Friday, December 19, 2008

Spiritual Sharing November 2008

Wed 20081103
* My prayer for dad. May the infinite love of my dearest Lord be poured onto him so that he may recover, go up.
* Yesterday xxx sent me an email telling me that he had gone to a retreat with his parish. They were addressing the topic of Advent. He told me that the word that was pronounced most was "dream". Looking into the future and see how it could look like. I was jealous for I haven't dreamt in years. What are my dreams? Perhaps I don't allow myself to dream. That's unfortunate. Where do I want to get to? Perhaps I prefer not to do many plans for I have discovered that they change too much. I like the plans of my dearest Lord. He has plans for me and I have discovered that those are the plans that make me happiest. What are You dreaming about me, my dearest? I have never done the exercise. What does my dearest Lord dream about me? Let me dream my Lord's dreams. Let me imagine my Lord's plan for me and the rest of my family. Let me enjoy that plan as xxx was doing.


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