Spiritual Sharing December 2007

Mon 20071203
* This was an work intensive weekend for CRISMHOM. Papers and procedures to change the social address of this association. Trying to help out Axxx for this is unbearable on a single person. About Ixxx accepting the vicepresidency and Oxxx the vocal position of CRISMHOM. I thank they are available and appreciate their support.
* I ate with my parents on Sunday. I left just after eating. I had forgotten some papers for my mother and I didn't finish the papers I had to do. Finally I finished preparing the papers and gave these papers to my mother.
* Too many activities this weekend. I could not see the little Axxx. He was very busy too. On Sunday evening he got back home.
* About the Advent celebration on Saturday evening. I was preparing it with Jxxx Lxxx the same day my mother was taken to the hospital for a choking crisis. It was beautiful. I liked what Jxxx Lxxx had prepared. I enjoyed what I prepared at the celebration. A collection of texts that will be read throughout the Advent season. I preapred it quickly and hadn't much opportunity to enjoy it. My joy came at the celebration. Those moving simple messages.
* About the prayer Axxx did for Cxxx in the celebration. Of how Axxx told me that it was the action of the Holy Spirit. I was trying to explain him how my dearest Lord is. How the Holy Spirit needs us to transmit the message of the Good News. Now, he is explaining me how the Holy Spirit acts through us. He's now found his own example. The example in which it was the Lord Himself who told Axxx who He is. Axxx listened and experienced the joy of our dearest Lord.
* About an email I wrote Axxx the following day when I was at mass. I thought I would be with him but he didn't attend. I wrote him about this canddle he had dedicated to Cxxx the previous day, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Wed 20071205
* Asking people to write Christmas greetings for the Mission in Tiébissou and Bouaké in the Ivory Coast. About the hug Dxxx gave me the past Monday at the mass when giving the peace to each other. It was unexpected and the iniciative was not mine. It was Dxxx who offered me his hug of peace. About Exxx praying and remembering his son who passed away some years ago. She was the person who spoke the same day I spoke about sexual orientation and spirituality.
* About the email Dxxx wrote me from from San Francisco. Sharing some life experiences, dificulties, good things and a beautiful friendship.
* About the email I received from Axxx yesterday. It was the response of that I wrote him after the mass on Sunday. He acknowledged that the candle he had lit for Cxxx was not his own, but really inspired by the Holy Spirit. He's got his own example. I don't have to explain him how the Holy Spirit flows in favor of tolerance and love.
* About participating in this discussion table about reconciliating the homosexual reality with faith life and encountering process with the Lord.
Fri 20071207
Romans 15, 4-9:
"Everying that was written long ago in the scriptures was meant to teach us something about hope from the examples scripture gives of how people who did not give up were helped by God. And may he who helps us when we refuse to give up, help you all to be tolerant with each other, following the example of Christ Jesus , so that united in mind and voice you may give glory to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ".
Mon 20071210
* My parents and my aunt are under pressure. My grandmother is loosing her head and the relation of my aunt and her is not good. My aunt cannot live only for my grandmother and do what she wants at all times (that's what my grandmother wants probably without realizing). My parents eat with my them both every weekend (Saturday and Sunday). My niece is also coming during the weekend. My parents have a lot of load. I usually go one day for I also need some time for myself.
* My father suffered the same as my mother (the experience of choking and being unable to breath) this weekend.
* My dearest prayer for my aunt. May You inspire her the right action and word so that my grandmother realizes how much my aunt loves her. The right word so that my grandmother starts to value what she is doing for her. May You inspire me something to do or say or simply a moment to be present so that the situation can be smoothed.
* Thank you for being able to spend a whole afternoon and part of the evening at home. Studing german lying on bed. I could rest a lot. I thought I would fall asleep when studying german but I stayed well awake. However I could rest a lot.
* About the phone call I did to Axxx on Sunday evening. I went together with him and a friend of his the previous night. I liked being with them both. My heart was moved after that call. I told him about the situation at home, about a movie I wanted to recommend him that he had already seen: Sunday's light (a hard but good movie). There was an angel in that movie. One of those who do not return bad for bad. I felt identified with him.
* About Saturday evening spent with Axxx and Jxxx Lxxx. Jxxx Lxxx called me Saturday morning to organize something with Axxx so that he would not be alone. At first Axxx refused the plan for he had a lot to do. After two hours, he called me again to tell me that he was willing to come. We went and had a good time. My prayer for Axxx he is moving forward.
* About seeing the movie Sunday's light with my aunt on Sunday afternoon. She needed some time off. She enjoyed the movie and my company. We walked together a little after the movie.
Mon 20071217
* My parents are not from a health point of view in their best moment. There is a lot of noise now: my brother's wife is about to have a baby tomorrow, my brother is studying in the evenings in the university, my grandmother needs a lot of attention now. My parents take care of their grandchild and my grandmother during the weekends. I also try to help out but maybe it is still not enough.
* Last Thrusday I participated in a devate about homosexuality and religion. It was a good experience.
* About the comment Axxx did at the very end of out meeting at CRISMHOM. He mentioned that after the devate about homosexuality and religion. He had felt him very close to You, my dearest Lord.
* About spending the evening with Axxx on Sunday. We had a good time. Getting to now each other.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord for today Pablo is born among us. The little Pablo is well and so is his mother. This is to give many thanks. All the worries in August about the problems of pregnancy seem hopefully to be over now.
* May the God-with-us be among us these days and all the days of the year.
* Yesterday, I could hear my grandmother shouting to my aunt through the phone. I guess my aunt is used to this but I was not. May prayer for them both, especially for my aunt. May she find the most appropriate word and gesture to make my grandmother happy and peaceful.
Mon 20071231
* Weekend full of activities. About buying presents for everyone.
* It seems to me (I wish I were wrong) that Axxx would not call me during the three weeks of Christmas time. We are all busy, working during Christmas, spending time with the family. I bought for his birthday a little printed carving, now that he's decorating his sitting room. Let me be patient as he has been patient with me. May my dearest Lord be close and inspiring the appropriate gesture and word (at least on my side).
* About the breakfast with Dxxx on Sunday morning. I'm very happy to have seen him once more. About the mass with Axxx just after being with him.
* About Mxxx Lxxx inviting a group of us to her birthday celebration. I'm very happy for her for she has found a girlfriend.
Numbers 6, 22-27
"The Lord spoke to Moses and said, "say this to Aaron and his sons: This is how you are to bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them:
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord let his face shine on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace.
This is how they are to call down my name on the sons of Israel and I will bless them".
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