspired evening playing the piano. It was not that I was playing very well. It was that I was willing to play, that I had something to express, even to myself and perhaps my neighbour (who still can stand me even playing beyond 11pm).
* Thank you Pxxx, you are right. If I ever be with the very one person, I'm going to feel the most experoenced of all and I will have no problem. I think you are right. May my dearest Lord inspire me to be with that very one person.
* My prayer for Rxxx. Wishing him all the best. Hoping not to have hurt him.

Thu 20100805

"Who say the people that I am?" Peter said: "You are the Mesiah, the living Son of God".

The week before taking vacation I feel indeed very tired. Let me have some rest and renew my strength so that I may serve You, my dearest Lord.

Sun 20100815
* May my dearest Lord help my dearest Dxxx to get all this immense sadness out of his heart.

Spiritual Sharing July 2010

Fri 20100702
* Thank you for the supporting words from. Cxxx.

Blessed be God who did not reject my prayer nor withhold his love from me.

* My very prayer for Mxxx. My very prayer for her.

Mon 20100705
* Thank you for this weekend. I read the german book on Friday night, I was dead tired. I bought a present for the daughter of Nxxx with Mxxx. I also bought a litle book for my aunt. I invited her to have lunch in my place. I showed her the picture she gave me when we were in Paris. I also showed her the new configuration of the rooms at home. I went to the demonstration in the afternoon and to the birthday of Nxxx's daughter at night. I saw the Spain against Peru football match with them. I had a great time and was very pleased to the the whole family together. I worked the whole Sunday in the correction of the technical paper and went for a walk with Oxxx and Sxxx around the West park. I enjoyed what I did. This is about taking care of myself as I cannot necesarily expect others to take care of me.

* May my dearest Lord give me the gratuity to give out time and care for others without expecting anything in exchange. So that when anyone may ever take care of me, even if it is very small, I may see it like a great gift and not as what it should be expected from what I originally did.

Thu 20100708

Martha, Marth, you worry and fret about so many things, and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part; it is not to be taken from her.

* This text applies so much to me. Let me take for a moment the better part.
* My prayer for Mxxx. A group of people were in her house for a prayer and a litle dinner. It was good to be there.
* Thanks for the litle walk with Ixxx. Nice conversation, good company.

Fri 20100709
* Yesterday, I realized that most likely the people at work know well that I'm gay. They made it more explicit yesterday. I also felt compassion for some of them. Most likely sad stories of people who don't feel loved, pretty much like myself.
* One person was changing jobs and we were saying goodbye: a dinner, some drinks afterwards. I had a good time yesterday. I felt a little better integrated. I felt compassion. I contemplated unknown sad stories and felt that this people who is pissing me off sometimes are also pissed off. Lack of love, failure stories.

Mon 20100712

Martha, Martha, you worry and fret about so many things, and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part; it is not to be taken from her.

* My dearest Lord. I'm pretty much like Martha. Let me stop doing things and enjoy just a few.

Tue 20100713

The Lord keeps in our minds the wonderful things she has done. She is compassion and love; She always provides for his faithful.

I stand at the door and knock, says the Lord. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and sit down to supper with him, and the one with me.

Wed 20100714
* My dearest Lord, I'm tired, I'm indeed very tired. I feel like escaping, running away. I'm perhaps more tired than what I thought, what I could possibly have expected. I feel like not coming back to CRISMHOM in some time. I don't feel good at work either. I feel rather lonely. Some of the important people in my life are getting apart. I cannot quite stand myself. I'm tired, my deatest Lord. I'm pretty tired. Have pity on your tiny servant. Take care of him. Help him take care of himself.

I stand at the door and knock, says the Lord. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and sit down to supper with him, and he with me.

Fri 20100716

It makes me happy to suffer for you, as I am suffering now, and in my own body to do what I can to make up all that has still to be undergone by Christ for the sake of his body, the Church. I became the servant of the Church when God made me responsible for delivering God's message to you, the message which has a mystery hidden for generations and centuries and has now been revealed to all his saints.

* I'm suffering and have suffered for CRISMHOM for the same reasons as in this text. However, I don't feel happy.

Mon 20100719
* Thank you for this refreshing weekend. I needed something like this. Nice weather, the company of my parents, sleeping well, walking through. Not too much thinking. Happy about the interview on the coming Friday.
* Help me to get gratuity. May I not rise expectations for what I do but just let me do it free.
* My prayer for the father of Mxxx and the whole family. For The mother of Jxxx Lxxx.
* Let me have a rest. I'm tired.
* About the three verbs of the mass yesterday at the cathedral of Málaga: welcome, listen and service.
* Let me take care of my good friends and try not to think too much on those who do not pay much attention on me.

Thu 20100722

Genesis 18,20-32:
The Lord said: "How great an outcry there is against Sodom and Gomorrah!" ... Abraham remained standing before the Lord. Approaching him he said: "Are you really going to destroy the just man with the sinner? Perhaps there are fifty just men in the town. Will you really overwhelm them, will you not spare the place for the fifty just men in it? ...

I trust my Lord will not be angry if I speak once more: perhaps there will be only ten just men in the city. "I will not destroy that city", the Lord replied, "for the sake of the ten".

Luke 11, 1-13:
Ask and it will be given to you; search and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.

Mon 20100726
* About the dinner last Friday. I enjoyed very much the company. I was very peaceful and very happy to have stayed.
* Last Friday I had a tortuous interview session. It lasted 10 hours. They will feed me back in about a week. I was happy to have done it. If I stay in my current job, I will be in a different but better way. Otherwise, inspire me the best option to choose and to be as happy and fulfilled as possible.

Thu 20100729
* Yesterday, I had dinner with Jxxx Mxxx Mxxx, my parents and another priest. Jxxx Mxxx is the missionary in Tiébissou and Bouaké (Ivory Coast). It waa a great pleasure to encounter him. Always so simple and humble. I know a saint in this world. There are perhaps many. But Jxxx Mxxx is the one I know. Take care of him and the people who he has consecrated his life to.

Spiritual Sharing June 2010

Tue 20100601
* Yesterday I felt uneasy, my heart was shrinked and somehow worried. This was about Lxxx. Thoughts of judgement came to me, not feeling very willing to encounter him. Yesterday evening in the mass of my jesuit group an image came to me. He said: I don't want to get far from you, I need your presence. I thought that this was true and I felt released. Thank you, my dearest Lord, for this image.
* My prayer for Mxxx. Also, my prayer for the cooperant people killed by the troops of Israel yesterday morning.

Tue 20100602
* This is what I received from the Lord and in turn passed on to you.
* That on the same night that he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some bread, and thanked God for it and broke it, and he said: "This is my body, which is for you; do this in memory of me".
* I need to put a name to what I'm feeling. I feel frustrated, tired, enclosed in time. I'm not choosing well to be happy. What is behind? Excess of activity, lack of sleep, excess of work, Lxxx, Exxx. What can I call it? My dearest Lord, I can hardly stand myself. Forgive me those who may have to stand me. I'm so sorry. Indeed, I can hardly stand myself.

Tue 20100608
* It is the one who is forgiven little, who shows little love. And when so much love is shown, that is because there were many sins and they were all forgiven and that's why that very one, now lives in forgiveness and peace.

Al que poco se le perdona, muestra poco amor. Y si muestra tanto amor, es porque sus pecados, que eran muchos, han sido perdonados y vive en el perdón y la paz.

* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for a few simple little details which happened to me at work. Yesterday, Pxxx called me to tell where he was eating. This is the first time Pxxx has done something like this with me since we met six years ago. Gxxx was teasing Sxxx who was on vacation. Then he called him to join them to play football the following day. Simple little things. So simple but they encourage me. It is good to contemplate them.

Thu 20100610
* For this reason I tell you that her sins, her many sins, must have been forgiven, or she would not have shown such great love. It is the man who is forgiven little, who shows little love.

Fri 20100611
* I happen to find myself at the end of day in a bull fighting court in a well-known village near Madrid. This seems definitely something new. Just come to listen to a choir. Well right, one member in particular of that choir ... Lots of smiles, easy-going atmosphere, good rythm, moving the skeleton; definitely something new; I'm not used to doing these things on a Friday night.

Mon 20100614
* Thank you for the celebration of the word yesterday. I brought my parents with me. They enjoyed a lot.

Dichoso aquel que ha sido absuelto de su culpa y su pecado.

Dichoso aquel en el que Dios no encuentra ni delito ni engaño.

Ante el Señor reconocí mi culpa, no oculté mi pecado.

Te confesé, Señor, mi gran delito y Tú me has perdonado.

Por eso, en el momento de la angustia, que todo fiel te invoque,
y no lo alcanzarán las grandes aguas aunque estas se desborden.

Alegraos con el Señor y regocijaos los justos todos,
y todos los hombres de corazón sincero canten de gozo

Tue 20100615
* This morning I woke up with my heart shrunk. I don't quite know why. This happens to me from time to time these days. I felt even worse at work at the beginning of day. Now, I feel better by the end of day. How can I get out of this situation?
* Yesterday I attended the Monday life sharing group. I said a number of politically incorrect comments. Among those, I said I was fed up of being good, of being an instrument of my dearest Lord, of not having what I want but what my dearest Lord wants for me.
* The other day, a person from my group was operated and I did not even ask (I forgot). Help me avoid this.

Wed 20100616
* Lxxx called me out yesterday. We spoke longly. I was fine and peaceful after the conversation. However, I could not sleep. Today I feel pretty tired. Thanks for calling, Lxxx, even if I could not sleep. I wrote him later on and told him that I felt somehow like his parents.
* About closing issues up. Maybe I should speak to some people. Getting things out. Don't let me cummulate issues within me. I need to spit them out. Help me, my dearest Lord. I feel out of place. Let me close some issues and move forward.

Fri 20100618
* Jesus put this question to his disciples: "Who do the people say I am" ... Peter spoke up, "You are the Christ of God". Jesus teplied him: "blessed you, Peter for noone from bone and flesh has told you that, but my Father from heaven.

Mon 20100621
* Thank you for the weekend. For the nice picture Exxx gave to me. Now, it is at home and it is indeed beautiful.
* I enjoyed very much the company of Rxxx on Saturday morning. He does not speak much. On Sunday I was doubting whether he might fell well about me.
* Thank you for the Rainbow price from CRISMHOM. It was wonderful thanks to all the efforts of many people.
* Thank you for the 50th anniversary celebration of my school San Agustín. It was so nice although not so many people came.
* My prayer for Ixxxita. Take care of her.

Fri 20100625
* My prayer for Cxxx. She sent me an sms to tell me that she was in hospital. She has a cerebral injure from childhood.
* My prayer for Ixxx and Sxxx. They will be doing their exam to be state workers.

Mon 20100628
* Blessed be God who did not reject my prayer nor withhold his love from me.
* My prayer for Cxxx, with the treatment solving her brain congenital problem. For Mxxx; she's got a lot of pain out of her cancer.
* I'm tired. This was a hard year. I need to get loved. Please, do that, my dearest Lord, if I'm unable to receive or recognize the love from others.
* Let me know your will and help me change my lifestyle. It seems to me that I cannot continue the same way.
* Let us take care one another. This is the best we can do for each one of us.

Wed 20100630
* "Foxes have holes and birds of heaven have nests but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head". After this busy year, I pretty much feel like the Son of man for I feel I have nowhere to lay my head. Maybe one of the reasons why I'm feeling like this is because I'm approaching to my fortieth birthday.
* This year I experieced like going through a tunnel and having no time and spontaneity to stop or change the direction.
* I have taken too little care of myself. Sometimes others have taken care of me. But maybe not as much as I needed. In fact, some people who indeed realized how I felt and tried to help were unexpected. If others may not take care of me, let me at least take care of myself and may my dearest Lord take care of me.
* At the end of this year I have difficulty to realize the love other people have and express to me. I'm sure they love me, but it is so difficult to realize of this fact. This is just the consecuence of not taking a minimum care of myself.
* Cure me of having expectations out of others. Let me do things for them without expectations, just freely anf for free.

Spiritual Sharing May 2010

Mon 20100503
* Intense days, full of your love and lacking my own wishes. I don't have what I would have wanted. You gave me something great instead. You taught me to understand it. That's perhaps what You wanted for me.
* Thank you Lord for brother Axxx. He is all goodness, all service and care for others, all faith and hug. In him, Father, I feel daily in Your own company.
* Gracias Señor por el hermano Axxx, que es todo bondad, entrega, cuidado, fe y abrazo. En él, Padre, me siento acompañado cada día por Ti.

* Thank you so much for your prayer. It is prayed with inmense love. Today I cannot doubt of your fraternal love and I achieve the peace.
* Muchas gracias por tu oración. Es de un cariño inmenso. Hoy ya no dudo de tu amor fraterno y alcanzo la paz.

Wed 20100505
* If you stay with me, and my words stay with you, ask what you want and it will go true. May You, my dearest Lord, inspire me what to ask.

Thu 20100506
* If we stay in his Love, love and happiness will stay with us. Thank you for staying in his Love, for being a witness of his happiness and peace.
* Si permanecemos en su Amor, con nosotros estarán el Amor y la alegría. Gracias por permanecer en su amor, por ser testigo de su alegría y de su paz.

* Happy you, Axxx, for you've seen the face of the Lord.
* Dichoso tú, Axxx, que has visto el rostro del Señor.

Fri 20100507
* If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my father will love him and we shall come to him and make our home with him. My word is not my own; it is the word of the one who sent me (...) Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you.

There's nothing as beautiful
as what I never had.
Nothing as loved
as what I came to have lost.

No hay nada más bello
que lo que nunca he tenido.
Nada más amado
que lo que perdí

Mon 20100510

Come Divine Spirit, make your home among us. Cure and relieve those broken and wounded hearts. Give us your PEACE.

Ven Espíritu Divino, haz morada entre nosotros. Consuela y cura los corazones rotos y heridos. Concédenos la PAZ.

If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my father will love him and we shall come to him and make our home with him.

When the Advocate comes, everything will be explained to us for we don't understand anything now. He will cure the wounded hearts and will show them what the Lord wants for them. Aleluya!

Cuando venga el Paráclito nos lo explicará todo. Porque ahora no entendemos nada. Él sanará los corazones heridos y les mostrará el camino que Dios quiere para ellos. ¡Aleluya!

Tue 20100511
* Aleluya, aleluya!! Come Holy Spirit onto Dxxx and Mxxx, fill their hearts with your peace and kinddle the fire of Your love. Aleluya!!
* Thank you for Lxxx's call.

Wed 20100512

Holy Father, I pray not only for these, but for those also who through their words will believe in me. May thry all be one. Father, may they be one in us, as you are in me and I am in you, so that the world may believe it was you who sent me. I have given them the glory you gave to me, that they may be one as we are one. With me in them and you in me, may they be so completely one, that the world will realize that it was you who sent me and that I have loved them as much as you have loved me.

Thu 20100513
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for I felt myself with a great peace after my first class of financial mathematics.
* My dearest prayer for dad. He has spent some good days but now he is getting bad again. May he enjoy the spiritual retreat this weekend.
* My prayer for Ixxx. I don't quite know about him but may he feel your care and presence.
* My dearest prayer for Jxxx and Lxxx. I guess I also need some distance from them. May Your love and peace be with them.

Father, I want that those You have given me, to be with me where I am. So that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and so that I may be in them.

Fri 20100514
Noone has greater love than the one who gives out his own life for his friends.

Nadie tiene amor más grande que el que da la vida por sus amigos.

Mon 20100517
¡Cuán manso y amoroso
recuerdas en mi seno,
cuán delicadamente me enamoras!

How peaceful and loving,
in my lap you remind me,
how delicately you make me love you!

Tue 20100518
¡Oh regalada llama, toque delicado que a vida eterna sabe!

May the Lord bless you with continuous signs of love. May She show her face of mother and you allow receiving her care. May the Lord flood you in peace and may you be her continuous carrier.

Que el Señor te bendiga con signos continuos de amor. Que te muestre su rostro de madre y te dejes cuidar. Que el Señor te inunde de paz y seas portador continuo de ella.

Heal our wounds, our strength renew. On our dryness pour thy dew. Wash the stains of guilt away.

Fri 20100521

Holy Spirit, Lord of light,
From the clear celestial height
thy pure beaming radiance give.
Come Thou, Father of the poor,
come with treasures which endure;
come Thou light of all that live!
Thou, of all consolers best,
Thou, yhe soul's delightful guest,
dost redreshing peace bestow;
Thou in toil art comfort sweet;
Pleasant coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of of woe.

Light inmortal, light divine,
visit thou these hearts of thine,
and our inmost being fill

Mon 20100524
* Thank you for the conversation with Dxxx yeaterday about hapiness. Also that little comment from Vxxx Piterbarg last week. Being in what this world considers the highest, he told me there's nothing new. I realized of him being tired, bored and perhaps unsatisfied. This is my own feeling. I don't need to be at the most high to realize of what I already know now. That's a lot of effort which is not worth to be to realize that I'm already at the same point.
* Hapiness is about enjoying what one already has. It is my choice to allow myself to enjoy the present and keep a clear direction towards the future. Let me choose acording to Your Spirit, allowing myself for some time to do what I need and what I want.

Tue 20100525

May you love this day all creatures,
may you unconditionally love the light;
may you love your enjoy and happiness,
may you love the love and love the cross.

Que ames a los seres este día,
que a todo trance ames la luz;
que ames tu gozo y alegría,
que ames el amor y ames la cruz.

* Let me know, my dearest Lord that I have the choice of hapiness. May you inspire me that choice. Very simple daily things build my choice of hapiness. My dearest Lord, may I choose well.
* Today Pxxx tried to take advantage of Exxx in the presentation of this greatest idea of Exxx in front of people from all departments. A great idea with big economic implications. Pxxx didn't support Exxx at all and now he wanted to do the presentation in front of everyone. People did not allow him and the protagonism was given back to his owner, Exxx. It is a great pity that this happens. Exxx has supported Pxxx in the past five years. He has been his right hand. Now the relation has significantly deteriorated. A great pity if that was a misunderstanding. Most likely it was not, so what a great pity!!! Trust has been lost and trust grows very slowly over the years. Indeed over five years. And now it has been lost for just a stupid ego issue. A good friendship before. What a great pity!!!!

Fri 20100528
* My dearest prayer for Mxxx. Pxxx was upset the other day when he saw some of the tests. May we be with her, may You be with her.

Take Lord and receive,
all my liberty, my memory,
my understanding and all my will.
All what I have and what I am.
You gave it to me, I return it to You.
All is Yours.
Arrange everything at Your own will.
Give me your love and grace for
that's all I need.

* Give me, my dearest Lord, the choice of happiness. May you inspire me daily very concrete choices to be happy. Let me really believe that it is indeed my choice. Let me take control over my life and choose hapiness.

Mon 20100531
* My prayer for Mxxx. May You be with her through all of us. My prayer for Ixxx. Trying to find his own place.
* Thank you for the general assembly of my jesuit group. Well prepared and managed. A great gift. This jesuit group is the law of the maximun effort. Thank you for that little walk around the El Escorial monastery.
* May You give me the gift of finding good choices to prioritize my time to achieve happiness. May I not feel enclosed in time. May I make the right daily choice not to feel enclosed in time and be happy.

* Dxxx told me a few weeks ago that he called Lxxx's mother. She told him that she was worried for the homosexuality of her son until she met him.

Spiritual Sharing April 2010

Mon 20100405
* I spent the Easter celebration days with my parents, my brother and his wife and their children. I also went to the Easter services. Maybe this was not the most spiritual Easter. However, I had a great time with the whole family. I could spend plenty of time with my nephew and niece. I could sleep very well and rest (that's something I needed). I exchanged a lot of sms messages these days. Some of them indeed very moving.
* Enjoying the simple presence, helping out mum and my sister in law with house tasks, my brother with repairs and improvements in the house. Going for a walk with dad, the children, my sister in law. Thinking that if I were married, my life would be something like this. An exercise of presence and domestic tasks. I enjoyed it very much. I could also sleep very well the day previous to getting back to work.
* Thank you for the message from Lxxx in my way to this village on the train. It was very moving and unexpected. May the will of my dearest Lord be accomplished. In his hands it is my destiny.
Tue 20100406
* Yesterday, I finished the day very tired. I felt somehow discouraged. This morning I felt the same way. There are many things which psicologically oppress me. They should not. I need ti get things done.
* My prayer for Hxxx. He is between death and life in Canada. He was at home last summer. He enjoyed very much being with me. I hope he enjoyed it.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His love has no end.
¿Qué viste de camino, María, en la mañana? A mi Señor glorioso, sudarios y mortaja: ¡resucitó de veras mi amor y mi esperanza!
What did you see this morning, Maria, through the way? I sawmy glorious Lord, sudaries and death wrappings. Hope indeed ofIndeed my love was risen

Wed 20100407
* May the Risen from the dead walk beside us following our own particular way. May He make our hearts burn as those of the disciples of Emaus as they heard what is said about You in the scriptures. May You break the bread for us. May we recognize You.

Thu 20100408
* Que el Resucitado camine a tu lado y haga arder tu corazón como a los discípulos de Emaús. Para que te conceda el regalo de reconocerle.
* My prayer for Hxxx. He is about to die. He was at my home last summer for more than a month. He is now in Canada. May he join you promptly if that is Your will.

Fri 20100409
* What a great surprise and happiness to find Lxxx, yesterday evening! Willing so much to hug him.
* My dearest and most tender prayer for Hxxx. He passed away yesterday. I was not very affected. Maybe, I have too many things to do. Mum was more affected than me. A strange and peculiar person. Extraordinary in many senses. Difficult to share life with, for his own rithms. I had a good experience with him last summer. I will no longer see him but I hope that he is with You, my dearest Lord.

¡Echa las redes mar adentro, hombre de fe,
y pescarás una multitud copiosa de almas!

Throw deep nets within the sea, faithful man, and you will catch a great multitude of fish.

Mon 20100412
* My dearest prayer for Mxxx Exxx. She told me that she is getting sadder after the death of her mother. Keeping very busy. Now even busier. May she recover from the absence of Ixxx.
* Thank you for the wonderful concert on Friday. The presence os dad and my aunt. Thank you for the picnic in Cercedilla in Saturday morning with Dxxx and Lxxx; also for the presence of Axxx.
* You made my heart burn on Sunday. Preparing a simple warming up prayer for the meeting of the board of directors of CRISMHOM.

Tue 20100413
* Feeling a little discouraged today. Oppressed by work, by things.
* Feeling that the best decision is taken when one feels good and not oppressed.

Wed 20100414
* Busy with CRISMHOM, it seems that it is taking more time than usual.
* My prayer for Jxxx and Mxxx Exxx. May they find your company.

Good morning, missionary of happiness, of love and hope! A burst of light is the day, a great gift for you from the great Father.

¡Buenos días, misionero de la alegría, de la esperanza y el amor! El día es un estallido de luz, un gran regalo del Padre para ti.

See Your loyalty it's great,
See Your loyalty it's uncomparable.
Noone's as You are, my dearest God.
Great I behold Your loyalty!

Tu fidelidad es grande,
Tu fidelidad incomparable es.
Nadie como Tú, bendito Dios.
¡Grande es tu fidelidad!

Thu 20100415

El que viene del cielo está por encima de todos. De lo que ha visto y oído da testimonio y nadie lo acepta. El que acepta su testimonio certifica la veracidad de Dios. El que Dios envió habla las palabras de Dios porque no da el Espíritu con medida.

* To do things well done, let me convey Your spirit without meassure. To talk the words and have the thoughts You inspire me, I cannot but convey Your Spirit without meassure.

¡Dichoso tú, Axxx, que has sido agraciado por Aquel que te ha dado un espíritu sin medida!

Happy you, Axxx, for you have been gifted by That very One who has given you an unmesurable spirit!

Fri 20100416
* My tender prayer for Jxxx, our current president from CRISMHOM. People want to know about him, how is he doing. They want to enrich their prayer with common daily knowings about him.
* For Jxxx, the husband of Mxxx Axxx. I met him during the Easter retreat in 2009. He suffered a few days ago, a very severe heart attack. He's strong, but now between life and death.
* For my dear most strange Canadian friend, Hxxx. He passed away a week ago. Be with them all, especially with their families.

Sat 20100417
Ninguno de nosotros vive para sí mismo y ninguno de muere para sí mismo. Si vivimos, vivimos para el Señor; si morimos, morimos para el Señor; en la vida y en la muerte somos del Señor. Para esto murió y resucitó Cristo: para ser Señor de vivos y muertos.

Noone of us live for oneself and noone dies for oneself. If we live, we live for the Lord; if we die, we die for the Lord; in life and death we belong to the Lord. That's why Jesus died and rose up: to be Lord of life and death.

Sun 20100418
* Now I feel peaceful. Ordinary life. Nothing really special. Yesterday night I felt a little strange. I need to give plenty of time to those feelings which after 39 years have not been the center of attention of my life and now start to be. Willing to share my life with someone else. I don't feel very attatched to my job. Impossible relationships.
* Thank you for this trip to Cáceres. Wonderful city, old city, Jxxx and Lxxx showed it to me, especially Lxxx. I met the family of Lxxx, one brother, one sister and their partners. Both families pregnant, so enthusiasted with having their babies. We saw an ecography of Sxxx. Wonderful welcome from their parents, feeling at home. Spending the evening with some of Lxxx's parish friends. Nice people. Most of them with little children. Great moments.
* What are you plans for me, my dearest Lord?
* Feeling a little hangovered in the train on my way back to Madrid. Nice scenery, everything green. This year might be exceptional; its' rained so much. Sometimes thinking that It would be better to stop doing these trips.
* Let me find my own way, the path You inspire me. I'm not sure this is the path I wanted to follow. At least, let it be Yours.
* I thought that we would not prepare that prayer I wanted to organise for Friday night. Only inspired songs, short sentences. I was very pleased for in the end Lxxx prepared it with me. He was quick on learning those songs that make me feel so close to You. Loosing my breath when trying to sing them. Ixxx trying to follow her own scheme of morning prayer :-) ... I enjoyed this prayer very much.
* Contradictory feelings. Feeling hangovered by leaving and so much willing to keep distance by arriving. Short trip. Busy working. Looking at the nice view from the window of the train. Continue working. Contradictory feelings, ups and downs. Sometime all these feelings will stablilize. May all do in Your presence.

Mon 20100419
* My prayer for Jxxx. His cancer treatment started a few days ago. May he feel supported and in company of people.
* My prayer for Jxxx, the husband of Mxxx Axxx. Fighting between life and death.

See Your loyalty it's great,
See Your loyalty it's uncomparable.
Noone's as You are, my dearest God.
Great I behold Your loyalty!

Tu fidelidad es grande,
Tu fidelidad incomparable es.
Nadie como Tú, bendito Dios.
¡Grande es tu fidelidad!

Then he said to him a third time, "Simon, son od John, do you love me?". Peter was upset that he asked him the third time. He said to him: "You know everything; you know I love you". Jesus said: "feed my sheep".

Fri 20100423
* I can hardly stand myself today. Yesterday, it was not very different. Ups and downs, clear and unclear, low and high, mountain and valley; my dearest Lord, I can hardly stand myself. Changes of mood, too busy perhaps.
* I saw Mxxx yesterday. She had a good aspect. My prayer for her and also for Mxxx Exxx. She is nervious and tense for her son. Going through some difficulties. My the presence of my dearest be with them.

Sat 20100424
* I did not sleep well last night. I arrived at the retreat frustrated, late and tired. Today I feel imprisoned. Without many alternatives, willing so much to disappear, get out, be alone. Fortunately, I won't be alone and I will have to stand being with the other people. That's good, although I might prefer being alone.
* My prayer for Jxxx. Why should I complain so much.

Mon 20100426
* I'm a fool, a fool of God. Yesterday, I couldn't sleep. I will not have what I wanted. I've lost him. I'm stupid perhaps. Maybe I'm too loyal, too cautious not to hurt. My competitors do not act like me. They are quicker. Maybe pure goodness is not attractive. I don't belong to this world. It seems to me that I will loose all my opportunities.
* Take care, my dearest Lord, of Dxxx and Mxxx. They are sad, they are devastated. May they accept the situation without resentment. May their hearts be cured and restablished. May I do the same thing, though my pain is so small compared to theirs. And still, it is so big, how big can theirs be? I can hardly imagine it. May my way to get out of this situation be to take care of them.

Tue 20100427
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for I could sleep last night. Today I feel better. More stable, quieter. Assuming my role in this situation: take care of everyone. People would love me, but they would not fall in love with me. Let me get out of the center of attention, I'm out of the scene. I can just take care. Maybe, this is my liferole.

Tomad Señor y recibid,
toda mi libertad, mi memoria,
mi entendimiento y toda mi voluntad.
Todo mi haber y mi poseer.
Vos me lo dísteis, a Vos Señor lo torno.
Todo es vuestro.
Disponed de todo a vuestra voluntad.
Dadme vuestro amor y gracia,
que esta me basta.

Take Lord and receive,
all my liberty, my memory,
my understanding and all my will.
All what I have and what I am.
You gave it to me, I return it to You.
All is Yours.
Arrage everything at Your own will.
Give me your love and grace that
that's all I need.

Thu 20100429
* Intense days. Schrinked heart, lots of prayer. Praying mainly for others. Taking care of them. You take care of me. Difficult week for some of my most loved. I'm there too, but somehow out of the scene. I wish I were in, but I'm not. You led me not to be in. I can just take care. There is nothing left for me but just knowing that I do your will.
* Sending many SMS messages. They are the means to make your presence.

Tu eres mi Dios y en tus manos está mi destino. Con esta frase me felicitabas por mi cumple. Tenla presente estos días. Es de oro, como el que la escribió.

You are my God and my destiny is in your hands. With this sentence you wished me happy birthday. Have it well in mind these days. It is made of gold as the one who wrote it.

Quería decir algo, pero me he quedado sin palabras. Sólo una voz de aliento silenciosa con todo el cariño.

I wanted to say something, but I've run out of words. Only a silent supporting voice with all my love.

Hallowed be your name. May your will be done. Give us strength to go forward. Teach us how to forgive as you forgives us.

Gracias por estar ahí. Le pido a Dios que no tenga rencor a nadie, que pueda perdonar y que me dé su amor. Dame fuerzas, Señor, para ver que tú estás en mi vida y que eso es bueno para mí.

Llevararán en brazos a sus criaturas y sobre sus rodillas los acariciarán y en Jerusalén seréis consolados.

Como un joven se casa con su novia, así te desposa el que te creó.

Doy gracias a Dios por todo el bien que me ha hecho. Espero en Él y volveré a alabarlo. Sé que Dios está detrás de todo esto y será bueno para nosotros.

Las aguas torrenciales no podrán apagar el amor.

Muchas gracias por tu palabra. Del Señor me he fiado, en Él confiaré, juntaré mis manos y le invocaré.

Porque dije: "tu misericordia es un edificio eterno, no abandones la obra de tus manos". Gracias por estar ahí.

Spiritual Sharing March 2010

Mon 20100301
* Today it is my brother's birthday. My prayer for him. May he enjoy a wonderful day with his family.
* I had a hard time in Saturday mass. Missing love, I sat in a little corner. I enjoyed the mass and meeting the new people afterwards. I didn't sleep well on Saturday night. Saturday morning was also difficult, reading some german to keep my mind busy. Thank you, for I was fine in the evening. I was not alone. Thank you for the presence of some people from CRISMHOM that afternoon and evening. This morning I woke up fine. Thank you very much.
Wed 20100303
* May hapiness invade us. May intense laughting be contageous and make us give our life, an amusing, funny and spicy tone.
"Que la alegría nos invada y no nos abandone. Que la risa nos contagie y nos haga dar un tono divertido, picante y pijotante a nuestra vida"
"You are my God. My destiny is in your hands. Good morning. Happy birthday. Keep living in God".
"Tu eres mi Dios. En tus manos está mi destino. Buenos días. Muchas felicidades. Sigue viviendo en el Señor".
Thu 20100304
Ayúdame a hacer silencio, Señor,
quiero escuchar tu voz.
Toma mi mano, guíame al desierto,
que nos encontremos a solas, Tú y yo.
Necesito sentirte dentro de mí,
me hace falta la calidez de tu voz,
caminar juntos ...
Callar para que hables Tú.
Help me, my Lord, to raise silence.
I want to listen your voice.
Take my hand, lead me to the wilderness,
may we encounter each other: You and me.
I need to feel You well within me,
I need the warmth of your voice,
walk together ...
Be quiet to let You speak.
Mon 20100308
* Thank you very much for my birthday celebration on Saturday (family) and Sunday (friends). On Sunday it started at 8.30 and finished 12 hours later. People were coming home. I really could enjoy the time peacefully with people (there was no massification at all). Thank you for the presence of Rxxx and Pxxx and their anouncement of wedding. Thank you for the SMS from Lxxx. At the end of day we celebrated a wonderful mass with Rxxx. That was a great blessing at the end of day.
* Last weekend, I could not even imagine to have celebrated my birth this way. This was the effort I did, inspired and supported by my dearest Lord, not to allow me to be sad, to overcome the temptation of allowing me to be sad, sometimes for no reasonable reason.
Thu 20100311
* Inspired from Luke 15, 20:
Being you still far, the Father saw you approaching and full of compassion He ran into you, He hugged you tightly and kissed you tenderly.
"Estando aún tú lejos, te vio llegar el Padre y lleno de compasión se avalanzó corriendo sobre ti, te abrazó fuertemente y te cubrió de besos".
"You are my God. My destiny is in Your hands".
"Tú eres mi Dios. En tus manos está mi destino".
Sun 20100314
* Thank you so much for this weekend in Paris. It's been three years since the last time. I was so happy to spend the whole afternoon with Axxx, my best friend. Also with Exxx, a little shorter. The conversation with père Fxxx, the mass on Sunday morning, the walk around Sceaux park.
* Thank you for the unexpected sms from Lxxx. I was hoping the retreat and the talk by Jxxx went well.
Tue 20100323
* When the exercises finished, Pxxx Exxx, one of the coordinators of the CCB of my jesuit community told me that perhaps one simple thing I could do to improve my situation at work was simply to go to the gym once a week with the rest of the people and at least eat with them. This was not a bad recommendation.
* Yesterday I went with mum and dad to choose a gift for Axxx (she is a mwmber of our group who is leaving this week). I wanted to get involved in this to say goodbye to her and in the effort to get closer to the people in my work.
* My prayer and thanks for Jxxx Lxxx. He called me after receiving my email. We both are very busy in the past couple of months. I did not find him in a very good shape either.
Fri 20100326
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, His glory invades all the earth. Blessed be the one who comes in his name, who transmits His messages, the one who does not leave any doubt that it is SOMEONE else.
Santo es el Señor, su gloria invade toda la tierra. Bendito el que viene en su nombre, el que transcribe sus mensajes, el que no deja duda de que se trata de OTRO.

Spiritual Sharing February 2010

Tue 20100202
* A great thank you for dad felt better this past weekend.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for the past weekend. For the dinner of Friday, the lunch on Saturday. About how we enjoyed our mutual presence. A weekend to remember, especially that very dinner.
* I could even work on Sunday, have a chocolate with some wonderful people in the evening. Thank you so much.
* About the message I sent to my dearest Dxxx and Lxxx. May your will be done, your paths acomplished, for you are my dearest Lord and I trust You. My prayer also for them:
I do not want to get far from you,
where you will go, I will go,
where you will dwell I want to dwell too.
No quiero alejarme de ti
donde tú vayas yo iré,
donde tú habites yo quiero habitar.
Thu 20100204
* Missing these days the little family from Tenerife. My prayer for Dxxx and Lxxx. May they reach a whole common shared life, if that's their hapiness and your will.
* May we know the shortness of our life, that we may gaim wisdom of heart. May I loose no opportunity to express my love to my parents and friends.
Fri 20100205
About family
Husband with wife, wife with wife, husband with husband. Father and mother, mother and mother, father and father, mother alone, only a father, uncle fathers, mother aunts, grandmother mother, father grand father, friend brother and father, mother friend and sister. "For any who does the will of my heavenly Father, that one is my brother, and my sister and my mother".
Sobre la familia
Esposo con esposa, esposa con esposa, esposo con esposo. Madre y padre, madre y madre, padre y padre, madre sola, un padre sólo, tíos padres, madres tías, abuela madre y padre abuelo, amigo hermano y padre, madre amiga y hermana. “Porque cualquiera que hace la voluntad de mi Padre que está en los cielos, ese es mi hermano y mi hermana y mi madre”.
Mon 20100208
* A blessing on the man who puts his trust in the Lord, in Him his hope. He is like a tree by the waterside that thrusts its roots to the stream; when the heat comes, it feels no alarm, its foliage stays green; it has no worries in a year of drought, and never ceases to bear fruit.
Tue 20100209
* Thank you very much for yesterday call from Lxxx. He has not received any of the sms messages that I sent him via the iPod.
Psalm 1
Happy indeed is the person
who follows not the counsel of the wicked;
nor lingers in the way of sinners
nor sits in the company of scorners,
but whose delight is the law of the Lord
and who ponders his law day and night.
This person is like a tree that is planted
beside the flowing waters,
that yields its fruit in due season
and whose leaves shall never fade;
and that she does shall prosper.
Wed 20100210
* Happy are those who don't have what they would have wanted, when they would have wanted and the way they would have wanted, for the dearest Lord would give them what they truely need.
Felices los que no tienen lo que hubieran querido, cuando lo hubieran querido, como lo hubieran querido; porque el Dios amor les regalará lo que de verdad necesitan.
Thu 20100211
¡Que ame este día los seres!, ¡que ame este día la luz!
La noche no interrumpe el tiempo de salvación.
May this day love all beings! May this day love the light!
Night does not interrupt the time of salvation.
Felices los que hasta hoy, buscando con tesón, siguen teniendo hambre, porque el Dios amor, el Padre perpetuo, el Príncipe de la paz les satisfacerá.
Happy those who up to now, searching vividly, continue being hungry,
for the loving God, the almighty Father, the Prince of peace will sayisfy them.
Tue 20100216
* Psalm 90
Be with me, O Lord, in my distress
He, who dwells in the shelter of the most High,
and abides in the shade of the Almighty
says to the Lord: "my refuge,
my stronghold, my God in whom I trust!"
Happy those who don't have what they would have wanted, when they would have wanted and the way they would have wanted; for the loving God, the almighty Father, the Prince of peace shall give them what they truely need.
Wed 20100217
* Today it is Ash Wednesday.
Mathew 6, 1-6
When you pray, do not pray like the hypocrites, who so much like praying standing in the synagoges and the corners of the squares, to be seen by people. I assure you that they have already received their compensation. When you go praying, enter in your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in the hidden, and your Father, who sees the hidden, will compensate you.
Thu 20100218
* My prayer for the mother of Mxxx Exxx, the father of Jxxx Lxxx and dad too.
* For the little family of CRISMHOM, may my dearest Lord abide well within.
* I continue thinking that my way of being inspires people to friendly love me, but not to feel pasionate about me. The more I show myself, the more I feel this happens.
* My prayer for my dearest Dxxx and Lxxx, inspire them words and actions, if that is your will and their happimess, to achieve a whole common shared life.
Fri 20100218
Be with me, O Lord, in my distress
the one, who dwells in the shelter of the most High,
and abides in the shade of the Almighty
says to the Lord: "my refuge,
my stronghold, my God in whom I trust!"
* You gave me a dwelling place in the shelter of the Most High. Thank you from this wonderful gift of Yours. Sometimes I feel lonely, trapped in time. Be my refuge, my stronghold; buy don't allow me to stick to you up to the point of getting out of this world of people. Don't allow me not to continue trying. Don't allow me to give up.
Mon 20100222
* Thank you very much for the party last Friday. I was not sure to go but in the end I did. It was good to go. I even prepared something cooked by me. I felt well and enjoyed the presence of the people. I was not heart hangovered the following day and slept very well. I'm happy to have overtaken, after more than a year, my difficulties to see and meet that very one who once I was in love with and now he is one more out of many.
Tue 20100223
* When you pray, don't use many words, for your heavenly Father knows well what you need.
* May I pray without words, my dearest Lord. May I pray without them, though through a beating living heart. Today, my dearest Lord, I don't quite have words to pray with.
Thu 20100225
* Mathew 7, 7-12
Jesus said to his disciples: "Ask, and you'll receive, search and you'll find, call and you'll be opened; for those who ask receive, those who search find and those who call get opened".
* Teach me, my dearest Lord to ask for the right things. Teach me, my dearest Lord, to search for the right things and people, to call at the right places, fall in love with the right person, find my right working place. I keep asking, searching and calling. Getting the unexpected, finding what needed but not searched, running across and finding open the places where I did not necesarily call. Let me just keep asking, searching and calling.
* I had dinner with mum and dad. It was dad's birthday.
* I uploaded the paper in the arXiv database after a few trials. I finished the abridged version of this paper to send to a journal the following day. Thank God this was finally finished.

Spiritual Sharing January 2010

Tue 20100112
My intense prayer for my dearest Dxxx and Lxxx so that my dearest Lord inspires them to reach a common daily life.

Sat 20100116
* My prayer for my dearest Dxxx and Lxxx so that they may achieve, if that is your will, a whole common shared life. I wish the best of happiness for both. However I am not sure that it may be possible. May your presence be among them. Let me do what is best for them.
* Let me enjoy the days we have shared together in Tenerife. They were wonderful, full of love and service to each other. We have really enjoyed from each other.
* Thank you for the vision of Dxxx and Lxxx, coming back from Caceres to go to the funeral of Christian's mother. This action moved me so much. They hardly know him, but the way they live the fraternity made both of them not to have any dought about going to this funeral. I was marvelled with the contemplation of this picture.
* I usually don't prepare Christmas. There are a lot of distractions, gifts and things that uncover the presence of the baby Jesus. This is the first time in which I really felt that this very baby was being born within my heart. It was not out of my preparation or effort. It was simply a gift from my dearest Lord. In the morning of December 24th I was so distressed. I felt horribly bad and depressed. This very feeling could not be justified with reasons. There was no clear or objective reason why I could be feeling so bad. However, after the Mass at the jesuit community I was feeling well. The rest of day with family was great.

Mon 20100118
* About the conversation I had with Jxxx Lxxx. It was good to talk to him. I got rather clarified about the best thing to do in connection with my dearest Dxxx and Lxxx. He is very right, I'm in a delicate position. My dearest prayer for your will to be done so that they may find full hapiness.

* My prayer for the catastroph in Haiti. For all this poor people. The school that was just inagurated in Puerto Principe by AC has collapsed with 300 children in it, teachers and other personnel. They all died. My prayer for them and for those who stay now there. This situation is difficult to understand from a faith point of view. May my dearest Lord move our hearts so that we may help them.

* Isaiah 62,1-5:
"Like a young man marrying a virgin,
so will the one who built you, wed you,
and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride,
so will your God rejoice in you".

Tue 20100118
* Psalm 18
Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life.
The law of the Lord is perfect,
it revives the soul.
The rules of the Lord is to be trusted,
it gives wisdom to the simple.

The precepts of the Lord are right,
they gladden the heart.
The command of the Lord is clear,
it gives light to the eyes.

The fear of the Lord is holy
abiding for ever.
The decrees of the Lord are truth
and all of them just.

May the spoken words of my mouth,
the thoughts of my heart,
win favour in your sight, O Lord,
my rescuer, my rock.

* My tender prayer for my dearest Dxxx and Lxxx. May they find the correct words, gestures and actions to reach, if that's their hapiness and your will, a whole common shared life.
* My prayer for the people in Haiti. This situation is horrible. I will do another transfer today. May hope overflow sadness and despair.

Wed 20100120
* If one part of the body is hurt, all parts are hurt with it. If one part is given special honour, all parts enjoy it.
* My prayer for Ixxx. I think he feels lonely.

Thu 20100121
* Today I feel that these words are said to me and to some others I want to share with:

"The spirit of the Lord has been given to me,
for he has annointed me. He has sent me to bring the Good News to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord's year of favour".

* About little mesages sent to people I love: "When one part suffers, the whole body suffers with it. If great honor is given to one part, all the rest greatly enjoy".

* May I search you, my dearest Lord:
I search you in the morning,
fact of concrete light,
of space pure and sunrisen ground.

De mañana te busco,
hecho de luz concreta,
de espacio puro y tierra amanecida

* About not forgetting the moments of encountering you.

Porque, Señor, yo te he visto
y quiero volverte a ver,
quiero creer.
Te vi, sí, cuando era niño
y en agua me bauticé,
y, limpio de culpa vieja,
sin velos te pude ver.
Devuélveme aquellas puras
transparencias de aire fiel,
devuélveme aquellas niñas
de aquellos ojos de ayer.
Están mis ojos cansados
de tanto ver luz sin ver;
por la oscuridad del mundo,
voy como un ciego que ve.
Tú que diste vista al ciego
y a Nicodemo también,
filtra en mis secas pupilas
dos gotas frescas de fe.

Fri 20100122
* Alleluia, Alleluia!. The Lord has sent me to bring The Good News to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives. Alleluia!

* If one part is hurt, all parts are hurt with it. If one part is given special honor, all parts enjoy it. My tender prayer for the people in Haiti. My prayer for Jxxx Mxxx who left for Haiti to help there out.

Mon 20100125
* About a message received from You, my dearest Lord, and sent back. Willing very much to send it to somebody else but this one might not be the one that you chose.

Dearest xxx,

Mat 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field; which a man found, and hid back; and in his joy he went and sold all that he had, and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking goodly pearls: and having found one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

Good morning, my dearest pearl, treasure of mine. A big kiss.

Muy querido/a xxx:

Mat 13:44 El reino de los cielos es semejante a un tesoro escondido en el campo, que al encontrarlo un hombre, lo vuelve a esconder, y de alegría por ello, va, vende todo lo que tiene y compra aquel campo.

Mat 13:45 El reino de los cielos también es semejante a un mercader que busca perlas finas y al encontrar una perla de gran valor, fue y vendió todo lo que tenía y la compró.

Buenos días, perla mía y tesoro mío. Un beso muy fuerte.

Te envío para que les abras los ojos y se vuelvan de las tinieblas a la luz.

Tue 20100126
* A little message to my dearest Ixxx to give her strength to support her sister:

I, for my part, today will make you into a fortified city, a pillar of iron and a wall of bronze to comfort all this land.

Wed 20100127

Desnudo salí del vientre de mi madre y desnudo volveré a él. El Señor me lo dio, el Señor me lo quitó. Bendito sea.

Naked I came out of my mother's womb and naked will I return to it. The Lord gave it to me and the Lord took it out from me. Bless be the Lord.

Jeremiah 1, 4
I, for my part, today will make you
into a fortified city,
a pilar of iron,
and a wall of bronze
to confront all this land:
the kings of Judah, its princes,
its priests and the country people.
They will fight against you
but shall not overcome you,
for I am with you to deliver you.
It is the Lord who speaks.

* Thank you, my dearest Lord for the call I received yesterday from Lxxx and for the preparation of the activity for COGAM with Jxxx. I was the only one but it was worth the effort.
* I feel better at work. They count more on me. The last validation was very important and I finished it with great success. This was the very validation which brought me to the edge of depression on December 24th. I thank You, my dearest Lord, for you rescued me.

Fri 20100129
* Willing very much to see the people I invited to come home for dinner.
* I went with dad to a concert yesterday. Thank you very much for he feels better, for he could come with me to this concert (last year I would not have even dared think he could come with me). A great thanksgiving. May we all enjoy it.
* 1Co 13:13 in short, these are the three things that last: faith, hope anh love; and the greatest of these is love.

But now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love.

Yo, por mi parte, te convierto hoy en ciudad fortificada, un pilar de hierro y un muro de bronce para confrontar a toda la tierra.