Spiritual Sharing November 2010

Tue 20101101
Yo sé que mi redentor vivo está
Y que al final se alzará sobre la tie--rra.
Yo despertaré y me tomará junto a él.
Con mis ojos yo le veré,
aquel a quien veré será el Señor.
Su brazo extenderá y me tomará junto a Él
y mi fe ya no vaci-la.
I know that my saviour is alive
And in the end She will rise over the earth.
I will wake up and She will take me with Her.
With my eyes I will see Her,
The One who I will see is the Lord.
She will rise her arm and will take me with Her, and my faith does not doubt.
Oculi nostri ad Dominum Jesum.
Oculi nostri ad Dominum nostrum.
* Today, day of the dead, my prayer for my two grandmothers.
Wed 20101103
I shall be filled when I awake, with the sight of your glory, O Lord.
Lord, hear a cause that is just,
pay heed to my cry.
Turn your ear to my prayer:
No deceit is in my lips
I kept my feet firmly in your paths;
there was no faltering in my steps.
I am here and I call, you will hear me.
Turn your ear to me; hear my words.
Hide me in the shadow of your wings.
As for me, in my justice I shall see your face
and be filled, when I awake, with the sight of your glory.
* This text reminded me so much to Jxxx Mxxx. Haiti has put his patience to the extreme test. May You bless him so that at every moment he feels in the whole midst of your presence.
Mon 20101108
Although You watch my heart,
visiting it at nicht,
although You test me with fire,
You will not find badness in me.
My feet stayed firm in your ways,
My steps did not doubt.
Goodness exists. There exist good people.
I think they are many. Among christians,
and among the rest.
The world is full, also, of goodness.
This is a reason of great happiness.
I, like hiding,
I join their singing:
Take care of me as one of Yourchosen,
hide me at the shadow of Your wings.
Stand up, my Lord, and defend me
in the midst of so much failure,
with Your hand, keep me far from those who think that all their chance is only in this life.
With my heart I come in Your presence.
When I wake up, I will be filled with your presence.
Aunque sondees mi corazón,
visitándolo de noche,
aunque me pruebes al fuego,
no encontrarás malicia en mí.
Mis pies estuvieron firmes en tus caminos,
y no vacilaron mis pasos.
Existe la bondad. Existe la gente buena.
Pienso que son muchos. Entre cristianos
Y entre los demás.
La tierra está llena, también, de bondad.
Y es motivo de inmensa alegría.
Yo, como a escondidas,
me uno a su canto:
Guárdame como a las niñas de tus ojos,
a la sombra de tus alas escóndeme.
Levántate, Señor, y defiéndeme
de tanto fracaso que me rodea,
Líbrame de tu mano de quiémes piensan
que toda su suerte está sólo en esta vida.
Con mi oración vengo a tu presencia.
Y al despertar, me saciaré de tu cercanía.
Fri 20101112
Romans 12:14-17
14 Wünscht denen, die euch verfolgen, Gutes. Segnet sie, anstatt sie zu verfluchen. 15 Freut euch mit den Fröhlichen und weint mit den Traurigen. 16 Seid alle miteinander auf Einigkeit bedacht. Strebt nicht hoch hinaus, sondern haltet Gemeinschaft mit den Verachteten. Verlasst euch nicht auf eure eigene Klugheit. 17 Wenn euch jemand Unrecht tut, dann zahlt es niemals mit gleicher Münze heim. Seid darauf bedacht, vor den Augen aller Menschen bestehen zu können.
Bendecid a los que os persiguen; sí, no maldigáis. Con los que ríen, estad alegres; con los que lloran, llorad. Tened igualdad de trato unos con otros; no tengáis grandes pretensiones, sino poneos al nivel de la gente humilde.
Mon 20101115
* Today it is my saint name. Thank you, my dearest Lord for this past weekend. Thank you for the concert on Friday, the company of Gxxx. Hard work on Saturday but enjoyed going to mass with dad and mum. The ICAI dinner waa great. That was our 15th anniversary after graduating. On Sunday I finished a part of the paper and was satisfied with it. Last piece of work for CRISMHOM. I transferred all the data to the computer I prepared for CRISMHOM. The webpage meeting was fine.
* My prayer for the mother of Jxxx. She gets operated of a tumor. Be near Jxxx and the rest of the family these days.
Luke 23:42-43
42 Und zu Jesus sagte er: »Denk an mich, Jesus, wenn du deine Herrschaft antrittst! « 43 Jesus antwortete ihm: »Ich versichere dir, du wirst noch heute mit mir im Paradies sein. «
Wed 20101117
Padre creador, que escuchas y atiendes
los clamores de la humanidad,
y que en Jesús nos mostraste
el proyecto de Bondad y Libertad
para tus hijos.
Haz de nosotros creyentes audaces,
que libres de todo afán de dominio o ganancia, sepamos ser servidores de todos,
especialmente de tus hijos solos y abandonados.
Que seamos constructores
de un mundo sin exclusiones,
en el que todos quepamos con igual dignidad,
para que la humanidad que sufre
pueda también un día levantarse,
y encontrar su lugar en el mundo.
Thu 20101118
Luke 23:36-43
36 And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him, offering him vinegar, 37 and saying, If thou art the King of the Jews, save thyself. 38 And there was also a superscription over him, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 39 And one of the malefactors that were hanged railed on him, saying, Art not thou the Christ? save thyself and us. 40 But the other answered, and rebuking him said, Dost thou not even fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. 42 And he said, Jesus, remember me when thou comest in thy kingdom. 43 And he said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To- day shalt thou be with me in Paradise.
Luke 23:36-43
36 Auch die Soldaten machten sich lustig über ihn. Sie gingen zu ihm hin, reichten ihm Essig 37 und sagten: »Hilf dir selbst, wenn du wirklich der König der Juden bist! « 38 Über seinem Kopf hatten sie eine Aufschrift angebracht: »Dies ist der König der Juden. « 39 Einer der Verbrecher, die mit ihm gekreuzigt worden waren, beschimpfte ihn: »Bist du denn nicht der versprochene Retter? Dann hilf dir selbst und uns! « 40 Aber der andere wies ihn zurecht und sagte: »Nimmst du Gott immer noch nicht ernst? Du bist doch genauso zum Tod verurteilt wie er, 41 aber du bist es mit Recht. Wir beide leiden hier die Strafe, die wir verdient haben. Aber der da hat nichts Unrechtes getan! « 42 Und zu Jesus sagte er: »Denk an mich, Jesus, wenn du deine Herrschaft antrittst! « 43 Jesus antwortete ihm: »Ich versichere dir, du wirst noch heute mit mir im Paradies sein. «
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you SO MUCH, for you chose this very way of giving you to teach me how to love.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for the King of the universe chose to express the fullest and maximum splendour point in the cross. The extreem giving. Thank you for choosing it so.
Fri 20101119
* Jesus, remember me, when you come into your Kingdom.
* Jesus, König des Universums, danke weil du deine höchste Herrschaft an der Kreuz angeschaut hast. Denk an mich, Jesus, wenn du deine Herrschaft antrittst!
Mon 20101124
* Yesterday, I received a proposal of a place of associate professor. This is perhaps what I have been waiting for some time. However, accepting it would mean not to have free time in a long time. My dearest Lord, I don't know what to do. Be close to me in the following hours so that I may choose to do your best option for me.
* Thanks for yesterday life sharing group. I feel as when I first run the welcome group in the jesuit community six years ago. I feel very much the midst of your presence.
Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom.
Thu 20101125
May the way go to your encounter. May the wind blow to your back. May the sunlight shine onto your face. May the rain softly soak your fields. And, up to the moment when we see each other again, may the Lord bring you written in the palm of his hand.
Que el camino vaya a tu encuentro. Que el viento esté siempre a tus espaldas. Que la luz del sol brille en tu rostro. Que la lluvia caiga suavemente en tus campos. Y, hasta que nos volvamos a ver, que Dios te lleve en la palma de su mano.
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