Spiritual Sharing April 2008

Wed 20080402
* My prayer for dad. May he improve his health, may he do his best to improve it.
Acts of the apostles 2, 14, 22-28
I saw the Lord before me always
for with him at my right hand nothing can shake me.
So my heart was glad
and my tongue cried out with joy;
my body, too, will rest in the hope
that You will not abandon my soul to Hades
nor allow Your holy one to experience corruption.
You have made known the way of life to me,
you will fill me with fladness through your presence.
* Thank you for the evening I spent with Ixxx. He is not religious but he is very respectful. We have quite a lot points in common. We could finally go to Barenboim's concert. I hope he enjoyed it.
Thu 20080304
* Acción de gracias por la muerte de Balbi (mi abuela):
Los grandes momentos, ya sean dolorosos o gozosos, nos acercan a nuestro Creador, produciendo un encuentro que nos lleva a dar gracias. Hoy te damos gracias SeÑor, por nuestra querida Balbi. Por todos los años que la hemos tenido entre nosotros.
Gracias por sus platos y comidas, muy en especial por sus croquetas de gambas y su tortilla de patata. Son el símbolo de lo mucho que disfrutaba al tener a toda la familia reunida. En sus últimos aÑos, siempre que bendecíamos la mesa le preguntábamos: "¿por quién pedimos?". Ella siempre respondía: "por toda la familia". Te damos también gracias porque a pesar de que la echaremos de menos, Tú has estado y más que nunca estás ahora, muy cerca de ella.
Balbi nos manda unas letras de despedida diciendo algo así: "queridísimos todos, ya sé que nos vamos a echar de menos, pero en un momento dado, una tiene que seguir su propio camino. No quiero ser una carga para vosotros sino un motivo de alegría. Por eso os dejo, que tengo muchas ganas de reunirme con Laureano, Maximina y Eusebio, mis hermanos y todos los demás. Un beso inmenso a todos, Balbi".
Le damos muchas gracias a nuestro SeÑor porque la vida sigue, como un tren que no espera. Y aunque es preciso despedirse, y aprovechar el beso y el abrazo, y no escatimar las lágrimas si el corazón lo necesita, hay que coger el tren y no quedarse en tierra. Y habrá momentos para recordar la despedida; ya no con pena, sino alegría, de poder seguir avanzando en la vida, para mayor gloria y servicio de nuestro Señor.
Con todo el cariño, muchas gracias Balbi, gracias Señor, por todo ...
También queremos agradecer a Balbi todo lo bueno que ha hecho por cada uno de nosotros. Al igual que la Virgen María, lo guardaremos siempre en nuestro corazón.
Y por último, te damos gracias, Señor, por la paz inmensa que sentimos.
Mon 20080407
* This was a busy weekend. Far too busy. Still, all the things that I did were worth.
* Thank you for the such an emocional concert on Sunday morning. Alexander Nevsky was performed. Thank you so much for I could share this experience with Ixxx: we were together. I haven't been to a concert which moved me so much in years. The conductor was very young and the contralto could not be any better. Thank you for the walk Ixxx and I enjoyed together. I told him a little about the spiritual exercises. He listened to me attentively. That was important to me. Thank you for our lunch.
* One more edition of the solidarity supper by "Acoger y Compartir". That was good. I didn't feel too well for I think I should have helped them more. Still, everything was well worth the effort.
* About the concert on Friday. I was with my aunt. The first piece was a Hail Mary prayer. Something indeed very moving. The music was from an unknown composer with the same stetics as Gorecki. I guess that it was indeed very moving for my aunt, for my grandmother prayed with Hail Mary in her last moments.
Tue 20080408
* Yesterday, I spent the evening with Jxxx Lxxx. Thank you for his listening. My prayer for him too.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for noone is perfect. For sometimes we do what we should not, but we cannot avoid it. Thank you, for showing our limits. Perhaps this will allow us to be more sympathetic. We are not proud of these things. Not doing the right thing makes us suffer terribly. May we learn to be close to those who are not perfect as we ourselves are not perfect.
Mon 20080414
* About my grandma's funeral. It was a resurrection mass with Balbi. Thank you for all the people who attended. She is fine now, taking care of us all. Thanks Balbi.
* The teaching session at CRISMHOM on Saturday evening was very good. I called Jxxx Lxxx to congratulate him the following day. Many people attended, though many were late. I left the meeting early to have dinner at Ixxx's house. I indeed enjoyed the dinner. I stayed overnight with him and although I hardly could sleep, I enjoyed it very much.
* Sunday morning I felt extrange. I went to a concert with Ixxx and I started to feel estrange after the concert. I think that what bothered me was the way in which Ixxx expressed himself. It was very "femenine". This happened to me the first time I met him but not the other times. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this on Ixxx's side but I felt just they way I felt. Ixxx is a wonderful person and I need to tell him with full care what I felt.
* Thank you for the confirmation mass on Saturday morning and the meal with my family. I feel very short of time. Dad was not particularly well on Saturday. I'll call him to see how he is going.
* My dearest Lord, I feel confused. Be very close to me. I need your presence to know the right gesture and word to be loving and simple.
Tue 20080415
* My dearest Lord, my prayer for dad and Jxxx Lxxx. May Exxx be all right.
* Feeling unsecure, with a knot in my heart. I'm exploring unknown areas of myself. This is very much related with what happened to me with Ixxx on Sunday afternoon. May my dearest Lord be very present, so that I be loving and respectful. May things get clearer. How is it possible that I enjoy so much with someone and a few hours later, I feel somehow blocked and unsure? This is about exploring new areas of myself. I thought that I reasonably knew myself but I guess that I'm wrong. Let me know, my dearest Lord, who I am. May I think for Ixxx. May I treat him with lots of care and love. He is a great person.
* About going to my jesuit community yesterday evening. Jxxx was talking about christian marriage. Realizing what I'm getting into. Jxxx mentioned that the act of marring is not only about feelings but it is a decision taken by our will.
* May my dearest Lord be with me, very close, so that I may take loving decisions as my dearest Jesus would do in my case.
Wed 20080416
* John 14,1-12:
Do not let your hearts be troubled.
Trust in God still, and trust in me.
There are many rooms in my Father's house;
if there were not, I should have told you.
I am going to prepare a place for you,
and after I have goine and prepared you a place,
I shall return to take you with me;
so that where I am
you may be too.
* My dearest Lord prepared a place for grandma. He has returned a month ago take her with him, so that where He is, will also my grandma be.
Thu 20080417
Letter to Peter 2,4-9
The Lord is the living stone, rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him; set yourselves close to him so that you too, the holy priesthood that offers the spiritual sacrifices which Jesus Christ has made acceptable to God, may be living stones making a spiritual house. As scripture says: See how I lay in Zion a precious cornerstone that I have chosen and the man who rests his trust on it will not be disappointed.
* My dearest Lord, the stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the work of Your hands. It is wonderful in my eyes.
Fri 20080418
* May my dearest Lord allow me to get clear about continuing with Ixxx and have the enthusiasm I had a week ago. It seems to me that what keeps me apart from him is not indeed very important. However, my feelings did not agree with my reasoning last Sunday. May You allow me to accept, get used or at least know soon whether to accept or get used if possible.
Mon 20080421
* My dearest Lord, thank You. Thank you very much. Thank you so much for You listened to my prayer. I finally got clear about whether to continue with Ixxx. On Friday night we had dinner together. Along that dinner I realized that we were not for each other. I walked him back to his home and told him. He was sad to hear my news. I treated him with the care my dearest Lord inspired me. I phoned him two days later and he was better. Still sad but on one side happy, because I could give him a clear answer and I had not made him waste his time and especially make him suffer more. Thank You, my dearest Lord. I'm peaceful. Thanks, for you heard my prayer.
* Helping my brother out with moving and reorganizing his house. Thank you so much for the Fidelio opera that my aunt invited me. It was great. Thank you, for she has me in mind all the time.
* About going to the Rxxx's birthday party. He's doing a great effort get out of the closet. Giving his first steps. Trying to support and go along with him.
Tue 20080422
* Psalm 65:
"Come and hear, all who fear God.
I will tell what he did for my soul:
Blessed be God who did not reject my prayer
nor withhold his love for me".
* My dearest Lord, thank You. For You did not reject my prayer.
* My thanksgiving prayer for Jxxx Lxxx. He celebrated yesterday his 13th year serving You as a priest. May You be with Him in his lights and shadows.
* My prayer for Exxx. I paid his monthly rent already. May he find stability.
Mon 20080428
* I have been working for more than a year without the people in my work really knowing what I was researching or discovering. Out of a necessity from the Front Office and after almost a year of not reaching a solution, my boss asked me to do a presentation to them. When I did it, both the people from the Front Office and my own department realized for the first time of what I have been doing in the past year and a half. Thank you, my dearest Lord for I this opportunity. The days before and after the presentation You wanted to greatly move my heart with these two verses:
"My heart is not proud, not haughty my eyes;
I didn't go after things too great,
nor marvels beyond me".
If ever I had to tell what is the "secret of my success", I would repeat again and again these two verses.
* Thank you for the dinner in Mxxx and Mxxx's house, with Pxxx and Cxxx.
* I spent most of the Sunday working with my brother to help him end with all his house setting up. That was a good thing. He was greatful and thankful and also Pxxx.
* My nephew and niece were wonderful the other day.
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