Spiritual Sharing February 2010

Tue 20100202
* A great thank you for dad felt better this past weekend.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for the past weekend. For the dinner of Friday, the lunch on Saturday. About how we enjoyed our mutual presence. A weekend to remember, especially that very dinner.
* I could even work on Sunday, have a chocolate with some wonderful people in the evening. Thank you so much.
* About the message I sent to my dearest Dxxx and Lxxx. May your will be done, your paths acomplished, for you are my dearest Lord and I trust You. My prayer also for them:
I do not want to get far from you,
where you will go, I will go,
where you will dwell I want to dwell too.
No quiero alejarme de ti
donde tú vayas yo iré,
donde tú habites yo quiero habitar.
Thu 20100204
* Missing these days the little family from Tenerife. My prayer for Dxxx and Lxxx. May they reach a whole common shared life, if that's their hapiness and your will.
* May we know the shortness of our life, that we may gaim wisdom of heart. May I loose no opportunity to express my love to my parents and friends.
Fri 20100205
About family
Husband with wife, wife with wife, husband with husband. Father and mother, mother and mother, father and father, mother alone, only a father, uncle fathers, mother aunts, grandmother mother, father grand father, friend brother and father, mother friend and sister. "For any who does the will of my heavenly Father, that one is my brother, and my sister and my mother".
Sobre la familia
Esposo con esposa, esposa con esposa, esposo con esposo. Madre y padre, madre y madre, padre y padre, madre sola, un padre sólo, tíos padres, madres tías, abuela madre y padre abuelo, amigo hermano y padre, madre amiga y hermana. “Porque cualquiera que hace la voluntad de mi Padre que está en los cielos, ese es mi hermano y mi hermana y mi madre”.
Mon 20100208
* A blessing on the man who puts his trust in the Lord, in Him his hope. He is like a tree by the waterside that thrusts its roots to the stream; when the heat comes, it feels no alarm, its foliage stays green; it has no worries in a year of drought, and never ceases to bear fruit.
Tue 20100209
* Thank you very much for yesterday call from Lxxx. He has not received any of the sms messages that I sent him via the iPod.
Psalm 1
Happy indeed is the person
who follows not the counsel of the wicked;
nor lingers in the way of sinners
nor sits in the company of scorners,
but whose delight is the law of the Lord
and who ponders his law day and night.
This person is like a tree that is planted
beside the flowing waters,
that yields its fruit in due season
and whose leaves shall never fade;
and that she does shall prosper.
Wed 20100210
* Happy are those who don't have what they would have wanted, when they would have wanted and the way they would have wanted, for the dearest Lord would give them what they truely need.
Felices los que no tienen lo que hubieran querido, cuando lo hubieran querido, como lo hubieran querido; porque el Dios amor les regalará lo que de verdad necesitan.
Thu 20100211
¡Que ame este día los seres!, ¡que ame este día la luz!
La noche no interrumpe el tiempo de salvación.
May this day love all beings! May this day love the light!
Night does not interrupt the time of salvation.
Felices los que hasta hoy, buscando con tesón, siguen teniendo hambre, porque el Dios amor, el Padre perpetuo, el Príncipe de la paz les satisfacerá.
Happy those who up to now, searching vividly, continue being hungry,
for the loving God, the almighty Father, the Prince of peace will sayisfy them.
Tue 20100216
* Psalm 90
Be with me, O Lord, in my distress
He, who dwells in the shelter of the most High,
and abides in the shade of the Almighty
says to the Lord: "my refuge,
my stronghold, my God in whom I trust!"
Happy those who don't have what they would have wanted, when they would have wanted and the way they would have wanted; for the loving God, the almighty Father, the Prince of peace shall give them what they truely need.
Wed 20100217
* Today it is Ash Wednesday.
Mathew 6, 1-6
When you pray, do not pray like the hypocrites, who so much like praying standing in the synagoges and the corners of the squares, to be seen by people. I assure you that they have already received their compensation. When you go praying, enter in your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in the hidden, and your Father, who sees the hidden, will compensate you.
Thu 20100218
* My prayer for the mother of Mxxx Exxx, the father of Jxxx Lxxx and dad too.
* For the little family of CRISMHOM, may my dearest Lord abide well within.
* I continue thinking that my way of being inspires people to friendly love me, but not to feel pasionate about me. The more I show myself, the more I feel this happens.
* My prayer for my dearest Dxxx and Lxxx, inspire them words and actions, if that is your will and their happimess, to achieve a whole common shared life.
Fri 20100218
Be with me, O Lord, in my distress
the one, who dwells in the shelter of the most High,
and abides in the shade of the Almighty
says to the Lord: "my refuge,
my stronghold, my God in whom I trust!"
* You gave me a dwelling place in the shelter of the Most High. Thank you from this wonderful gift of Yours. Sometimes I feel lonely, trapped in time. Be my refuge, my stronghold; buy don't allow me to stick to you up to the point of getting out of this world of people. Don't allow me not to continue trying. Don't allow me to give up.
Mon 20100222
* Thank you very much for the party last Friday. I was not sure to go but in the end I did. It was good to go. I even prepared something cooked by me. I felt well and enjoyed the presence of the people. I was not heart hangovered the following day and slept very well. I'm happy to have overtaken, after more than a year, my difficulties to see and meet that very one who once I was in love with and now he is one more out of many.
Tue 20100223
* When you pray, don't use many words, for your heavenly Father knows well what you need.
* May I pray without words, my dearest Lord. May I pray without them, though through a beating living heart. Today, my dearest Lord, I don't quite have words to pray with.
Thu 20100225
* Mathew 7, 7-12
Jesus said to his disciples: "Ask, and you'll receive, search and you'll find, call and you'll be opened; for those who ask receive, those who search find and those who call get opened".
* Teach me, my dearest Lord to ask for the right things. Teach me, my dearest Lord, to search for the right things and people, to call at the right places, fall in love with the right person, find my right working place. I keep asking, searching and calling. Getting the unexpected, finding what needed but not searched, running across and finding open the places where I did not necesarily call. Let me just keep asking, searching and calling.
* I had dinner with mum and dad. It was dad's birthday.
* I uploaded the paper in the arXiv database after a few trials. I finished the abridged version of this paper to send to a journal the following day. Thank God this was finally finished.
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