Spiritual Sharing June 2010

Tue 20100601
* Yesterday I felt uneasy, my heart was shrinked and somehow worried. This was about Lxxx. Thoughts of judgement came to me, not feeling very willing to encounter him. Yesterday evening in the mass of my jesuit group an image came to me. He said: I don't want to get far from you, I need your presence. I thought that this was true and I felt released. Thank you, my dearest Lord, for this image.
* My prayer for Mxxx. Also, my prayer for the cooperant people killed by the troops of Israel yesterday morning.
Tue 20100602
* This is what I received from the Lord and in turn passed on to you.
* That on the same night that he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some bread, and thanked God for it and broke it, and he said: "This is my body, which is for you; do this in memory of me".
* I need to put a name to what I'm feeling. I feel frustrated, tired, enclosed in time. I'm not choosing well to be happy. What is behind? Excess of activity, lack of sleep, excess of work, Lxxx, Exxx. What can I call it? My dearest Lord, I can hardly stand myself. Forgive me those who may have to stand me. I'm so sorry. Indeed, I can hardly stand myself.
Tue 20100608
* It is the one who is forgiven little, who shows little love. And when so much love is shown, that is because there were many sins and they were all forgiven and that's why that very one, now lives in forgiveness and peace.
Al que poco se le perdona, muestra poco amor. Y si muestra tanto amor, es porque sus pecados, que eran muchos, han sido perdonados y vive en el perdón y la paz.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for a few simple little details which happened to me at work. Yesterday, Pxxx called me to tell where he was eating. This is the first time Pxxx has done something like this with me since we met six years ago. Gxxx was teasing Sxxx who was on vacation. Then he called him to join them to play football the following day. Simple little things. So simple but they encourage me. It is good to contemplate them.
Thu 20100610
* For this reason I tell you that her sins, her many sins, must have been forgiven, or she would not have shown such great love. It is the man who is forgiven little, who shows little love.
Fri 20100611
* I happen to find myself at the end of day in a bull fighting court in a well-known village near Madrid. This seems definitely something new. Just come to listen to a choir. Well right, one member in particular of that choir ... Lots of smiles, easy-going atmosphere, good rythm, moving the skeleton; definitely something new; I'm not used to doing these things on a Friday night.
Mon 20100614
* Thank you for the celebration of the word yesterday. I brought my parents with me. They enjoyed a lot.
Dichoso aquel que ha sido absuelto de su culpa y su pecado.
Dichoso aquel en el que Dios no encuentra ni delito ni engaño.
Ante el Señor reconocí mi culpa, no oculté mi pecado.
Te confesé, Señor, mi gran delito y Tú me has perdonado.
Por eso, en el momento de la angustia, que todo fiel te invoque,
y no lo alcanzarán las grandes aguas aunque estas se desborden.
Alegraos con el Señor y regocijaos los justos todos,
y todos los hombres de corazón sincero canten de gozo
Tue 20100615
* This morning I woke up with my heart shrunk. I don't quite know why. This happens to me from time to time these days. I felt even worse at work at the beginning of day. Now, I feel better by the end of day. How can I get out of this situation?
* Yesterday I attended the Monday life sharing group. I said a number of politically incorrect comments. Among those, I said I was fed up of being good, of being an instrument of my dearest Lord, of not having what I want but what my dearest Lord wants for me.
* The other day, a person from my group was operated and I did not even ask (I forgot). Help me avoid this.
Wed 20100616
* Lxxx called me out yesterday. We spoke longly. I was fine and peaceful after the conversation. However, I could not sleep. Today I feel pretty tired. Thanks for calling, Lxxx, even if I could not sleep. I wrote him later on and told him that I felt somehow like his parents.
* About closing issues up. Maybe I should speak to some people. Getting things out. Don't let me cummulate issues within me. I need to spit them out. Help me, my dearest Lord. I feel out of place. Let me close some issues and move forward.
Fri 20100618
* Jesus put this question to his disciples: "Who do the people say I am" ... Peter spoke up, "You are the Christ of God". Jesus teplied him: "blessed you, Peter for noone from bone and flesh has told you that, but my Father from heaven.
Mon 20100621
* Thank you for the weekend. For the nice picture Exxx gave to me. Now, it is at home and it is indeed beautiful.
* I enjoyed very much the company of Rxxx on Saturday morning. He does not speak much. On Sunday I was doubting whether he might fell well about me.
* Thank you for the Rainbow price from CRISMHOM. It was wonderful thanks to all the efforts of many people.
* Thank you for the 50th anniversary celebration of my school San Agustín. It was so nice although not so many people came.
* My prayer for Ixxxita. Take care of her.
Fri 20100625
* My prayer for Cxxx. She sent me an sms to tell me that she was in hospital. She has a cerebral injure from childhood.
* My prayer for Ixxx and Sxxx. They will be doing their exam to be state workers.
Mon 20100628
* Blessed be God who did not reject my prayer nor withhold his love from me.
* My prayer for Cxxx, with the treatment solving her brain congenital problem. For Mxxx; she's got a lot of pain out of her cancer.
* I'm tired. This was a hard year. I need to get loved. Please, do that, my dearest Lord, if I'm unable to receive or recognize the love from others.
* Let me know your will and help me change my lifestyle. It seems to me that I cannot continue the same way.
* Let us take care one another. This is the best we can do for each one of us.
Wed 20100630
* "Foxes have holes and birds of heaven have nests but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head". After this busy year, I pretty much feel like the Son of man for I feel I have nowhere to lay my head. Maybe one of the reasons why I'm feeling like this is because I'm approaching to my fortieth birthday.
* This year I experieced like going through a tunnel and having no time and spontaneity to stop or change the direction.
* I have taken too little care of myself. Sometimes others have taken care of me. But maybe not as much as I needed. In fact, some people who indeed realized how I felt and tried to help were unexpected. If others may not take care of me, let me at least take care of myself and may my dearest Lord take care of me.
* At the end of this year I have difficulty to realize the love other people have and express to me. I'm sure they love me, but it is so difficult to realize of this fact. This is just the consecuence of not taking a minimum care of myself.
* Cure me of having expectations out of others. Let me do things for them without expectations, just freely anf for free.
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