Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Spiritual Sharing June 2008

Mon 20080602
* Thank you for CRISMHOM's retreat this weekend. I think that we all enjoyed it. We were mainly concerned with getting to know each other. That objective was accomplished.
* About getting somehow closer to Jxxx. Thinking about perhaps starting a relationship with him. What does my dearest Jesus think about this?
* My prayer for Dxxx and his wife. They got married on Saturday. I was not there but I had them in my thoughts and heart.

Thu 20080612
* My prayer for dad. I should phone him more often. The new medication is pushing him lower. He is going down. He felt bad before this treatment but now he is feeling worse. My prayer for him. He is having a hard time. May I call him more often.
* My prayer for CRISMHOM. A difficult situation about visibility has come up. May the Holy Spirit be among us, so that with Your help we can reach a solution to this without having too many people leaving the group. This is pretty much as the texts we are working about the experiences of the first christian communitites. May we listen to the Spirit of Jesus.
* Going this weekend to a conference to present the work I finished a year ago and nobody paid attention to. Now this work is starting to draw attention. Let me continue working.

Wed 20080618
* Thank you my dearest Lord for dad is improving with the new treatment after going through one of the worst days of his life. Now he is better and improving. Thank you so much for he is going up. May he continue with Your help and the help of everyone.
* Tomorrow we have the ceremony of the giving of the Rainbow prize at CRISMHOM. It seems that there is a lot of enthusiasm, at least from a group of members. May the Holy Spirit invade us in this ceremony and especially during the general assembly on Saturday. There are important topics to deal with, hopefully with the optimistic atmosphere after the Rainbow prize.
* Yesterday it was the birthday of Exxx. My best wishes for her.
* Jxxx is desolated after arriving in New York and visiting his former boyfriend in Chicago. Maybe she should not have visited her but she did and finished desolated. Now she is concentrating of keeping busy, not allowing herself to think too much. She's got a lot to do before she can settle down. Intense work is the best medicine in her situation. May my dearest Lord be with her. May she feel Your presence very near.
* May my soul glorify my dearest Lord, for I like Your way of doing things. May Your presence be with us always.

Mon 20080623
* I slept well last night for I was tired. I spent the whole Sunday working on CRISMHOM. This is the very last effort before the summer.
* Exxx getting back from Venezuela, asking for help again. I don't know still what I'm going to do.
* My prayer for Axxx. Unable to enjoy life. Not willing to accept some help from others. Not willing to change plans for others. Progressively enclosing more and more within himself. There is not much to be done but being there, whenever he allows it. May my dearest Lord allow us to be patient. May Axxx realize that allowing himself to get enclosed is not the right path towards his own healing and happiness.
* Matthew 10, 26-33

Do not be afraid. For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetops".

Tue 20080624
* Today my prayer is for Axxx. May the presence of my dearest Lord be with him. May he realize of your infinite love, especially through those who are around, close to him. Loneliness is not a good companion. Trying to do his best but getting frustrated for the result gets somehow wrong. May my dearest Lord give him a well trained tongue that he may know how to speak to the weary a word that will rice them. For now, may we all take some rest and time off so that we can better tolerate and deal with each other.

Mon 20080630
* My prayer for Exxx. Unsure whether to help him, the way he wants me to help him. It seems to me that I'm not being of any help but the opposite. What can I do to for him? I ask for you help for I don't know what to do. "My ways are not Your ways", show me Your ways.


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