Spiritual Sharing March 2010

Mon 20100301
* Today it is my brother's birthday. My prayer for him. May he enjoy a wonderful day with his family.
* I had a hard time in Saturday mass. Missing love, I sat in a little corner. I enjoyed the mass and meeting the new people afterwards. I didn't sleep well on Saturday night. Saturday morning was also difficult, reading some german to keep my mind busy. Thank you, for I was fine in the evening. I was not alone. Thank you for the presence of some people from CRISMHOM that afternoon and evening. This morning I woke up fine. Thank you very much.
Wed 20100303
* May hapiness invade us. May intense laughting be contageous and make us give our life, an amusing, funny and spicy tone.
"Que la alegría nos invada y no nos abandone. Que la risa nos contagie y nos haga dar un tono divertido, picante y pijotante a nuestra vida"
"You are my God. My destiny is in your hands. Good morning. Happy birthday. Keep living in God".
"Tu eres mi Dios. En tus manos está mi destino. Buenos días. Muchas felicidades. Sigue viviendo en el Señor".
Thu 20100304
Ayúdame a hacer silencio, Señor,
quiero escuchar tu voz.
Toma mi mano, guíame al desierto,
que nos encontremos a solas, Tú y yo.
Necesito sentirte dentro de mí,
me hace falta la calidez de tu voz,
caminar juntos ...
Callar para que hables Tú.
Help me, my Lord, to raise silence.
I want to listen your voice.
Take my hand, lead me to the wilderness,
may we encounter each other: You and me.
I need to feel You well within me,
I need the warmth of your voice,
walk together ...
Be quiet to let You speak.
Mon 20100308
* Thank you very much for my birthday celebration on Saturday (family) and Sunday (friends). On Sunday it started at 8.30 and finished 12 hours later. People were coming home. I really could enjoy the time peacefully with people (there was no massification at all). Thank you for the presence of Rxxx and Pxxx and their anouncement of wedding. Thank you for the SMS from Lxxx. At the end of day we celebrated a wonderful mass with Rxxx. That was a great blessing at the end of day.
* Last weekend, I could not even imagine to have celebrated my birth this way. This was the effort I did, inspired and supported by my dearest Lord, not to allow me to be sad, to overcome the temptation of allowing me to be sad, sometimes for no reasonable reason.
Thu 20100311
* Inspired from Luke 15, 20:
Being you still far, the Father saw you approaching and full of compassion He ran into you, He hugged you tightly and kissed you tenderly.
"Estando aún tú lejos, te vio llegar el Padre y lleno de compasión se avalanzó corriendo sobre ti, te abrazó fuertemente y te cubrió de besos".
"You are my God. My destiny is in Your hands".
"Tú eres mi Dios. En tus manos está mi destino".
Sun 20100314
* Thank you so much for this weekend in Paris. It's been three years since the last time. I was so happy to spend the whole afternoon with Axxx, my best friend. Also with Exxx, a little shorter. The conversation with père Fxxx, the mass on Sunday morning, the walk around Sceaux park.
* Thank you for the unexpected sms from Lxxx. I was hoping the retreat and the talk by Jxxx went well.
Tue 20100323
* When the exercises finished, Pxxx Exxx, one of the coordinators of the CCB of my jesuit community told me that perhaps one simple thing I could do to improve my situation at work was simply to go to the gym once a week with the rest of the people and at least eat with them. This was not a bad recommendation.
* Yesterday I went with mum and dad to choose a gift for Axxx (she is a mwmber of our group who is leaving this week). I wanted to get involved in this to say goodbye to her and in the effort to get closer to the people in my work.
* My prayer and thanks for Jxxx Lxxx. He called me after receiving my email. We both are very busy in the past couple of months. I did not find him in a very good shape either.
Fri 20100326
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, His glory invades all the earth. Blessed be the one who comes in his name, who transmits His messages, the one who does not leave any doubt that it is SOMEONE else.
Santo es el Señor, su gloria invade toda la tierra. Bendito el que viene en su nombre, el que transcribe sus mensajes, el que no deja duda de que se trata de OTRO.
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