Spiritual Sharing July 2008

Tue 20080701
* My prayer for Mxxx and Ixxx. I learned that Mxxx was not in his best moment at the mass on Saturday. He said a little comment. I asked a little more later. Too many activities, being everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I wrote him on Sunday trying to learn how to say to the weary a word that will rouse them. My prayer for Ixxx. May he be peaceful and progressing, finding his own way through life.
* I feel that I'm working too much. I don't organize myself well. I don't feel like going for a coffee with the rest of the people from my work. I prefer to continue working. Only getting my work done, releases my tension. Maybe, I should have seen with Sxxx the football game on Sunday. Rejecting the offer of Sxxx to go to the tango dance intensive course. I feel oppressed. At least this time, I trust me and I haven't lost my self-esteem.
* After going out with two people this year, I don't feel like trying again for now. Getting to know a lot better some people at my gay community. This was a good year. I should not leave this opportunity to get to know these people.
* About the telephone talk I had with Exxx yesterday. I told him that he was following a chain of not very good decisions. He listened to me, though I don't think he will change plans. My prayer for him, for I wish him all the best, but this time I don't think I will be supporting him as I did eight months ago.
* About Jesus asking his disciples who He is and Peter the only one answering "You are the Messiah, the living son of God". About Jesus telling Peter that noone in this world had told him that but his Father in Heaven. About those moments in which it is You who speaks and I listen.
Wed 20080709
* Spending six days in Barcelona attending a course. I went to mass in Catalan with my English missal, in order to understand. Thank you for the hospitality of Exxx and Exxx. My congratulations to them for their luck and success in their job change. Spending time with their 2-year-old Mxxx. About not doing much work these days, having some rest. I needed it.
* About the passed Sunday gospel Matthew 11,25-30. Such a meaningful text for me.
Jesus exclaimed: "I bless You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these tings from the learnt and the clever and revealing them to the simple. Yes, Father, for that is what it pleased You to do. Everything has been entrusted to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him".
Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.
* Let me take some rest. Let me not allow myself to be oppressed. I don't work well in that environment.
* About Mxxx feeling lonely. He took for granted that I would have sometime felt like that (lonely, lonely). I thank my Lord, for I don't think I have felt that lonely. Family, friends have been around. But especially, my dearest Lord has never allowed me to feel that lonely.
Thu 20080710
* About the birthday party of Lxxx. He celebrated at Jxxx's preparing a lot excellent food. Nice company of people. This kind of events were not organized last year. We are now enjoying the harvest of what was planted throughout the year.
* About the comment of Jxxx saying that he had phoned our president to take interest for how he was going. It was a short conversation but I liked the initiative of Jxxx to call him. These are the little details that make up a community.
* Now I realize of other people's love, I don't really know why, but probably a subtle way of thanking a progression of hidden work with no expectations of return for CRISMHOM. Not my work, but that of others too. This is indeed the message I feel called to transmit. This is not quite my message but that of my dearest Lord. I think that this message does not quite get through at my job (who knows, maybe I'm not the one to know about this). However, it seems to me that it does get through CRISMHOM.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for hiding who You are to those who occasionally consider themselves wise and learnt, and choosing the simple and humble to show who You indeed are. Thank you, for You wanted to reveal Yourself this way.
Mon 20080714
* Isaiah 55, 10-11
Thus says the Lord: "Yes, as the rain and the snow come down from the heavens and do not return without watering the earth, making it yield and giving growth to provide seed for the sewer and bread for the eating, so the word that goes from my mouth does not return to me empty, without carrying out my will and succeeding in what it was sent to do".
* Dad is feeling slightly better after not being able to move his arm. Something happened one night in which he woke up unable to move his arm. A bug biting him, an allergic reaction, we don't know. My prayer for him. May he find himself getting better.
* I'm trying to spend time reading some papers in relation with new developments connected to my work. A professor invited me to work with him for a week in Vienna. He wants to know about my work and willing to share what he is currently working on. He sent me some papers that I'm trying to read. I don't have time at work.
* About spending the whole afternoon and evening with my nephew and niece and the rest of the family. For the first time I did not have to go early but could stay the whole evening. I somehow wanted to go and spend some time studying those papers. However, I stayed. I did well, for one of my problems is prioritizing all my wishes. On one side I see that I cannot progress with my reading but on the other, I think I'm not missing something that I should not miss: spending time with the little ones of my family and my family itself.
Wed 20080716
* Romans 8, 26-27
The Spirit comes to help us in our weakness. For when we cannot choose words in order to pray properly, the Spirit himself expresses our plea in a way that could never be put into words, and God who knows everything in our hearts knows perfectly well what he means, and that the pleas of the saints expressed by the Spirit are according to the mind of God.
* Thinking of Sxxx and Exxx when reading this text. Especially thinking of Sxxx. There are times in life when one cannot pray. There is no word to say or perhaps no wish to say a word, or perhaps no good word to say. Moments in which we cannot choose words to pray properly. Bad luck, trying hard without success. Some whys being asked and not responded. May the Holy Spirit express without words those hidden pleas of those people loosing hope or patience. My dearest Lord, You know what is in our hearts. You know our weaknesses. May Your Holy Spirit formulate without words our pleas when we are unable to do it. Maybe we don't want to pray. May even in those cases hear that wordless plea of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and life. May prayer for Sxxx.
Mon 20080721
* Thank you my dearest Lord, for dad was better this week. He recovered the mobility of his arm and he is in a much better mood. Last weekend he was hopeless but this weekend he is a lot better.
* Thank you my dearest Lord, for Axxx is also better. He decided not to be alone and got out and met some people. I proposed him to come over and have dinner with me and some other friends and he rejected because he had already arranged plans.
* Matthew 13, 24-43:
"The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all the seeds but it was grown, it is the biggest shrub of all and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and shelter in its branches".
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