Spiritual Sharing October 2010

Fri 20101001
* About expectations for acknowledgement: we are merely servants: we have done no more than our duty (Luke 17, 5-10).
Mon 20101904
* Last weekend was the first one in several months where I have nothing compulsory to do or prepare. I just did what I felt I wanted to do. I spent most of the time reading my german book. Can you help me to get time for myself?
* My prayer for Jxxx. He might have leucemy. He did some tests and gets the results this coming Thursday. He is very young and he is going through a difficult time.
* My prayer for Mxxx. She came last Friday but went back soon. May you protect her through us.
Wed 20100610
* Yesterday I talked to a professor of the Complutense university. Thinking of giving courses next year and perhaps being an associate professor. Let me know my dearest Lord whether this is your plan for me.
Mon 20101011
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for this past weekend in Seville in the company of Ixxx. Let me indeed value what I have. Many people do not have it.
Luke 18, 1-8: Jesus told his disciples a parable about the need to pray continually and never loose heart.
* Let me keep praying, my dearest Lord. Don't allow me to loose heart. Good habits, let me insist always. Let me be your "pain in the ass". About persisting, going on.
Mon 20101013
* Good celebration at home for mum's Saint day. Helping Jxxx to finish a library for mum.
* Good start for the life sharing group of CRISMHOM. Small group of people willing to share their lives, good atmosphere, encouraged to be with this group.
* I start to have too many meetings in CRISMHOM. I need to limit them.
Fri 20101015
* Matthew 11:25
Jesus und der Vater. Einladung zu erfülltem Leben
25 Danach rief Jesus: »Vater, Herr über Himmel und Erde, du hast angefangen, deine Herrschaft aufzurichten. Das hast du den Klugen und Gelehrten verborgen, aber den Unwissenden hast du es offenbar gemacht. Dafür preise ich dich!
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for you hid your Kingdom to the wise and learnt but revealed it to the simple.
Tue 20101019
* About last busy weekend. It was good. Perhaps too many activities. I greatly enjoyed meeting Jxxx at the solidarity dinner organized by Welcome and Sharing. She is now living in New York but came to Madrid for a short visit.
* About Sunday lunch with my family. I was playing with Mxxx when the rest were discussing about the woman taking care of my nephew and niece. She is not doing her job properly. I enjoyed the time I spent my niece.
* About the talk about the history of CRISMHOM. It was very good. I had to leave early. Too many things.
* My prayer for dad. Now he has the menisque broken and he cannot walk properly.
* My prayer for Jxxx. I am very disconnected from him but I simply cannot go beyond.
* My dearest Lord, help me take care of myself. I don't expect anyone to do it for me but just You. Please, do take care of me.
* Today, The webpage comission of CRISMHOM will start. I hope this project goes forward.
Thu 20101021
* Gestern, hatte ich ein kleines Gespräch mit mein Chef. Es war ganz spontan. Ich wollte ihn sagen dass ich am Freitag früher ausgehen wollte. Ich wollte eine Treffung mit Leuten von der Universität haben. Ich gehe nicht allein, aber mit Mxxx, ein Kollege von der Arbeit die auch interesiert ist um Unterrichten zu geben. Sie behzalen uns nicht für die Unterrichten die wir geben. Nur unser Unterrichten werden als Lehrtätigkeit anerkennt. Pxxx, mein Chef, hast mir erzählt dass es besser vieleicht wäre in Private Institutionen ausbilden. Darüber haben wir etwas mehr gesprochen. Ich habe gefunden dass sein Rat ehrlich und Sinnvoll war. Dann habe ich ihm erzählt dass ich nicht allein unterrichten wollte. Dass ist weil ich Mxxx verwickelt habe. Dann ich sagte dass ich ganz müde allein zu arbeiten wäre. Ich habe mit Exxx gearbeitet und es war sehr erreichend für beide. Zwei oder drei Personen die zuzammen arbeiten können viel mehr erreichen als wenn sie getrent denken. Er hat angefangen zu erzählen das Projekt wo ich mich hinein teilnehmen wollte. Ich hoffe diese Richtung weiter macht. Danke, mein liebster Got, danke sehr schön.
Mon 20101025
* Thank you for this weekend. I wanted to start writing a paper, but I couldn't. My computer broke down and I spent the weekend installing a new one I had bought a few months ago.
* Cxxx said something on Saturday which made me think. I should stop complaining. I have little time. Therefore I should do less things and stop complaining.
* My prayer for my dearest Axxx and Pxxx. May they achieve a whole common shared life.
* About spending Sunday afternoon and evening with my family.
* Thank you for the Friday party. It was fun and laugh. Thank you for the Sunday party. That was mainly laugh. It is good for me to laugh.
Sabiduría 11, 22 - 12, 2
Señor, el mundo entero ante ti es como un grano se arena en la balanza, como ina gota de rocío mañanero que cae sobre la tierra. Te compadeces de todos, porque todo lo puedes, cierras los ojos a los pecados de los hombres, para que se arrepientan. Amas a todos los seres y no odias nada de lo que has hecho; si hubieras odiado alguna cosa, no la hubieras creado. Y ¿cómo subsistirían las cosas si tú no lo hubieses querido? ¿Cómo conservarían su existencia, si tú no las hubieses llamado? Pero a todos perdonas, porque son tuyos, Señor, amigo de la vida. En todas las cosas está tu soplo incorruptible. Por eso corriges poco a poco a los que caen, les recuerdas su pecado y los reprendes, para que se conbiertan y crean en ti, Señor
Fri 20101029
Ich weine viel
in meinen Einsamkeiten,
der Herbst in meinem Herzen
währt zu lange.
Sonne der Liebe,
Willst du nie mehr scheinen,
Um meine bitter'n Tränen
Mild aufzutrocken?
Lloro amargamente
en mi soledad.
Dura demasiado
la primavera en mi corazón.
Sol del amor,
No vas a brillar ya más,
para enjugar suavemente
mis amargas lágrimas?
I cry a lot
in my loneliness.
The spring in my heart
lasts too long.
Sun of love,
Will you no longer shine
to mildly wipe off
my bitter tears?
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