Spiritual Sharing June 2007

Mon 20070604
* About the christian gay encounter this past weekend. It was good. I liked it. It was well organized, nice celebrations and discussions. Good sharing. I think I have some spititual hangover this morning.
* About Exxx inviting me to take communion together in the last mass. About Jxxx, this person I liked very much. I think he didn't pay too much attention to me. There were moments in which I was drawing too much attention to him.
* I didn't join a group of people (Jxxx among them) because I thought I had to go to a meeting about the area of religious affairs. Now I think that I should have gone with this people. They proposed us to go for a drink to the city center at night. I would have like to have gone with them. We finihed very late after the workshop on Saturday and I went home. I think they finally went out and I should have gone with them.
* At least I had the opportunity to say goodbye.
Wed 20070606
* He abandoned his divine condition and became a simple one out of many.
* Thank you for the direction of Jxxx Lxxx. Thank you for his simplicity, for his advice.
* Thank you for the encounter of last weekend. It was very well organized, a very positive experience.
* Proberbs 8, 22-31:
The Lord created me when his purpose first unfolded,
before the oldest of his works.
From everlasting I was firmly set,
from the beginning, before earth came into being.
The deep was not when I was born,
there were no springs to gush with water.
Before the mountains were settled,
before the hills, I came to birth;
before he made the countryside,
or the first grains of the world's dust.
When he fixed he heavens firm, I was there,
when he drew a ring on the surface of the deep,
when he thickened the clouds above,
when he fixed fast the springs of the deep,
whn he assigned the sea its boundaries
(and the waters will not invade the shore)
when he laid down the foundations of the earth,
I was by his side, a master craftsman,
delighting him day after day,
ever at play in his presence,
at play everywhere in his world,
delighting to bewith the sons of men.
* Let me contemplate how my dearest Lord rejoices when he looks at me. As my mother when she looks at her grand daughter and she is smiling. Let me smile, so that my dearest Lord rejoices even more. May my dearest Lord find a place to stay, to continue looking; contemplating his creation. May his creation look back and realize that he is being lovingly observed, that his creator is looking and enjoying the picture. My creator is enjoying the picture even more because what He sees is vulnerable and needs help and consolation.
* He abandoned his divine condition and became a simple one out of many.
Thu 20070607
* Yesterday, I had a meeting with my collegues at work to talk about provisions. I felt that they are willing to listen to me. They welcomed my ideas. In the evening Pxxx asked me and I knew how to answer. Pxxx Pxxx suggested a good idea and it was accepted. I feel for the first time in several months that I'm not in a corner and that we can all work together. This fact might have been all this time true but I didn't realize or was unable to realize. Trust starts to be built amoung us.
* Thank you my dearest Lord for all these feelings. Thank you for I felt yesterday very peaceful.
* "I was by his side, a master craftsman, delighting him day after day, ever at play in his presence, at play everywhere in his world, delighting to be with he sons of men" (Proberbs 8,22-31).
Fri 20070608
* Psalm 8,4-9
When I see the heavens, the work of your hands,
the moon and the stars which you arranged,
what is man that you should keep him in mind,
mortal man that you care for him?
Yet you made him little less than a god;
with glory and honour you crowned him,
gave him power over the works of your hand,
put all things under his feet.
* What am I, that You keep me in mind?
Tue 20070612
* Romans 5,1-5:
We can boast about our sufferings. These sufferings bring patience, as we know, and patience brings hope, and this hope is not deceptive, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.
* Thank you for having the opportunity to be in Prague last weekend. Thank you for Ixxx's hospitality.
* May my dearest Lord make me patient. May this patience bring me perseverace. May this perseverance bring an increasing hope. May this hope not be deceptive, because it comes from You and not from me. Let this hope be present in every day life.
Thu 20070614
* My prayer for Ixxx and for Cxxx. I was asking for a desire pushing my hand against a cross on the side of Carlos' bridge in Prague. I thought of asking for a boyfriend but in the end my desire was that You were in my life.
* Thank you for the sincerity and openness of Ixxx. Each one of us struggling with our own problems. May the peace of my dearest Lord be with him.
* About Ixxx being the creature in which my dearest Lord delights when He is creating the world.
* John 6,57: "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood will live in me and I in him".
Mon 20070618
* About the little event of giving the Rainbow prize of CRISMHOM. It was a very simple thing. Everything was ready at the very last moment. There was a group of people that prepared different things. The two people who received the price were moved by our simple act. They said it explicitely. There was a little choir singing for us. Some people who usually don't come, came by. I think that they also liked it.
* About the confirmations in my jesuit group. Dad joined and we sat together. I was singing in the choir. A nice celebration. My prayer for all those who got confirmed.
* Having lunch with the family and watching a film afterwards. My grandmother was willing to go to her house. We were retaining her so that my aunt could spend the evening with us. My prayer for my aunt. She is bearing a big load taking care of my grandmother. Doing our best among all to get over the situation.
* About the dinner with my old mates from my school. It was very nice to see these people that I didn't see in almost twenty years. Meeting again Jxxx Pxxx. He's got four kids already. He looks pretty much the same as when we were at school.
* My prayer for Nxxxito, for the difficulties he is experiencing in his marriage. Going over them. Hugging him and filling our friendship with each other.
* Having contradictory feelings at work. On one side not willing to be the center of attention but on the other side, not being happy with that.
* I called Mxxx on Saturday afternoon to simply know how he was doing. It was a good idea to call, for he had been sick and so did his family. His uncle had passed away. Now, they were all well recovering.
Tue 20070619
* Yesterday it was our last conference of the accademic year at the jesuit group. In the homily of the mass there was a sharing moment. I shared my experience of unableness, limitation and lack of confidence. During the dark night, the moments of dificulty, we are likely to find no place to rest except Jesus Himself. I thanked for the experience of humbleness and tininess.
* Thank you for the presidents that had stayed for four years. Thank you for their availability.
* The time of passion is over, let me step towards next step.
Thu 20070621
* Thank you for the SMS message of Rxxx Axxx, encouraging me after my sharing at the mass of the jesuit group.
* Yesterday I started the day badly. I don't know how to avoid these feelings that come up to me. Feelings of not being considered at work of not finding my place.
* Romans 5,1-5
Más aún, hasta nos gloriamos en las tribulaciones, sabiendo que la tribulación produce constancia, la constancia, virtud probada, la virtud, esperanza, y la esperanza no defrauda, porque el amor de Dios ha sido derramado en nuestros corazones con el Espíritu Santo que se nos ha dado.
* Proberbs 8, 22-31:
Esto dice la sabiduría de Dios: El Señor me estableció al principio de sus tareas, antes de comenzar la tierra. Antes de los abismos fui engendrada, antes de los manantiales de las aguas.
Todavía no estaban aplomados los montes, antes de la montañas fui engendrada. No había hecho aún la tierra y la hierba, ni los primeros terrones del orbe. Cuando colocaba los cielos, allí estaba yo; cuando trazaba la bóveda sobre la faz del abismo; cuando sujetaba el cielo en la altura, y fijaba las fuentes abismales. Cuando ponía un límite al mar, y las aguas no traspasan su mandato;
cuando asentaba los cimientos de la tierra, yo estaba junto a él, como aprendiz; yo era su encanto cotidiano, todo el tiempo jugaba en su presencia: jugaba con la bola de la tierra, gozaba con los hijos de los hombres.
Mon 20070625
* On Saturday night I joined Sxxx, Exxx, Jxxx and Cxxx for a nice dinner together. They told us that they were going to marry on September 20th. Those were very good news. They were very enthusiastic about it. The rest of us were enthusiastic too. My prayer for them, for their wedding.
* My father was sick this weekend. He and my mother had two weedings. The first one in Madrid on Friday evening and the second one in s village two hours drive from Madrid on Saturday morning. My mother asked me to go with her to both weddings. I went with her. She had a great time. She appreciated a lot that I went with her.
* About singing in the choir in the wedding on Friday. There was something special about this singing, especially the "Salve Rociera".
* I liked to reencounter Gxxx, on the second wedding on Saturday. I would not have recognized him after so many years. It was him to came to me and said hello.
* Playing with my niece on Sunday afternoon after having lunch all the family except my parents. Nice simple moments.
* I missed the last CRISMHOM meeting on Saturday evening. Axxx told me that it was very tense. Jxxx Lxxx told me that I would have had a bad time if I had been there (I was not).
* Taking to Exxx on Sunday night. It was very helpful for me to talk to him. Thank you for his friendship.
Wed 20070627
* Feeling peaceful for the first time after some months struggling with the possibility of changing my job. Thank you for Exxx's advice. Maybe that the best option would be to move to the front office. Feeling progressively more clear about what I want, what I need. Feeling that I have nothing against the people leading my current group. It is simply about the orientation of the activity that does not satisfy me. Feeling that I can defend my position because I feel clear about it. Feeling that I can finish my paper without doing all that immense work I thought I had to do. Now I can progress and finish it.
* My dearest Lord, thank you for this clarity. Thank you for I feel very peaceful when I think about all this.
* About Jxxx Lxxx telling me that I should try to feel myself spontaneous and with freedom to express my emotions to the people I feel like doing it.
Fri 20070629
* I spent a good time with my aunt yesterday evening, before going to my grandmother's to have dinner. I feel a lot more peaceful about my job though the situation hasn't changed. I start to realize about the most obvious. I guess that I have been blind and blocked for some time. Let me start to build self confidence. Thank you once more for the conversation with Exxx. He provided a very objective view that was very helpful for me.
* Accepting the trip to Turkey with Jxxx Lxxx and his parish.
* Proverbs 8, 22-31:"Cuando ponía un límte al mar, y las aguas no traspasan su mandato; cuando asentaba los cimientos de la tierra, yo estaba junto a Él, como aprendiz; yo era su encanto cotidiano, todo el tiempo jugaba en su presencia: jugaba con la bola de la tierra, gozaba con los hijos de los hombres".
* About the christian gay encounter this past weekend. It was good. I liked it. It was well organized, nice celebrations and discussions. Good sharing. I think I have some spititual hangover this morning.
* About Exxx inviting me to take communion together in the last mass. About Jxxx, this person I liked very much. I think he didn't pay too much attention to me. There were moments in which I was drawing too much attention to him.
* I didn't join a group of people (Jxxx among them) because I thought I had to go to a meeting about the area of religious affairs. Now I think that I should have gone with this people. They proposed us to go for a drink to the city center at night. I would have like to have gone with them. We finihed very late after the workshop on Saturday and I went home. I think they finally went out and I should have gone with them.
* At least I had the opportunity to say goodbye.
Wed 20070606
* He abandoned his divine condition and became a simple one out of many.
* Thank you for the direction of Jxxx Lxxx. Thank you for his simplicity, for his advice.
* Thank you for the encounter of last weekend. It was very well organized, a very positive experience.
* Proberbs 8, 22-31:
The Lord created me when his purpose first unfolded,
before the oldest of his works.
From everlasting I was firmly set,
from the beginning, before earth came into being.
The deep was not when I was born,
there were no springs to gush with water.
Before the mountains were settled,
before the hills, I came to birth;
before he made the countryside,
or the first grains of the world's dust.
When he fixed he heavens firm, I was there,
when he drew a ring on the surface of the deep,
when he thickened the clouds above,
when he fixed fast the springs of the deep,
whn he assigned the sea its boundaries
(and the waters will not invade the shore)
when he laid down the foundations of the earth,
I was by his side, a master craftsman,
delighting him day after day,
ever at play in his presence,
at play everywhere in his world,
delighting to bewith the sons of men.
* Let me contemplate how my dearest Lord rejoices when he looks at me. As my mother when she looks at her grand daughter and she is smiling. Let me smile, so that my dearest Lord rejoices even more. May my dearest Lord find a place to stay, to continue looking; contemplating his creation. May his creation look back and realize that he is being lovingly observed, that his creator is looking and enjoying the picture. My creator is enjoying the picture even more because what He sees is vulnerable and needs help and consolation.
* He abandoned his divine condition and became a simple one out of many.
Thu 20070607
* Yesterday, I had a meeting with my collegues at work to talk about provisions. I felt that they are willing to listen to me. They welcomed my ideas. In the evening Pxxx asked me and I knew how to answer. Pxxx Pxxx suggested a good idea and it was accepted. I feel for the first time in several months that I'm not in a corner and that we can all work together. This fact might have been all this time true but I didn't realize or was unable to realize. Trust starts to be built amoung us.
* Thank you my dearest Lord for all these feelings. Thank you for I felt yesterday very peaceful.
* "I was by his side, a master craftsman, delighting him day after day, ever at play in his presence, at play everywhere in his world, delighting to be with he sons of men" (Proberbs 8,22-31).
Fri 20070608
* Psalm 8,4-9
When I see the heavens, the work of your hands,
the moon and the stars which you arranged,
what is man that you should keep him in mind,
mortal man that you care for him?
Yet you made him little less than a god;
with glory and honour you crowned him,
gave him power over the works of your hand,
put all things under his feet.
* What am I, that You keep me in mind?
Tue 20070612
* Romans 5,1-5:
We can boast about our sufferings. These sufferings bring patience, as we know, and patience brings hope, and this hope is not deceptive, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.
* Thank you for having the opportunity to be in Prague last weekend. Thank you for Ixxx's hospitality.
* May my dearest Lord make me patient. May this patience bring me perseverace. May this perseverance bring an increasing hope. May this hope not be deceptive, because it comes from You and not from me. Let this hope be present in every day life.
Thu 20070614
* My prayer for Ixxx and for Cxxx. I was asking for a desire pushing my hand against a cross on the side of Carlos' bridge in Prague. I thought of asking for a boyfriend but in the end my desire was that You were in my life.
* Thank you for the sincerity and openness of Ixxx. Each one of us struggling with our own problems. May the peace of my dearest Lord be with him.
* About Ixxx being the creature in which my dearest Lord delights when He is creating the world.
* John 6,57: "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood will live in me and I in him".
Mon 20070618
* About the little event of giving the Rainbow prize of CRISMHOM. It was a very simple thing. Everything was ready at the very last moment. There was a group of people that prepared different things. The two people who received the price were moved by our simple act. They said it explicitely. There was a little choir singing for us. Some people who usually don't come, came by. I think that they also liked it.
* About the confirmations in my jesuit group. Dad joined and we sat together. I was singing in the choir. A nice celebration. My prayer for all those who got confirmed.
* Having lunch with the family and watching a film afterwards. My grandmother was willing to go to her house. We were retaining her so that my aunt could spend the evening with us. My prayer for my aunt. She is bearing a big load taking care of my grandmother. Doing our best among all to get over the situation.
* About the dinner with my old mates from my school. It was very nice to see these people that I didn't see in almost twenty years. Meeting again Jxxx Pxxx. He's got four kids already. He looks pretty much the same as when we were at school.
* My prayer for Nxxxito, for the difficulties he is experiencing in his marriage. Going over them. Hugging him and filling our friendship with each other.
* Having contradictory feelings at work. On one side not willing to be the center of attention but on the other side, not being happy with that.
* I called Mxxx on Saturday afternoon to simply know how he was doing. It was a good idea to call, for he had been sick and so did his family. His uncle had passed away. Now, they were all well recovering.
Tue 20070619
* Yesterday it was our last conference of the accademic year at the jesuit group. In the homily of the mass there was a sharing moment. I shared my experience of unableness, limitation and lack of confidence. During the dark night, the moments of dificulty, we are likely to find no place to rest except Jesus Himself. I thanked for the experience of humbleness and tininess.
* Thank you for the presidents that had stayed for four years. Thank you for their availability.
* The time of passion is over, let me step towards next step.
Thu 20070621
* Thank you for the SMS message of Rxxx Axxx, encouraging me after my sharing at the mass of the jesuit group.
* Yesterday I started the day badly. I don't know how to avoid these feelings that come up to me. Feelings of not being considered at work of not finding my place.
* Romans 5,1-5
Más aún, hasta nos gloriamos en las tribulaciones, sabiendo que la tribulación produce constancia, la constancia, virtud probada, la virtud, esperanza, y la esperanza no defrauda, porque el amor de Dios ha sido derramado en nuestros corazones con el Espíritu Santo que se nos ha dado.
* Proberbs 8, 22-31:
Esto dice la sabiduría de Dios: El Señor me estableció al principio de sus tareas, antes de comenzar la tierra. Antes de los abismos fui engendrada, antes de los manantiales de las aguas.
Todavía no estaban aplomados los montes, antes de la montañas fui engendrada. No había hecho aún la tierra y la hierba, ni los primeros terrones del orbe. Cuando colocaba los cielos, allí estaba yo; cuando trazaba la bóveda sobre la faz del abismo; cuando sujetaba el cielo en la altura, y fijaba las fuentes abismales. Cuando ponía un límite al mar, y las aguas no traspasan su mandato;
cuando asentaba los cimientos de la tierra, yo estaba junto a él, como aprendiz; yo era su encanto cotidiano, todo el tiempo jugaba en su presencia: jugaba con la bola de la tierra, gozaba con los hijos de los hombres.
Mon 20070625
* On Saturday night I joined Sxxx, Exxx, Jxxx and Cxxx for a nice dinner together. They told us that they were going to marry on September 20th. Those were very good news. They were very enthusiastic about it. The rest of us were enthusiastic too. My prayer for them, for their wedding.
* My father was sick this weekend. He and my mother had two weedings. The first one in Madrid on Friday evening and the second one in s village two hours drive from Madrid on Saturday morning. My mother asked me to go with her to both weddings. I went with her. She had a great time. She appreciated a lot that I went with her.
* About singing in the choir in the wedding on Friday. There was something special about this singing, especially the "Salve Rociera".
* I liked to reencounter Gxxx, on the second wedding on Saturday. I would not have recognized him after so many years. It was him to came to me and said hello.
* Playing with my niece on Sunday afternoon after having lunch all the family except my parents. Nice simple moments.
* I missed the last CRISMHOM meeting on Saturday evening. Axxx told me that it was very tense. Jxxx Lxxx told me that I would have had a bad time if I had been there (I was not).
* Taking to Exxx on Sunday night. It was very helpful for me to talk to him. Thank you for his friendship.
Wed 20070627
* Feeling peaceful for the first time after some months struggling with the possibility of changing my job. Thank you for Exxx's advice. Maybe that the best option would be to move to the front office. Feeling progressively more clear about what I want, what I need. Feeling that I have nothing against the people leading my current group. It is simply about the orientation of the activity that does not satisfy me. Feeling that I can defend my position because I feel clear about it. Feeling that I can finish my paper without doing all that immense work I thought I had to do. Now I can progress and finish it.
* My dearest Lord, thank you for this clarity. Thank you for I feel very peaceful when I think about all this.
* About Jxxx Lxxx telling me that I should try to feel myself spontaneous and with freedom to express my emotions to the people I feel like doing it.
Fri 20070629
* I spent a good time with my aunt yesterday evening, before going to my grandmother's to have dinner. I feel a lot more peaceful about my job though the situation hasn't changed. I start to realize about the most obvious. I guess that I have been blind and blocked for some time. Let me start to build self confidence. Thank you once more for the conversation with Exxx. He provided a very objective view that was very helpful for me.
* Accepting the trip to Turkey with Jxxx Lxxx and his parish.
* Proverbs 8, 22-31:"Cuando ponía un límte al mar, y las aguas no traspasan su mandato; cuando asentaba los cimientos de la tierra, yo estaba junto a Él, como aprendiz; yo era su encanto cotidiano, todo el tiempo jugaba en su presencia: jugaba con la bola de la tierra, gozaba con los hijos de los hombres".
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