Spiritual Sharing January 2010

Tue 20100112
My intense prayer for my dearest Dxxx and Lxxx so that my dearest Lord inspires them to reach a common daily life.
Sat 20100116
* My prayer for my dearest Dxxx and Lxxx so that they may achieve, if that is your will, a whole common shared life. I wish the best of happiness for both. However I am not sure that it may be possible. May your presence be among them. Let me do what is best for them.
* Let me enjoy the days we have shared together in Tenerife. They were wonderful, full of love and service to each other. We have really enjoyed from each other.
* Thank you for the vision of Dxxx and Lxxx, coming back from Caceres to go to the funeral of Christian's mother. This action moved me so much. They hardly know him, but the way they live the fraternity made both of them not to have any dought about going to this funeral. I was marvelled with the contemplation of this picture.
* I usually don't prepare Christmas. There are a lot of distractions, gifts and things that uncover the presence of the baby Jesus. This is the first time in which I really felt that this very baby was being born within my heart. It was not out of my preparation or effort. It was simply a gift from my dearest Lord. In the morning of December 24th I was so distressed. I felt horribly bad and depressed. This very feeling could not be justified with reasons. There was no clear or objective reason why I could be feeling so bad. However, after the Mass at the jesuit community I was feeling well. The rest of day with family was great.
Mon 20100118
* About the conversation I had with Jxxx Lxxx. It was good to talk to him. I got rather clarified about the best thing to do in connection with my dearest Dxxx and Lxxx. He is very right, I'm in a delicate position. My dearest prayer for your will to be done so that they may find full hapiness.
* My prayer for the catastroph in Haiti. For all this poor people. The school that was just inagurated in Puerto Principe by AC has collapsed with 300 children in it, teachers and other personnel. They all died. My prayer for them and for those who stay now there. This situation is difficult to understand from a faith point of view. May my dearest Lord move our hearts so that we may help them.
* Isaiah 62,1-5:
"Like a young man marrying a virgin,
so will the one who built you, wed you,
and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride,
so will your God rejoice in you".
Tue 20100118
* Psalm 18
Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life.
The law of the Lord is perfect,
it revives the soul.
The rules of the Lord is to be trusted,
it gives wisdom to the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right,
they gladden the heart.
The command of the Lord is clear,
it gives light to the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is holy
abiding for ever.
The decrees of the Lord are truth
and all of them just.
May the spoken words of my mouth,
the thoughts of my heart,
win favour in your sight, O Lord,
my rescuer, my rock.
* My tender prayer for my dearest Dxxx and Lxxx. May they find the correct words, gestures and actions to reach, if that's their hapiness and your will, a whole common shared life.
* My prayer for the people in Haiti. This situation is horrible. I will do another transfer today. May hope overflow sadness and despair.
Wed 20100120
* If one part of the body is hurt, all parts are hurt with it. If one part is given special honour, all parts enjoy it.
* My prayer for Ixxx. I think he feels lonely.
Thu 20100121
* Today I feel that these words are said to me and to some others I want to share with:
"The spirit of the Lord has been given to me,
for he has annointed me. He has sent me to bring the Good News to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord's year of favour".
* About little mesages sent to people I love: "When one part suffers, the whole body suffers with it. If great honor is given to one part, all the rest greatly enjoy".
* May I search you, my dearest Lord:
I search you in the morning,
fact of concrete light,
of space pure and sunrisen ground.
De mañana te busco,
hecho de luz concreta,
de espacio puro y tierra amanecida
* About not forgetting the moments of encountering you.
Porque, Señor, yo te he visto
y quiero volverte a ver,
quiero creer.
Te vi, sí, cuando era niño
y en agua me bauticé,
y, limpio de culpa vieja,
sin velos te pude ver.
Devuélveme aquellas puras
transparencias de aire fiel,
devuélveme aquellas niñas
de aquellos ojos de ayer.
Están mis ojos cansados
de tanto ver luz sin ver;
por la oscuridad del mundo,
voy como un ciego que ve.
Tú que diste vista al ciego
y a Nicodemo también,
filtra en mis secas pupilas
dos gotas frescas de fe.
Fri 20100122
* Alleluia, Alleluia!. The Lord has sent me to bring The Good News to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives. Alleluia!
* If one part is hurt, all parts are hurt with it. If one part is given special honor, all parts enjoy it. My tender prayer for the people in Haiti. My prayer for Jxxx Mxxx who left for Haiti to help there out.
Mon 20100125
* About a message received from You, my dearest Lord, and sent back. Willing very much to send it to somebody else but this one might not be the one that you chose.
Dearest xxx,
Mat 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field; which a man found, and hid back; and in his joy he went and sold all that he had, and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking goodly pearls: and having found one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it.
Good morning, my dearest pearl, treasure of mine. A big kiss.
Muy querido/a xxx:
Mat 13:44 El reino de los cielos es semejante a un tesoro escondido en el campo, que al encontrarlo un hombre, lo vuelve a esconder, y de alegría por ello, va, vende todo lo que tiene y compra aquel campo.
Mat 13:45 El reino de los cielos también es semejante a un mercader que busca perlas finas y al encontrar una perla de gran valor, fue y vendió todo lo que tenía y la compró.
Buenos días, perla mía y tesoro mío. Un beso muy fuerte.
Te envío para que les abras los ojos y se vuelvan de las tinieblas a la luz.
Tue 20100126
* A little message to my dearest Ixxx to give her strength to support her sister:
I, for my part, today will make you into a fortified city, a pillar of iron and a wall of bronze to comfort all this land.
Wed 20100127
Desnudo salí del vientre de mi madre y desnudo volveré a él. El Señor me lo dio, el Señor me lo quitó. Bendito sea.
Naked I came out of my mother's womb and naked will I return to it. The Lord gave it to me and the Lord took it out from me. Bless be the Lord.
Jeremiah 1, 4
I, for my part, today will make you
into a fortified city,
a pilar of iron,
and a wall of bronze
to confront all this land:
the kings of Judah, its princes,
its priests and the country people.
They will fight against you
but shall not overcome you,
for I am with you to deliver you.
It is the Lord who speaks.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord for the call I received yesterday from Lxxx and for the preparation of the activity for COGAM with Jxxx. I was the only one but it was worth the effort.
* I feel better at work. They count more on me. The last validation was very important and I finished it with great success. This was the very validation which brought me to the edge of depression on December 24th. I thank You, my dearest Lord, for you rescued me.
Fri 20100129
* Willing very much to see the people I invited to come home for dinner.
* I went with dad to a concert yesterday. Thank you very much for he feels better, for he could come with me to this concert (last year I would not have even dared think he could come with me). A great thanksgiving. May we all enjoy it.
* 1Co 13:13 in short, these are the three things that last: faith, hope anh love; and the greatest of these is love.
But now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love.
Yo, por mi parte, te convierto hoy en ciudad fortificada, un pilar de hierro y un muro de bronce para confrontar a toda la tierra.
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