Spiritual Sharing May 2010

Mon 20100503
* Intense days, full of your love and lacking my own wishes. I don't have what I would have wanted. You gave me something great instead. You taught me to understand it. That's perhaps what You wanted for me.
* Thank you Lord for brother Axxx. He is all goodness, all service and care for others, all faith and hug. In him, Father, I feel daily in Your own company.
* Gracias Señor por el hermano Axxx, que es todo bondad, entrega, cuidado, fe y abrazo. En él, Padre, me siento acompañado cada día por Ti.
* Thank you so much for your prayer. It is prayed with inmense love. Today I cannot doubt of your fraternal love and I achieve the peace.
* Muchas gracias por tu oración. Es de un cariño inmenso. Hoy ya no dudo de tu amor fraterno y alcanzo la paz.
Wed 20100505
* If you stay with me, and my words stay with you, ask what you want and it will go true. May You, my dearest Lord, inspire me what to ask.
Thu 20100506
* If we stay in his Love, love and happiness will stay with us. Thank you for staying in his Love, for being a witness of his happiness and peace.
* Si permanecemos en su Amor, con nosotros estarán el Amor y la alegría. Gracias por permanecer en su amor, por ser testigo de su alegría y de su paz.
* Happy you, Axxx, for you've seen the face of the Lord.
* Dichoso tú, Axxx, que has visto el rostro del Señor.
Fri 20100507
* If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my father will love him and we shall come to him and make our home with him. My word is not my own; it is the word of the one who sent me (...) Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you.
There's nothing as beautiful
as what I never had.
Nothing as loved
as what I came to have lost.
No hay nada más bello
que lo que nunca he tenido.
Nada más amado
que lo que perdí
Mon 20100510
Come Divine Spirit, make your home among us. Cure and relieve those broken and wounded hearts. Give us your PEACE.
Ven Espíritu Divino, haz morada entre nosotros. Consuela y cura los corazones rotos y heridos. Concédenos la PAZ.
If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my father will love him and we shall come to him and make our home with him.
When the Advocate comes, everything will be explained to us for we don't understand anything now. He will cure the wounded hearts and will show them what the Lord wants for them. Aleluya!
Cuando venga el Paráclito nos lo explicará todo. Porque ahora no entendemos nada. Él sanará los corazones heridos y les mostrará el camino que Dios quiere para ellos. ¡Aleluya!
Tue 20100511
* Aleluya, aleluya!! Come Holy Spirit onto Dxxx and Mxxx, fill their hearts with your peace and kinddle the fire of Your love. Aleluya!!
* Thank you for Lxxx's call.
Wed 20100512
Holy Father, I pray not only for these, but for those also who through their words will believe in me. May thry all be one. Father, may they be one in us, as you are in me and I am in you, so that the world may believe it was you who sent me. I have given them the glory you gave to me, that they may be one as we are one. With me in them and you in me, may they be so completely one, that the world will realize that it was you who sent me and that I have loved them as much as you have loved me.
Thu 20100513
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for I felt myself with a great peace after my first class of financial mathematics.
* My dearest prayer for dad. He has spent some good days but now he is getting bad again. May he enjoy the spiritual retreat this weekend.
* My prayer for Ixxx. I don't quite know about him but may he feel your care and presence.
* My dearest prayer for Jxxx and Lxxx. I guess I also need some distance from them. May Your love and peace be with them.
Father, I want that those You have given me, to be with me where I am. So that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and so that I may be in them.
Fri 20100514
Noone has greater love than the one who gives out his own life for his friends.
Nadie tiene amor más grande que el que da la vida por sus amigos.
Mon 20100517
¡Cuán manso y amoroso
recuerdas en mi seno,
cuán delicadamente me enamoras!
How peaceful and loving,
in my lap you remind me,
how delicately you make me love you!
Tue 20100518
¡Oh regalada llama, toque delicado que a vida eterna sabe!
May the Lord bless you with continuous signs of love. May She show her face of mother and you allow receiving her care. May the Lord flood you in peace and may you be her continuous carrier.
Que el Señor te bendiga con signos continuos de amor. Que te muestre su rostro de madre y te dejes cuidar. Que el Señor te inunde de paz y seas portador continuo de ella.
Heal our wounds, our strength renew. On our dryness pour thy dew. Wash the stains of guilt away.
Fri 20100521
Holy Spirit, Lord of light,
From the clear celestial height
thy pure beaming radiance give.
Come Thou, Father of the poor,
come with treasures which endure;
come Thou light of all that live!
Thou, of all consolers best,
Thou, yhe soul's delightful guest,
dost redreshing peace bestow;
Thou in toil art comfort sweet;
Pleasant coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of of woe.
Light inmortal, light divine,
visit thou these hearts of thine,
and our inmost being fill
Mon 20100524
* Thank you for the conversation with Dxxx yeaterday about hapiness. Also that little comment from Vxxx Piterbarg last week. Being in what this world considers the highest, he told me there's nothing new. I realized of him being tired, bored and perhaps unsatisfied. This is my own feeling. I don't need to be at the most high to realize of what I already know now. That's a lot of effort which is not worth to be to realize that I'm already at the same point.
* Hapiness is about enjoying what one already has. It is my choice to allow myself to enjoy the present and keep a clear direction towards the future. Let me choose acording to Your Spirit, allowing myself for some time to do what I need and what I want.
Tue 20100525
May you love this day all creatures,
may you unconditionally love the light;
may you love your enjoy and happiness,
may you love the love and love the cross.
Que ames a los seres este día,
que a todo trance ames la luz;
que ames tu gozo y alegría,
que ames el amor y ames la cruz.
* Let me know, my dearest Lord that I have the choice of hapiness. May you inspire me that choice. Very simple daily things build my choice of hapiness. My dearest Lord, may I choose well.
* Today Pxxx tried to take advantage of Exxx in the presentation of this greatest idea of Exxx in front of people from all departments. A great idea with big economic implications. Pxxx didn't support Exxx at all and now he wanted to do the presentation in front of everyone. People did not allow him and the protagonism was given back to his owner, Exxx. It is a great pity that this happens. Exxx has supported Pxxx in the past five years. He has been his right hand. Now the relation has significantly deteriorated. A great pity if that was a misunderstanding. Most likely it was not, so what a great pity!!! Trust has been lost and trust grows very slowly over the years. Indeed over five years. And now it has been lost for just a stupid ego issue. A good friendship before. What a great pity!!!!
Fri 20100528
* My dearest prayer for Mxxx. Pxxx was upset the other day when he saw some of the tests. May we be with her, may You be with her.
Take Lord and receive,
all my liberty, my memory,
my understanding and all my will.
All what I have and what I am.
You gave it to me, I return it to You.
All is Yours.
Arrange everything at Your own will.
Give me your love and grace for
that's all I need.
* Give me, my dearest Lord, the choice of happiness. May you inspire me daily very concrete choices to be happy. Let me really believe that it is indeed my choice. Let me take control over my life and choose hapiness.
Mon 20100531
* My prayer for Mxxx. May You be with her through all of us. My prayer for Ixxx. Trying to find his own place.
* Thank you for the general assembly of my jesuit group. Well prepared and managed. A great gift. This jesuit group is the law of the maximun effort. Thank you for that little walk around the El Escorial monastery.
* May You give me the gift of finding good choices to prioritize my time to achieve happiness. May I not feel enclosed in time. May I make the right daily choice not to feel enclosed in time and be happy.
* Dxxx told me a few weeks ago that he called Lxxx's mother. She told him that she was worried for the homosexuality of her son until she met him.
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