Spiritual Sharing April 2009

Fri 20090410
* Today it is Good Friday. Quite a few happenings. People I want to have especially present today.
* I was impressed to hear that Pxxx has lost her husband in a traffic accident. She was married a year ago and just had a baby a few months ago. Pxxx followed me leading the welcoming group of my jesuit community. One of the priests said in the celebration of the last supper that it had happened. I sent her yesterday a message. I will call her today. My most intense prayer for her. She is with you in the cross. I just want to be aside, watch and pray.
* My prayer for Pxxx. I saw him nervious. I don't know what is happening to him but he asked me to have him present in my prayer.
* My prayer for Mxxx, our 80 year old lady who is thinking of helping CRISMHOM. She had a problem with her knee and cannot move.
* My prayer for dad. He was weeping yesterday when mum called him. He is getting out of his medication and feeling quite depressed. I don't know what to do. I told mum that she is doing well to be here in the Easter celebration with me. She needs to charge her energies before getting back with dad.
* Today it is Good Friday, day of sorrows. These are not sinful sorrows, these are just things that happen in life. Give us a positive attitude to face them with hope. We all join our sorrows to walk and be beside You.
* Dolor, sentimiento y confusión, porque por mis pecados, va el SeÑor a la pasión.
Wed 20090415
* My prayer for dad. He was a little depressed the other day. I bring Pxxx to my memory and pray for her. She lost her husband very recently after having a baby.
* I pray vividly for Jxxx Uxxx. He will be operated the day after tomorrow. May You be well with him. He deserves your presence, though it is not a matter of merit. This operation can be risky. Three operations at a time, because the insurance would not pay for the three operations separately.
* I pray for Ixxx and Oxxx. Oxxx will not be attending CRISMHOM as he needs some time off.
* About how John recognized Jesus when he pointed out where to throuw the net to catch fish. John said: "He is the Lord". The beloved disciple was the first to recognize Jesus.
Fri 20090417
* My prayer for Jxxx Uxxx. He is operated today. May everything go well. May Jxxx recover his previous life, the joy of living (hopefully he has not lost it).
* About the two women friends of my mother. One with altheimer and the other with a problem in the eye (likely to loose vision). My dearest Lord, I pray for them.
* My prayer and thanksgiving for Pxxx (my cousin on my fathers side) from Robledillo. He has been detected a cancer of the linfatic system. At least, the first session of the treatment has gone well.
* My dearest Lord, it seems that I haven't better opportunity to value the health of the people around me and my own. This very gift that You give us and we don't value until we loose it.
* Thank you for meeting Rxxx. For now, he is helping me a lot to forget about xxx.
Mon 20090420
* A busy weekend. My prayer for the mother of Txxx, the priest from New York. He came yesterday night to Spain because she might be passing away. My prayer for dad, hoping that the new treatment can help him better.
* My very prayer for Jxxx Uxxx. After being operated last Thursday, I hope everthing went fine.
* Thank you very much for the birthday party with my old class mates at unversity. We only meet each other about four times a year. This was one of those. I really enjoyed it. I stayed overnight at the house. A little group continued the party after everybody had left. I was one of those. I slept there. I found myself very comfortable. There was nothing especial. Simply I felt like at home. I went to mass on Sunday morning and I liked it. Thank you very much for this party.
* About meeting my girls and Rxxx and Pxxx on Sunday. It's been a long time since we hadn't met. Very happy to have done so.
* Thank you for bringing Rxxx into my life. Maybe there will be nothing between us. However, he is helping me so much to forget xxx.
Mon 20090427
* Nice happenings over the weekend. Thank you very much for dad is starting to feel better after 15 months feeling badly. May he continue. He was changed a medical treatment and it seems that the new one is right. Thank you my dearest Lord to see dad feeling better.
Yo no soy el amor, pero Dios quiere amar a través de mí.
Yo no soy la Luz, pero mi vida se alimenta en la búsqueda de la verdad.
Yo no soy la Palabra, pero en mi silencio puede escucharse la voz del infinito.
Yo no soy la Santidad, pero en medio de mis imperfecciones se cultiva la flor más bella que pueda existir.
Yo no soy salvador de nadie, pero el salvador de todos quiere apoyarse en mí para seguir salvando.
Yo no sé muy bien quién soy, pero me basta con saber Alguien lo sabe y me lo va diciendo paso a paso.
A. López
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