Spiritual Sharing September 2007

Mon 20070903
* About the party before the wedding of Sxxx and Exxx. It was simple, maybe a little unusual. Pxxx and Cxxx prepared something really simple but very good. We all enjoyed it very much, especially Sxxx and Exxx. The following day, we continued the party having breakfast together. Hoping and willing all the best to them. My prayer for Exxx during this week. She will tell her mother about the wedding.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for the sincerity of Axxx. He is not hiding anything from me. We had our second meeting and our level of communication is quite high.
* About watching the movie "The Good Name" with Axxx. He had a good time. About having dinner afterwards. He told me about this girl he's fallen in love with and departed to Germany. Enjoying his good feelings and honesty. Sending an email to Dxxx in San Francisco. He answered us back the following day.
* Dad is getting better but still not well. My prayer for him. My prayer for the whole family, for Pxxx's baby, for the little Mxxx. All the thanks for what You have given to us.
Wed 20070905
* Wisdom 9,13-18:
"What man indeed can know the intentions of God? Who can divine the will of the Lord? The reasonings of mortals are unsure and our intentions unstable; for a perishable body presses down the soul, and this tent of clay weights down the teeming mind. It is hard enough for us to work out what is on earth, laborious to know what lies within our reach; who, then can discover what is in the heavens? As for your intention, who could have learnt it, had you not granted Wisdom and sent your Holy Spirit from above? Thus have the paths of those on earth been straightened and men been taught what pleases you, and saved, by Wisdom".
* Let me know who You are, my dearest Lord. Thank you, for You sent Your Holy Spirit so that I may know who You are.
* My prayer for Cxxx. Mum said that she did not see her well. My mum is preparing a mass for a friend of her who passed away some weeks ago. She is thinking of Cxxx when preparing. My dearest Lord, may whatever is to happen to let it happen. But please, may Your loving presence be with Cxxx and our presence too (I still don't know how but let me find a way).
Fri 20080907
* Psalm 89:
"Make us know the shortness of our life
that we may gain wisdom of heart".
* My dearest Lord, all my prayer today is for Cxxx. May You be very close to her. Make us know the shortness of our life, that we may gain wisdom of heart. Cxxx is wise and knows well who You are. May she feel the eternity of Your presence and company. Her heart is so wise, she's known well for years the shortness of her life. You wanted her to become wiser and wiser though. May thy will be done, Your paths accomplished. For You are our dearest Lord, our closest friend and Father.
Tue 20080911
* Ef 1,17-19:
"Que el Dios de nuestro SeÑor, Jesús Masías, el Padre que posee la gloria, os dé un saber y una revelación interior con profundo conocimiento de Él; que comprendáis qué esperanza abre su llamamiento, qué tesoro es la gloriosa herencia destinada a sus consagrados y qué extraordinaria su potencia en favor de los que creemos, conforme a la eficacia de su poderosa fuerza".
Wed 20080912
* About the wedding of Jxxx Rxxx this past Saturday. I had a great time. I'm very happy for both. It took time, but finally they are together. They showed well in love. Thank you for their spontaneity. I also enjoyed the presence of the peple from the IIT (a place where I used to work).
* About the email I received from Jxxx Pxxx. He was the first boy I fell in love with at school. At that moment I didn't know that I was gay. He changed considerably my life for the good. I came out to him in June. I sent my little talk to him. He read it in June but answered me a few months later. Thank you for his support, for he understood and appreciated my story.
Mon 20070917
* About going to the meeting about a workshop CRISMHOM was preparing for the general asembly of Christian Networks. I was thinking of not going but in the end I went and was worth going.
* Wishing to read a book of financial mathematics during the whole weekend. However, I only had a look to it on Sunday morning. I would have stayed at home on Saturday night, reading the book. However, I went out for dinner with Ixxx and a group of friends.
* Spending some time with Sxxx, Exxx, Pxxx and his father. About having lunch with Axxx and spending with him the whole afternoon and evening with him. I enjoyed very much our visit to the "Capricho" park. We talked and walked peacefully. This is not about very intense moments. It is simply about enjoying being with someone else.
Wed 20070919
* My tender prayer for Sxxx and Exxx. They marry tomorrow afternoon. May they be very happy. May they have luck and may You be in their midst always, though sometimes they may not realize of Your vivid presence.
* My tender prayer for Cxxx. Struggling to survive. Today I woke up early with a headache and feeling not very well. This feeling has been the everyday feeling of Cxxx for the past six years. May You be with her. May all we be with her (at least in our heart and prayer).
* Psalm 112:
High above all nations is the Lord,
above the heavens his glory.
Who is like the Lord, our God,
who has risen on high to his throne,
yet stoops from the heights to look down,
to look down upon heaven and earth?
From the dust he lifts up the lowly,
from the dunheap he raises the poor
to set him in the company of princes,
yes, with the princes of his people.
Fri 20070921
* Sxxx and Exxx are now married. Nice and simple event. Everyone wearing smart for the occation. They were so pretty, each one in her own style. A very well prepared but simple celebration. Nice photographs, good memories. Exxx was quite emotional at the very end of the celebration. Thanking us so much for our contribution to make them so happy. We are all important to them. Thank you my dearest Lord, for love was there. That's always something so wonderful to contemplate.
* About sending a little message to Axxx. He called me at the end of day. He had worked till late. I enjoyed very much his call.
Tue 20070925
* My prayer for Cxxx. May You be very close to her, to the members of her family. May Your will be done, Your paths accomplished. For You are our dearest Lord, only willing the very best for us.
* My prayer for Jxxx. He will have the interview for his new job this week. We all hope he gets the job.
* I enjoyed very much the movie "Conversations with the gardener". That was a good choice. I saw it in good company. Getting progresively closer to Axxx, enjoying his presence and his converstion. Time gets short.
* About someone in my job asking me about a reading she had to do in a wedding. She didn't understand the reading. It was the reading about Rut, the very one Sxxx had chosen when she talked in a little retreat with Agoger y Compartir. I invited this person at work to read the first part of the chapter to understand the story. She didn't have a bible at home and I searched in the internet. In ten seconds we had the whole text. We read it together. That wonderful story of a woman that has lost everything (husband and sons) and Rut decides to go with her, leaving herself everything. Rut says, I will be buried where you will be buried. I won't leave you alone.
* About the party before the wedding of Sxxx and Exxx. It was simple, maybe a little unusual. Pxxx and Cxxx prepared something really simple but very good. We all enjoyed it very much, especially Sxxx and Exxx. The following day, we continued the party having breakfast together. Hoping and willing all the best to them. My prayer for Exxx during this week. She will tell her mother about the wedding.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for the sincerity of Axxx. He is not hiding anything from me. We had our second meeting and our level of communication is quite high.
* About watching the movie "The Good Name" with Axxx. He had a good time. About having dinner afterwards. He told me about this girl he's fallen in love with and departed to Germany. Enjoying his good feelings and honesty. Sending an email to Dxxx in San Francisco. He answered us back the following day.
* Dad is getting better but still not well. My prayer for him. My prayer for the whole family, for Pxxx's baby, for the little Mxxx. All the thanks for what You have given to us.
Wed 20070905
* Wisdom 9,13-18:
"What man indeed can know the intentions of God? Who can divine the will of the Lord? The reasonings of mortals are unsure and our intentions unstable; for a perishable body presses down the soul, and this tent of clay weights down the teeming mind. It is hard enough for us to work out what is on earth, laborious to know what lies within our reach; who, then can discover what is in the heavens? As for your intention, who could have learnt it, had you not granted Wisdom and sent your Holy Spirit from above? Thus have the paths of those on earth been straightened and men been taught what pleases you, and saved, by Wisdom".
* Let me know who You are, my dearest Lord. Thank you, for You sent Your Holy Spirit so that I may know who You are.
* My prayer for Cxxx. Mum said that she did not see her well. My mum is preparing a mass for a friend of her who passed away some weeks ago. She is thinking of Cxxx when preparing. My dearest Lord, may whatever is to happen to let it happen. But please, may Your loving presence be with Cxxx and our presence too (I still don't know how but let me find a way).
Fri 20080907
* Psalm 89:
"Make us know the shortness of our life
that we may gain wisdom of heart".
* My dearest Lord, all my prayer today is for Cxxx. May You be very close to her. Make us know the shortness of our life, that we may gain wisdom of heart. Cxxx is wise and knows well who You are. May she feel the eternity of Your presence and company. Her heart is so wise, she's known well for years the shortness of her life. You wanted her to become wiser and wiser though. May thy will be done, Your paths accomplished. For You are our dearest Lord, our closest friend and Father.
Tue 20080911
* Ef 1,17-19:
"Que el Dios de nuestro SeÑor, Jesús Masías, el Padre que posee la gloria, os dé un saber y una revelación interior con profundo conocimiento de Él; que comprendáis qué esperanza abre su llamamiento, qué tesoro es la gloriosa herencia destinada a sus consagrados y qué extraordinaria su potencia en favor de los que creemos, conforme a la eficacia de su poderosa fuerza".
Wed 20080912
* About the wedding of Jxxx Rxxx this past Saturday. I had a great time. I'm very happy for both. It took time, but finally they are together. They showed well in love. Thank you for their spontaneity. I also enjoyed the presence of the peple from the IIT (a place where I used to work).
* About the email I received from Jxxx Pxxx. He was the first boy I fell in love with at school. At that moment I didn't know that I was gay. He changed considerably my life for the good. I came out to him in June. I sent my little talk to him. He read it in June but answered me a few months later. Thank you for his support, for he understood and appreciated my story.
Mon 20070917
* About going to the meeting about a workshop CRISMHOM was preparing for the general asembly of Christian Networks. I was thinking of not going but in the end I went and was worth going.
* Wishing to read a book of financial mathematics during the whole weekend. However, I only had a look to it on Sunday morning. I would have stayed at home on Saturday night, reading the book. However, I went out for dinner with Ixxx and a group of friends.
* Spending some time with Sxxx, Exxx, Pxxx and his father. About having lunch with Axxx and spending with him the whole afternoon and evening with him. I enjoyed very much our visit to the "Capricho" park. We talked and walked peacefully. This is not about very intense moments. It is simply about enjoying being with someone else.
Wed 20070919
* My tender prayer for Sxxx and Exxx. They marry tomorrow afternoon. May they be very happy. May they have luck and may You be in their midst always, though sometimes they may not realize of Your vivid presence.
* My tender prayer for Cxxx. Struggling to survive. Today I woke up early with a headache and feeling not very well. This feeling has been the everyday feeling of Cxxx for the past six years. May You be with her. May all we be with her (at least in our heart and prayer).
* Psalm 112:
High above all nations is the Lord,
above the heavens his glory.
Who is like the Lord, our God,
who has risen on high to his throne,
yet stoops from the heights to look down,
to look down upon heaven and earth?
From the dust he lifts up the lowly,
from the dunheap he raises the poor
to set him in the company of princes,
yes, with the princes of his people.
Fri 20070921
* Sxxx and Exxx are now married. Nice and simple event. Everyone wearing smart for the occation. They were so pretty, each one in her own style. A very well prepared but simple celebration. Nice photographs, good memories. Exxx was quite emotional at the very end of the celebration. Thanking us so much for our contribution to make them so happy. We are all important to them. Thank you my dearest Lord, for love was there. That's always something so wonderful to contemplate.
* About sending a little message to Axxx. He called me at the end of day. He had worked till late. I enjoyed very much his call.
Tue 20070925
* My prayer for Cxxx. May You be very close to her, to the members of her family. May Your will be done, Your paths accomplished. For You are our dearest Lord, only willing the very best for us.
* My prayer for Jxxx. He will have the interview for his new job this week. We all hope he gets the job.
* I enjoyed very much the movie "Conversations with the gardener". That was a good choice. I saw it in good company. Getting progresively closer to Axxx, enjoying his presence and his converstion. Time gets short.
* About someone in my job asking me about a reading she had to do in a wedding. She didn't understand the reading. It was the reading about Rut, the very one Sxxx had chosen when she talked in a little retreat with Agoger y Compartir. I invited this person at work to read the first part of the chapter to understand the story. She didn't have a bible at home and I searched in the internet. In ten seconds we had the whole text. We read it together. That wonderful story of a woman that has lost everything (husband and sons) and Rut decides to go with her, leaving herself everything. Rut says, I will be buried where you will be buried. I won't leave you alone.
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