Spiritual Sharing July 2010

Fri 20100702
* Thank you for the supporting words from. Cxxx.
Blessed be God who did not reject my prayer nor withhold his love from me.
* My very prayer for Mxxx. My very prayer for her.
Mon 20100705
* Thank you for this weekend. I read the german book on Friday night, I was dead tired. I bought a present for the daughter of Nxxx with Mxxx. I also bought a litle book for my aunt. I invited her to have lunch in my place. I showed her the picture she gave me when we were in Paris. I also showed her the new configuration of the rooms at home. I went to the demonstration in the afternoon and to the birthday of Nxxx's daughter at night. I saw the Spain against Peru football match with them. I had a great time and was very pleased to the the whole family together. I worked the whole Sunday in the correction of the technical paper and went for a walk with Oxxx and Sxxx around the West park. I enjoyed what I did. This is about taking care of myself as I cannot necesarily expect others to take care of me.
* May my dearest Lord give me the gratuity to give out time and care for others without expecting anything in exchange. So that when anyone may ever take care of me, even if it is very small, I may see it like a great gift and not as what it should be expected from what I originally did.
Thu 20100708
Martha, Marth, you worry and fret about so many things, and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part; it is not to be taken from her.
* This text applies so much to me. Let me take for a moment the better part.
* My prayer for Mxxx. A group of people were in her house for a prayer and a litle dinner. It was good to be there.
* Thanks for the litle walk with Ixxx. Nice conversation, good company.
Fri 20100709
* Yesterday, I realized that most likely the people at work know well that I'm gay. They made it more explicit yesterday. I also felt compassion for some of them. Most likely sad stories of people who don't feel loved, pretty much like myself.
* One person was changing jobs and we were saying goodbye: a dinner, some drinks afterwards. I had a good time yesterday. I felt a little better integrated. I felt compassion. I contemplated unknown sad stories and felt that this people who is pissing me off sometimes are also pissed off. Lack of love, failure stories.
Mon 20100712
Martha, Martha, you worry and fret about so many things, and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part; it is not to be taken from her.
* My dearest Lord. I'm pretty much like Martha. Let me stop doing things and enjoy just a few.
Tue 20100713
The Lord keeps in our minds the wonderful things she has done. She is compassion and love; She always provides for his faithful.
I stand at the door and knock, says the Lord. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and sit down to supper with him, and the one with me.
Wed 20100714
* My dearest Lord, I'm tired, I'm indeed very tired. I feel like escaping, running away. I'm perhaps more tired than what I thought, what I could possibly have expected. I feel like not coming back to CRISMHOM in some time. I don't feel good at work either. I feel rather lonely. Some of the important people in my life are getting apart. I cannot quite stand myself. I'm tired, my deatest Lord. I'm pretty tired. Have pity on your tiny servant. Take care of him. Help him take care of himself.
I stand at the door and knock, says the Lord. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and sit down to supper with him, and he with me.
Fri 20100716
It makes me happy to suffer for you, as I am suffering now, and in my own body to do what I can to make up all that has still to be undergone by Christ for the sake of his body, the Church. I became the servant of the Church when God made me responsible for delivering God's message to you, the message which has a mystery hidden for generations and centuries and has now been revealed to all his saints.
* I'm suffering and have suffered for CRISMHOM for the same reasons as in this text. However, I don't feel happy.
Mon 20100719
* Thank you for this refreshing weekend. I needed something like this. Nice weather, the company of my parents, sleeping well, walking through. Not too much thinking. Happy about the interview on the coming Friday.
* Help me to get gratuity. May I not rise expectations for what I do but just let me do it free.
* My prayer for the father of Mxxx and the whole family. For The mother of Jxxx Lxxx.
* Let me have a rest. I'm tired.
* About the three verbs of the mass yesterday at the cathedral of Málaga: welcome, listen and service.
* Let me take care of my good friends and try not to think too much on those who do not pay much attention on me.
Thu 20100722
Genesis 18,20-32:
The Lord said: "How great an outcry there is against Sodom and Gomorrah!" ... Abraham remained standing before the Lord. Approaching him he said: "Are you really going to destroy the just man with the sinner? Perhaps there are fifty just men in the town. Will you really overwhelm them, will you not spare the place for the fifty just men in it? ...
I trust my Lord will not be angry if I speak once more: perhaps there will be only ten just men in the city. "I will not destroy that city", the Lord replied, "for the sake of the ten".
Luke 11, 1-13:
Ask and it will be given to you; search and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.
Mon 20100726
* About the dinner last Friday. I enjoyed very much the company. I was very peaceful and very happy to have stayed.
* Last Friday I had a tortuous interview session. It lasted 10 hours. They will feed me back in about a week. I was happy to have done it. If I stay in my current job, I will be in a different but better way. Otherwise, inspire me the best option to choose and to be as happy and fulfilled as possible.
Thu 20100729
* Yesterday, I had dinner with Jxxx Mxxx Mxxx, my parents and another priest. Jxxx Mxxx is the missionary in Tiébissou and Bouaké (Ivory Coast). It waa a great pleasure to encounter him. Always so simple and humble. I know a saint in this world. There are perhaps many. But Jxxx Mxxx is the one I know. Take care of him and the people who he has consecrated his life to.
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