Thursday, September 22, 2011

Expression of love and thanksgiving for the life of José María Montes

Lord, we lay in your loving hands our dearest redemptorist friend José María Montes. You have blessed him in a special way allowing him satisfying his willing wish of passing away in Africa; in his loved Tiébissou, as he said.

We thank You, Lord, for his life; we will always remember him with great love. We will keep within us this immense love he had for You, this love which allowed us being better people.

We will also keep in our hearts his simplicity and goodness, his authenticity, his gentleness and the greatest gift of his friendship.

Those who have the luck of having met him, feel the privilege, satisfaction and joy of having met and loved a saint man.


​Señor, ponemos en tus manos amorosas a nuestro querido amigo redentorista José María Montes. Tu lo has bendecido de manera especial concediéndole su mayor deseo que era morir en Africa; en el Tiébissou de sus amores, como él decía.

Te damos gracias, Señor, por su vida; siempre lo recordaremos con mucho cariño. Guardaremos en nuestro corazón ese amor inmenso que sentía por ti, que a nosotros nos hizo ser mejores personas.

Guardaremos también en nuestro corazón su sencillez su bondad, su autenticidad, su caballerosidad y el precioso regalo de su amistad.

Los que hemos tenido la suerte de colaborar con él, sentimos el privilegio, la satisfacción y la alegría de haber conocido y querido a un hombre santo.

Principle and foundation inspired by Dialogues with a man of God

José María is a redemtorist priest and missionary born at Chamberí neighbourhood in Madrid. His missionary vocation has led him to dedicate his life to the forgotten Africa, first of all inthe Congo Republic and thereafter in the Ivory Coast. In this latter country, his work started in the town Tiébissou, supporting education through a student residence and later on in Bouaké. After the cruel civil war which this country suffered a few months ago, Ouattara takes power legimitely and the country starts very slowly to try to reach normality.

This Principle and Foundation is built based onn the dialogs exchanged with this man of God, motivated by the deep wish of suporting him in his valuable mission, inspired from the simplicity of daily routine and the true love towards the people from Ivory Coast.

The history of its writing starts with the first attatched email, where I felt very much and repeatedly called to write to José María. I was reading the comparison of the Kingdom of God with the hidden treasure and the valuable pearl and I could not but just think of him. This was on a regular day some months ago. Although I did not expect any answer, he answered to me writing the second attatched email. A few months later, during a retreat, I read once more these emails and the simple answer from José María moved strongly my heart. Especially when he said "we have to express in our life the Kingdom of God being hidden treasures and valuable pearls!". After reading this sentence, I started to write the Principle and Foundation which is attached at last.

Dialogues with a man of God:

Dearest José María,

Mat 13:44 The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field; which someone found and hid back; and in great joy he went and sold all what he had, and bought that field.

Mat 13:45: The Kingdom of Heaven is also similar to a merchant of fine pearls, and having found one day a pearl of great value, he went, sold all that he had, and bought it.

Good morning, José María, our dearest pearl, treasure of ours. My biggest hug.


Dear Alberto,

Perfect would be your message if you hadn't gone that far flatering me. How beautiful is what you say! and how much you commit me with such thing that we have to express with our life the Kingdom of God by being hidden treasure and a precious pearl! Thank you for what you say, for how you say it [...]

[...] and from now, from this very place, I already thank you for everything, I already express my deep love.

With my hug and my blessing,

José María

Principle and Foundation

The foundation of my life is to let myself be turned into a hidden treasure and a precious pearl of a Kingdom which is not mine. But one day someone will get to know it, because suddenly and in my ignorance that very one will find the treasure, discover the pearl and without my knowledge will go and sell with great joy everything he has and buy them.

Principio y Fundamento según

los diálogos con un hombre de Dios

José María Montes es sacerdote y misionero redentorista
nacido en Madrid, en el barrio de Chamberí. Su vocación misionera le ha conducido a dedicar su vida a la olvidada África, primero en la República del Congo y posteriormente en Costa de Marfil. En este último país su labor misionera comenzó en la ciudad de Tiébissou apoyando la formación a través de una residencia de estudiantes y posteriormente en Bouaké. Tras la cruenta guerra civil que ha tenido lugar hace unos meses en este país, se establece legítimamente Ouattara en el poder y muy lentamente las cosas intentan regresar a la normalidad. El Grupo ha ayudado a esta misión desde 1997.

Este Principio y Fundamento está construido sobre los diálogos intercambiados con este hombre de Dios, con el deseo hondo de animarle en su valiosa misión, inspirada desde la sencillez de la rutina de la vida diaria y el profundo afecto al pueblo marfileño.

La historia de su redacción comienza con el primer correo adjunto, donde me sentí fuerte e insistentemente llamado a escribir a José María. Estaba leyendo la comparación del Reino de Dios con el tesoro escondido y la perla preciosa y me acordé mucho de él. Esto fue un día cualquiera hace unos meses. Aunque no esperaba respuesta, él sin embargo respondió el segundo correo adjunto. Unos meses más tarde, haciendo yo ejercicios con Diego Alonso, volví a leer estos correos y la sencilla respuesta de José María me conmovió. Especialmete cuando decía "tenemos que expresar en la vida el Reinado de Dios, siendo tesoro escondido, perla de gran valor!". Tras leer esta frase, comencé a escribir el Principio y Fundamento que os adjunto en último lugar.

Diálogos con un hombre de Dios:

Muy querido José María:

Mat 13:44 El Reino de los cielos es semejante a un tesoro escondido en el campo, que al encontrarlo un día alguien, volvió a esconderlo, y con gran alegría fue, vendió todo lo que tenía y compró aquel campo.

Mat 13:45 El Reino de los cielos también se parece a un mercader de perlas finas, que al encontrar un día una de gran valor, fue y con gran alegría vendió todo lo que tenía y la compró.

Buenos días, José María, perla nuestra y tesoro nuestro. Un abrazo muy fuerte,


Querido Alberto,

Perfecto sería tu mensaje, si no se te hubiese ido la mano en lo de adular. ¡Qué precioso es lo que dices! y ¡cómo me comprometes con eso de que tenemos que expresar en la vida el Reinado de Dios, siendo tesoro escondido, perla de gran valor! Gracias por lo que dices, por cómo lo dices [...]

[...] desde ahora, desde aquí ya os agradezco todo, ya os testimonio mi profundo afecto.

Con mi abrazo. Y con mi bendición,

José María

Principio y Fundamento

El fundamento de mi vida es dejar convertirme en tesoro escondido y perla preciosa de un Reino que no es mío, pero que un día alguien conocerá, porque de pronto y en mi ignorancia, encontrará el tesoro, descubrirá la perla y sin yo saberlo irá y con gran alegría venderá todo cuanto tiene y los comprará.

Spiritual Sharing August 2011

Wed 20110808

* My dearest prayer for Mxxx. May you be with her. May we all be Your presence around her:

Estate, Señor, conmigo
siempre, sin jamás partirte,
y, cuando decidas irte,
llévame, Señor, contigo;
porque el pensar que te irás
me causa un terrible miedo
de si yo sin ti me quedo,
de si tú sin mí te vas.

Nos aprietan por todos lados, pero no nos aplastan (2 Cor 4, 8).

I have devoted myself to the cause of the people. It is a good cause. It shall ultimately prevail. It shall finally triumph.

Sun 20110814
* Yesterday, Jxxx Mxxx Mxxx, the redemptorist missionary in the Icory Coast, passed away. Everything happened so fast. Thank you so much for having known him.

Lord, we lay in your loving hands our dearest redemptorist friend José María Montes. You have blessed him in a special way allowing him satisfying his willing wish of passing away in Africa; in his loved Tiébissou, as he said.

We thank You, Lord, for his life; we will always remember him with great love. We will keep within us this immense love he had for You, this love which allowed us being better people.

We will also keep in our hearts his simplicity and goodness, his authenticity, his gentleness and the greatest gift of his friendship.

Those who have the luck of having met him, feel the privilege, satisfaction and joy of having met and loved a saint man.


​ Señor, ponemos en tus manos amorosas a nuestro querido amigo redentorista José María Montes. Tu lo has bendecido de manera especial concediéndole su mayor deseo que era morir en Africa; en el Tiébissou de sus amores, como él decía.

Te damos gracias, Señor, por su vida; siempre lo recordaremos con mucho cariño. Guardaremos en nuestro corazón ese amor inmenso que sentía por ti, que a nosotros nos hizo ser mejores personas.

Guardaremos también en nuestro corazón su sencillez su bondad, su autenticidad, su caballerosidad y el precioso regalo de su amistad.

Los que hemos tenido la suerte de colaborar con él, sentimos el privilegio, la satisfacción y la alegría de haber conocido y querido a un hombre santo.

Holy men of humble heart, bless the Lord.

Encourage each other daily while it is still today (Hebrews 3:13).

Tue 20110816
* My dearest prayer for these two young priests from Ivory Coast. After the death of Jxxx Mxxx, they must be devastated. A difficult horizon opens in front of them. One of them is in Tiébissou and the other is in Bouaké. They were joyfull but the situation there is very hard. My prayer for them.
* My prayer for Mxxx. She is in Galicia now. She has lost the equilibrium. She must be taken by someone to walk. Take courage, dear Mxxx, take lots of courage.

Mt 19:23-30
Jesus said to his disciples:
“Amen, I say to you, it will be hard for one who is rich
to enter the Kingdom of heaven.
Again I say to you,
it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle
than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God.”

Wed 20110817
* I talked to my aunt on the phone. She has been taking care of my nephew and niece with my parents. She is tired. Mum is tired too. I have spent a wonderful summer and now I think that perhaps I should have been a little more present to soften the relation between my mother and my aunt which sometimes becomes a little difficult. Let me at least value what I have enjoyed this summer. Let me be at least attentive and  careful now.

Thu 20110818
* I went with mum to a concert as part of the activities of the World Youth Day. In the middle of the street, quite a few people, very young, some people from my mother's parish. I enjoyed it. It was good to be with mum. Also the simple conversation with Lxxx, the person who stays at home these days of the World Youth Day.
* My tender memory for Jxxx Mxxx, the missionay in Ivory Coast. The whole family went there to bury him in his own beloved parish.

Mon 20110822
* About a very intense weekend, lots of happenings. I feel a little worried and I don't quite know why.
* About the visit of the pope for the Wold Youth Day. I enjoyed very much the procession steps on Friday. It was cultural but also spiritual. I enjoyed the attitude of the people. Respectful and silent. A very big event took place there. It was indeed very worth.
* About going to Cuatro Vientos for the mass enents on Saturday and Sunday. In the end, I was only with Jxxx. It was good. Jxxx is questioning me a lot. I enjoyed going to those events, especially the eucharist on Sunday.
* About the perpetual vows of Mxxx on Sunday evening. She told me that I was a pillar in her discerniment process when I was her cathequist. My dearest Lord, I am a simple messenger of Your love. Thank you for being so for Mxxx.
* About seeing Txxx and Pxxx once more. I had not seen Txxx, the Newyorker radio priest from Vallecas, for more than two years. He is experiencing some difficulties, but je believes in God's providence.
* About the end of relationship of Pxxx and Axxx. I have been praying for them intensively these days. May You continue by their side. This might have touched my heart.

Tue 20110823
* Thank you, my dearest Lord for the conversation I had with Jxxx yesterday. About being called by God to be a priest. My dearest prayer and congratulations for him. He asked me for my own path in the same direction.
* My dearest Lord, You have always been the only one, my rock, my foundation. What is Your plan for this humble servant of yours? Please, do call me to whatever You want me to be or to do. Please, call intensively, I am deaf. Let me hear You. Let me get more certain about Your call, whatever it is. Let me follow You, my dearest Lord.

Wed 20110824
* Feeling very tired at the end of the day. This happens to me since long ago.
* Feeling uneasy, somehow worried. Please, do call me if that is Your will. May I know Your will in my life.
* My prayer for Jxxx Mxxx, our computer scientist. You called him to be a priest and he is answering you. He is perhaps the very one who made me feel uneasy when he told me about his own process.
* My dearest Lord, there is something missing. Can You help me to find it?

Turn down your ear, my dearest Lord, listen to me, that I am a simple helpless one; protect my life, that I am faithfull; save your servant who trusts you.

Inclina tu oído, Señor, escúchame,
que soy un pobre desamparado;
protege mi vida, que soy un fiel tuyo;
salva a tu siervo, que confía en ti.

Thu 20110825
* How shall I make a return to the Lord for al the good he has done in me.

In this very one I will set my eyes: the humble and weary whose deep heart gets moved with my words. I call you from the depths of my heart, answer me, my dearest Lord.

En ése pondré mis ojos: en el humilde y el abatido que se estremece ante mis palabras. Te invoco de todo corazón, respóndeme, Señor.

* I get back home every day after work so tired. I usually fall asleep in my way home. Is all this effort worthwhile? Should not it be more worthy to be as tired or even more for directly building the Kingdom of God?

Sun 20110828

Aleluya, aleluya.
May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, light the eyes of our heart, so that we may understand the hope to which our Lord calls us.

El Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo ilumine los ojos de nuestro corazón, para que comprendamos cuál es la esperanza a la que nos llama.

Mon 20110829

The Lord extended my hand and touched my lips; he ordered me to prophesy to the nations.

Isaiah 49, 1-2
The Lord called me from birth,
 from my mother’s womb he gave me my name.
He made of me a sharp-edged sword
 and concealed me in the shadow of his arm.

Tue 20110830

Genesis 28, 12ss:
Tomó una piedra del lugar, la puso en cabecera y se acostó. Y tuvo un sueño, y he aquí, había una escalera apoyada en la tierra cuyo extremo superior alcanzaba hasta el cielo. Los ángeles de Dios subían y bajaban por ella. El Señor está en este lugar y no lo sabía, es la casa de Dios, la puerta del cielo.

Spiritual Sharing July 2011

Mon 20110704
* Thank you, my dearest Lord for this past long weekend. I took Friday off and spent the three days in Málaga with my parents. Time to rest, to be with them. They showed me a lot of things. Thank you, once more.
* My prayer for Axxx. Why should it be always so difficult? Let us be friends. I will take care of him.

Come to me everyone of you who are tired and opressed, and I will give you rest.

My Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I am grateful that you hid all this from wise and educated people and showed it to ordinary people.

Tue 20110705
* About going to CRISMHOM yesterday evening. I went to talk to Axxx but he was inside a meeting by the time I arrived, quite late by the way. I thought of leaving but I stayed. I talked to Jxxx. It was a nice little conversation. He is now retired and comes quite often. Ixxx was not fine. He was angry and could not quite stand himself. I went for a walk with him. He was silent but I talked to him. About saying hello to the people. Talking a little while with Axxx. Leaving with Oxxx. I had not seen him in a long while. Actually, this is not what I had planned for this evening. However, it was fine.

Mathew 9:
Jesus went to every town and village. He taught in their meeting places and preached the good news about God's kingdom. Jesus also healed every kind of disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he felt sorry for them. They were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 He said to his disciples, "A large crop is in the fields, but there are only a few workers.

Fri 20110708
* Matthew 16:
16 I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves. So be as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves. 17 Watch out for people who will take you to court and have you beaten in their meeting places.

* Thinking about Ixxx and her pilgrimage to Santiago this summer. Of how she felt out of this world. Not understood, unable to talk and share about her spiritual life. About being sent like lambs among wolves.

Mon 20110711

Um dia eu tive um sonho e realizei esse sonho. Porque ali sentado nas naos do Cristo Redentor eu consegui mostrar pra todo mundo a importancia de una cosa: A ESPERANÇA. Albert, quando se tem esperança tu consegues chegar aonde quiser.

Un día tuve un sueño y realicé ese sueño. Porque allí sentado, en las manos de Cristo Redentor logré mostrar al mundo la importancia de una cosa: LA ESPERANZA. Xxxx, cuando se tiene esperanza, consigues llegar a donde quieras.

Tue 20110712
* About the comment Mxxx Rxxx did last Sunday explaining why she had enrolled her vocation in a secular institute. She was in love, in love of Jesus, in love of God. The particular way to develop that relationship could vary but that love was at the very core of everything.

Thu 20110714
* Matthew 11:
If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. 29 Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. 30 This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light.

Thank you for the opera about Francis of Asisi yesterday. It was great, with a lot of spiritual content. Good to go with Gxxx. He also enjoyed it greatly.

Fri 20110715
* Thank you for the dinner with some people from the other departments. Noone from my group apart from me came. Mxxx from the Metrics and Capital also came. A small group, I enjoyed sharing dinner with them. I need some fresh air, new people.

Sun 20110717
* My prayer for Pxxx and Axxx. May my dearest Lord help them attain, if that is Your will and their greatest happiness, a full common shared life.

Mon 20110718
* I didn't know that Pxxx found himself such a little piece of nothing. Willing to conquer the world a few years ago. My dearest prayer for him and Axxx. May Your will be done, Your paths accomplished. Take special care of Pxxx and Axxx.

* My prayer for Mxxx. I'll go to visit her with a few people tonight. May You be with her, may we be with her too. May she never feel alone.

Tue 20110719
* My dearest Lord, thank you for last Sunday. I went to Robledillo with the whole family. About that short time when We went to Axxx's house with my nephew and niece. They were looking at two tortoises they had.
* My prayer for Mxxx and Pxxx. Thinking about them and Jeremiah 1:

My power will make you strong like a fortress or a column of iron or a wall of bronze. You will oppose all of Judah, including its kings and leaders, its priests and people. 19 They will fight back, but they won't win. I, the LORD, give my word--I won't let them harm you.

He aquí, yo te he puesto hoy como ciudad fortificada, como columna de hierro y como muro de bronce contra toda esta tierra: contra los reyes de Judá, sus príncipes, sus sacerdotes y el pueblo de la tierra. 19 Pelearán contra ti, pero no te vencerán, porque yo estoy contigo--declara el SEÑOR--para librarte.

Wed 20110720

If the Lord does not build the house, worthless is the effort of the builders. If the Lord does not guard the fortress, for no purpose stay the guardians awake. May the Lord build and guard you, Pxxx.

Si el Señor no construye la casa, en vano se afanan los albañiles. Si el Señor no guarda la ciudad, en vano velan los centinelas. Que el Señor te construya y te guarde, Pxxx.

* My dearest prayer for Ixxx's nephew.

Thu 20110721

What eyes never saw and ears heard, what human mind shall ever conceive, that's what our dearest Lord has reserved for those who like you, Pxxx, love him.

Lo que ojos nunca vieron ni oídos oyeron, lo que jamás mente humana concibió, es lo que nuestro queridísimo Señor tiene reservado para los que como tú, Pxxx, le aman.

Wed 20110727

When a part suffers, the whole body suffers with it. If another is happy, the whole body is full of hapiness. May today be my suffering, but soon my great hapiness.

Cuando una parte sufre, el cuerpo entero sufre con ella. Si una parte se alegra, el cuerpo entero se llena de alegría. Sea hoy mi duelo y pronto mi alegría.

Que el Espíritu de Jesús os ilumine y os inspire para acertar en pedirle y pediros mutuamente lo que más os conviene. Mucho ánimo. Un inmenso abrazo.

Yo, por mi parte, te convierto hoy en ciudad fortificada, un pilar de hierro y un muro de bronce para confrontar a toda la tierra.

Un día tuve un sueño y realicé ese sueño. Porque allí sentado, en las manos de Cristo Redentor logré mostrar al mundo la importancia de una cosa: LA ESPERANZA. Xxxx, cuando se tiene esperanza, consigues llegar a donde quieras.

Si el Señor no construye la casa, en vano se afanan los albañiles. Si el Señor no guarda la ciudad, en vano velan los centinelas. Que el Señor te construya y te guarde.

Lo que ojos nunca vieron ni oídos oyeron, lo que jamás mente humana concibió, es lo que nuestro queridísimo Señor tiene reservado para los que como tú, Pxxx, le aman.

Tu fidelidad es grande, tu fidelidad incomparable es. Nadie como tú, bendito Dios. Grande es tu fidelidad. Hpy Dios te quiere y te acoge y siempre es fiel. Traigo a mi oración a ti, a tu padre y a Ángel también, para que si es su voluntad y vuestra mayor felicidad, os conceda una vida plena compartida.

Te amo Señor, fortaleza mía, roca mía, castillo mío, mi libertador. Dios mío, en ti
confiaré. Pues mi escudo eres tú y la roca de mi salvación. Que vaya muy bien la operación de tu padre. Cógele de la mano, como él cogía la tuya hace dos navidades

El fundamento de mi vida es dejar convertirme en tesoro escondido y perla preciosa de un Reino que no es mío, pero que un día alguien conocerá, porque de pronto y en mi ignorancia, encontrará el tesoro, descubrirá la perla y sin yo saberlo irá y con gran alegría venderá todo cuanto tiene y los comprará.

Llevamos el tesoro de conocer a Jesús en vasijas de barro, para que quede claro que la fuerza de Dios no proviene de nosotros. Nos aprietan, pero no nos aplastan; estamos apurados, pero no desesperados; acosados pero no abandonados; nos derriban, pero no nos rematan.

Que el Señor te inspire ofrecer tus mejores intenciones, aunque tan sólo sean cinco panes y dos peces. Para que Él las multiplique para alimentaros a Ángel y a ti.

Cuando una parte sufre, el cuerpo entero sufre con ella. Si una parte se alegra, el cuerpo entero se llena de alegría. Sea hoy mi duelo y pronto mi alegría.

Spiritual Sharing June 2011

Mon 20110606
* Last Friday I finished the Risk Management course I gave with Mxxx. I felt much relieved. I think we did a good work. However it took us a lot of effort (at least to me).
* Thank you for this weekend, it's almost the first weekend in several months where I don't feel I have to prepare something.

Tue 20110607
* I went to the talk by Jxxx yesterday. He has been in Chad during a couple of years. My prayer for him. Simple things, presence, providing confidence. No intellectual faith any more. The simple faith of being near and present. No conversations, few people can enen speak English. No cultural union or connection. Presence, getting frustrated every day. Accepting that frustration every day. These were his words at the mass yesterday. My prayer for him and for this people.

John 17, 1
Eternal life is to know you, the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ, the one you sent. 4 I have brought glory to you here on earth by doing everything you gave me to do. 5 Now, Father, give me back the glory.

Wed 20110607

John 17:
14 I have told them your message. But the people of this world hate them, because they don't belong to this world, just as I don't. 15 Father, I don't ask you to take my followers out of the world, but keep them safe from the evil one.

Thu 20110609

John 21:
I am not praying just for these followers. I am also praying for everyone else who will have faith because of what my followers will say about me. 21 I want all of them to be one with each other, just as I am one with you and you are one with me. I also want them to be one with us. Then the people of this world will believe that you sent me. 22

Ich bete nicht nur für sie, sondern auch für alle, die durch ihr Wort von mir hören und zum Glauben an mich kommen werden. 21 Ich bete darum, dass sie alle eins seien, so wie du in mir bist, Vater, und ich in dir. So wie wir sollen auch sie in uns eins sein, damit die Welt glaubt, dass du mich gesandt hast.

Mon 20110613
* Thank you for this weekend. I went to visit Axxx. He had a motorbike accident and broke both arms. I found him better than what I expected. Thank you, for he could be disabled, handicapped or even dead. Good to learn he is fine.
* My prayer for my dearest Pxxx and Axxx. May my dearest Lord give them, if that's Your will and their greatest happiness, a full common shared life.

Fri 20110617
* Thank you for the welcome by Exxx and Exxx these days in Barcelona. Thank you also for the Financial Engineering Summer School.

* I went back to the Principle and Foundation according to the dialogs with a man of God. I hope this time Fxxx can understand it better.

Matthew 6
19 Don't store up treasures on earth! Moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them. 20 Instead, store up your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy them, and thieves cannot break in and steal them. 21 Your heart will always be where your treasure is.

19 »Sammelt keine Schätze hier auf der Erde! Denn ihr müsst damit rechnen, dass Motten und Rost sie zerfressen oder Einbrecher sie stehlen. 20 Sammelt lieber Schätze bei Gott. Dort werden sie nicht von Motten und Rost zerfressen und können auch nicht von Einbrechern gestohlen werden. 21 Denn euer Herz wird immer dort sein, wo ihr eure Schätze habt.

Mon 20110620
* Thank you for the common retreat this past weekend. Many people, very good atmosphere, beautiful place, good feeling.
* Thank you for the presence of Jxxx Lxxx Cxxx. About how Lxxx initiated his path of faith by reading three books from Cxxx. It was very emotional to see that when he was saying that, Cxxx, the author of those books, was in front of him as any other one, sharing as he was himself sharing. Lxxx didn't know at first who Cxxx was.

* About saying "I know who I am and I know what I want to do in life". Of how that turned into "I am who I am and I know what I want to do in life". I have only one thing for certain: what I want to do in life is what You may inspire me. I'm not very certain about what I really want but please, keep telling me what You may want.

Tue 20110621
* Let me think of others. Let me set myself in their place. Maybe they are not feeling that good. Maybe It's not about me but about them. Let me not judge.
* Today I will have lunch on my own. I am going to the sport centre to be with the people of my group. However I think that today I will eat on my own. Let me not judge, just try to think they are not having a good time either.

Wed 20110622
* In the end I did not eat on my own in the sport centre. I did not eat with those I expected but I ate with someone unexpected. I enjoyed the meal though. Thank you, my dearest Lord, for it was worth doing in the end.

Wed 20110629
* Thank you for the last meeting of our community of faith and life. Just four few people, two priests. About their dificulties, their uncertainties. Their destinations, the hierarchy in the Church. Nice sharing but very few people interested.
* About the retreat a few weeks ago. It was good. New people.
* About meeting Axxx. Finding later that he is a priest. Big happiness in this face. About the informal priest meeting two days ago. May they form a real fraternity.

Thu 20110630
* Thanking God for the opening perspectives of writing a new paper with a method that gives good results.
* Thinking also about Axxx and re-reading the last message I exchanged with him.

Spiritual Sharing May 2011

Wed 20110504

Yo no soy el Amor,
pero Dios quiere amar a través de mí.
Yo no soy la Luz,
pero mi vida se alimenta en la búsqueda de la verdad.
Yo no soy la Palabra,
Pero en mi silencio puede escucharse la voz del Infinito.
Yo no soy la Santidad,
pero en medio de mis imperfecciones
se cultiva la flor más bella que pueda existir.
Yo no soy Salvador de nadie,
pero el Salvador de todos quiere apoyarse en mí, para seguir salvando.
Yo no sé muy bien quién soy,
Pero me basta con saber que Alguien lo sabe
Y me lo va diciendo paso a paso.

A. López

Mon 20110509
* My dearest Lord, help me get rid of those negative feelings which invade me at work. There are objective reasons and just feelings. Help me look at the situation as objectively as possible, get rid of the feelings.
* Thank you for the conference of Mxxx Vxxx.

Tue 20110510
* Thinking about Gxxx. Willing to see him again. Very pleased for the email he sent me last Friday.
* About my new situation at work. I have inherited a good mess. Feeling very muchlike leaving, changing jobs. Thank you for the conversation with my brother. That helped me out a lot.
* About enjoying the walk this past Sunday with my niece, nephew and my sister in law.

Thu 20110512
* On Tuesday I felt really miserable when getting out of work. Hopefully, yesterday I felt better.
* No news from Gxxx. Let me take it very easy. This week, with the turmoil at work I hardly had time to think of him.

Mon 20110516
* My dearest prayer for Rxxx, Nxxx and his brothers. Nxxx's father passed away yesterday. My dearest prayer for them all.

* About sending messages to Nxxx, I was very moved when writing them.

Mensajes a un gran amigo, tras la muerte de su padre.

Muy querido Nxxx: que el Señor os acompañe y lo percibáis. Os quiero un montón. Un beso muy fuerte a tu madre y un inmenso abrazo para ti y tus hermanos.

En la casa de mi Padre hay muchas estancias. Cuando os prepare sitio, volveré y os llevaré conmigo, para que donde estoy yo, estéis también vosotros.

Aunque la tristeza os inunde, os conviene que me vaya, porque así os enviaré el Espíritu Santo, el Consolador. Me quedan muchas cosas por deciros, pero no las entenderíais ahora. Será el Espíritu quien os las vaya diciendo, poco a poco, en el tiempo venidero.

La paz os dejo, mi paz os doy. No la doy como la da el mundo. Que no tiemble vuestro corazón. Si me amarais, os alegraríais de que vaya al Padre, porque Él es más que yo. Dentro de poco no me veréis y os lamentaréis, pero vuestra tristeza se convertirá en alegría y nadie os la arrebatará.

Padre, cuida en tu nombre a los que me has dado, para que sean uno como Tú Padre en mí y yo en Ti. Para que sean completamente uno y el mundo sepa que me has enviado y que los amas como a mí me amas. Padre, este es mi deseo: que los que me confiaste estén conmigo, donde yo estoy.

Amaos unos a otros como yo os he amado. No os llamo siervos sino amigos, porque todo os lo he dado a conocer. Como el Padre me envía, os envío yo a vosotros. Y todo lo que pidáis en mi nombre se os concederá. El que me ama guardará mi palabra, mi Padre y yo le amaremos y haremos morada en él.

Esta es la vida eterna: que te conozcan a ti y al que has enviado. Tú me los has dado, ellos han guardado tu palabra y han creido que tú me has enviado. Por ellos ruego, por los que me has dado, porque son tuyos y todo lo mío es tuyo y lo tuyo mío. Este es mi deseo, que los que me confiaste estén conmigo.

En la casa de mi Padre hay muchas estancias. Cuando os prepare sitio, volveré y os llevaré conmigo, para que donde estoy yo, estéis también vosotros.

Muy querido Nxxx: que el Señor os siga acompañando siempre y lo percibáis. Os quiero un montón. Un beso muy fuerte a tu madre y un inmenso abrazo para ti y tus hermanos.

Gracias. Tenerte cerca de nosotros, es una bendición de Dios. Un abrazo, Nxxx

John 14, 1-6:
Jesus said to his disciples, "Don't be worried! Have faith in God and have faith in me. 2 There are many rooms in my Father's house. I wouldn't tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you. 3 After I have done this, I will come back and take you with me. Then we will be together.

* Thank you for this weekend. I had time to prepare the course I will give next week and some time to rest. Thank you for meeting the people of CRISMHOM and some friends related to the yoga class. I enjoyed very much joining them.

Mon 20110523
* My prayer for Nxxx and his family. Writing sms messages to him has been the centre of my spiritual life this past week.
* Thank you for the support of my parents. They invited me to have lunch with them. It was some time since the last time.
* Help me out with the situation at work. Give me the strength to demand my rights.
* I saw Jxxx last Saturday. I was still somehow affected on that night.
* May You help me find someone to share my life with. Gxxx has not contacted me in the past two weeks. I wrote him a few times. Now I think he is not very interested. Let me be patient at least to preserve his friendship.

Wed 20110525
* Too many things hapenning at the same time. I cannot cope with everything. Help me out at work.
* Thank you for yesterday community of faith and life. Only four people, but it was good.

Que tengas muy buena semana, Axxx, porque el Señor a sus ángeles ha dado órdenes para que te protejan en tus caminos! El sol que nace de lo alto te ilumina y da color a tu vida?!! Besos, Xxxx

May you have a good week, Axxx, for the Lord has given orders to the angels to protect you on your way. The sun which arises from above shines and gives color to your life?!! Kisses, Xxxx

Thu 20110526

9 I have loved you, just as my Father has loved me. So remain faithful to my love for you. 10 If you obey me, I will keep loving you, just as my Father keeps loving me, because I have obeyed him. 11 I have told you this to make you as completely happy as I am. 12 Now I tell you to love each other, as I have loved you. 13 The greatest way to show love for friends is to die for them.

So wie der Vater mich liebt, habe ich euch meine Liebe erwiesen. Bleibt in dieser Liebe! 10 Wenn ihr meine Gebote befolgt, dann bleibt ihr in meiner Liebe, so wie ich die Gebote meines Vaters befolgt habe und in seiner Liebe bleibe. 11 Ich habe euch dies gesagt, damit meine Freude euch erfüllt und an eurer Freude nichts mehr fehlt. Dies ist mein Gebot: Ihr sollt einander so lieben, wie ich euch geliebt habe. 13 Niemand liebt mehr als einer, der sein Leben für seine Freunde opfert.

Mon 20110530
* Yesterday Jxxx told me about giving thanks to You, my dearest Lord. He said: "Are you giving thanks to your Lord for all the good you are experiencing?" I think that he is right. I might not be giving thaks to my dearest Lord for all the good I'm receiving.
* My prayer for my dearest Pxxx and Axxx. If it's Your will and their greatest hapiness, may they enjoy a full shared life.
Spiritual Sharing April 2011

Fri 20110401
* It was announced today that Ouattara, the elected president, has entered Abidjan in the Ivory Coast. The process continues. I'm happy that the situation evolves. I'm very happy to see Jxxx Mxxx with hope. Thank you, my dearest Lord.

Wed 20110406
* About writing an article to be published in the magazine of my Jesuit community, "Community Sharing". The title "Dialogues with a man of God". About experiencing that what moved my heart to write this article is not necessarily what understands or feels the person who reads it. Fxxx, with his best criterion, made the article shorter and converted it in "News about a man of God". However, it is not about news but mainly about dialogues.
* Thank you for the response from Jxxx. My messages are not a burden to him.

Mirad que os mando como ovejas entre lobos ...
Cuando entréis en una casa, dad la paz, ...

Mon 20110418
* About a week in Paris, attending a conference but a lot more. Meeting wonderful new people. Visiting younger old friends, spending time with my aunt.
* About reading news about the Ivory Coast. Remembering Jxxx Mxxx Mxxx.
* About meeting Gxxx. Spending two evenings with him. Having a great time as Dxxx himself did years ago. Thanks Dxxx for letting me know him. About intensively remembering a great hug I gave him from behind at a bar before leaving.
* About meeting Axxx and Jxxx on Saturday afternoon. A great surprise was to find there Xxxx, Axxx's brother. So happy to meet him again after five years. A great evening, taking some pictures: "Frères amis" (Axxx and Xxxx), "Amis frères" (Axxx and I), "Une jeune couple avec toutes mes amitiés" (Axxx and Jxxx).
* Good conference, meeting new people, some from Linz. Great opportunity.

Tue 20110419

John 13, 21-33
After Jesus had said these things, he was deeply troubled and told his disciples, "I tell you for certain that one of you will betray me."

Right then Satan took control of Judas. Jesus said, "Judas, go quickly and do what you have to do."

My children, I will be with you for a little while longer. Then you will look for me, but you won't find me. I tell you just as I told the people, "You cannot go where I am going." 34 But I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you. 35 If you love each other, everyone will know that you are my disciples. (Matthew 26.31-35; Mark 14.27-31; Luke 22.31-34) 36 Simon Peter asked, "Lord, where are you going?"

Thu 20110421
How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done in me.

Mon 20110425

Happy Holy Thusday, day of fraternal love. Farewell moments, shared last supper, being aside in difficulty, day of love to the extreme. Happy day of fraternal love.

Feliz Jueves Santo, día del amor fraterno. Momentos de despedida, cena compartida, acompañando el duelo, día de amor al extremo. Feliz día del amor fraterno.

The stone which the builders rejected, has become the cornerstone. By the Lord has this been done. It is wonderful in our eyes. Happy Easter!!!

La piedra que desecharon los constructores se ha convertido en la piedra angular. Es el Señor quien lo ha hecho. Es un milagro patente. ¡Feliz Pascua de Resurrección!

Spiritual Sharing March 2011

Thu 20110310

Cristo, a pesar de su condición divina, no hizo alarde de su categoría de Dios; al contrario, se despojó de su rango y tomó la condición de esclavo, pasando por uno de tantos. Y así, actuando como un hombre cualquiera, se rebajó hasta someterse incluso a la muerte, y una muerte en cruz.

* My prayer for Exxx. He is rather alone. Let me help him a litle.

A pesar de su condición divina, se despojó de su rango haciéndose uno de tantos, sometiéndose hasta la muerte y muerte en cruz. Hoy, miércoles de ceniza, voy a sentir mucho no poder ir al acto conjunto de profesionales.

In spite of His divine condition, he resigned from his own glory by becoming a simple one out of many, surrendering himself to death and death on a cross. Today, Ash Wednesday, I'm going to miss so much not being in the celebration in my jesuit community.

Sun 2010313
* About inviting Exxx to the concert on Friday. He is so much out of place. Not socializing too much, enclosing himself inside his own situation. I was so happy to go with him for dinner after the concert. He enjoyed it and I enjoyed his enjoyment. Gxxx brought us to a wonderful place to eat dinner. Thanks, Gxxx, thank you so much.
* About missing Jxxx during the weekend. He's now very busy.
* About the celebration at CRISMHOM. I was not very much willing to go but I joined the people singing and I found my place. I had a great time. The dinner was great. I spent a very nice time with the two young guys, Oxxx and Mxxx after dinner. I was impressed by Mxxx. He's just 18 but is a lot more mature for his age. About how he removed fire out of difficult situations.

Tue 20110315

4 Money paid to workers isn't a gift. It is something they earn by working. 5 But you cannot make God accept you because of something you do.

Wed 20110316

* From Jxxx Mxxx Mxxx in the Ivory Coast, answering a simple email. My dearest prayer for him and the people from the Ivory Coast.

"Bon courage, homme de Dieu. Bon courage à tous. Je t'embrace, toujours très fort, Axxx".

Take heart, man of God. May you all take lots of heart. I hug you, always very strongly, Axxx"

Going aside these People in this difficult moment, I can see the limitation of my good intentions. I have nothing left to give but the love I truly feel for them. "Bon courage" you say to me, but it is not easy to keep optimism in this situation. Your words indeed help me without doubt. Feeling your closeness and friendship encourages me. Thank you.

Acompañando a este Pueblo en este momento difícil veo la limitación de mis buenas intenciones. No me queda paray darle más que el amor que de verdad siento por él. “Bon courage” me dices, pero no es fácil guardar el optimismo en estas circunstancias. Tus palabras sin duda me ayudan. Sentir tu simpatía da ánimos. Gracias.

* Dearest Jxxx Mxxx, I could not quite sleep yesterday. These words of yours came to my mind. "I have nothing left to give but the love I truly feel for them". That's a lot, that's indeed everything. However it seems so little from a human point of view. My most tender prayer for Jxxx Mxxx and the people in the Ivory Coast.

Fri 20110318

¡Que ese frescor y simplicidad de tu mirada ilumine a muchos corazones a llegar a buen puerto!

Que las ganas de conocer y conocerte ¡crezcan en todos aquellos a los que amas y te aman!

¡Que una sonrisa sea tu insignia y no lleguemos tarde a la vida!

May the freshness and simplicity of your look shine on the hearts of many to reach right destination!

May your desire to get to know and the desire to know you, grow among all those who you love and who do love you!

May a smile be your identity card and may we not be too late to life!

Que el Señor nos conceda la certeza de amar a quienes queremos y de sentirnos amados por quienes nos quieren, con gran apertura, confianza y buen humor.

May the Lord give us the certainty of loving those who we appreciate and of feeling loved by those who appreciate us, with great openness, trust and good mood.

Mon 20110321
* About the celebration of my birthday at home, inviting many people at different times. It was exceptional. I did really enjoy it. A lot of work but worth the effort. Thank you for the presence of all this people.
* May my dearest Lord help me discover and unveil His happiness plan for me. Have You thought of anyone to be with me? Guide me to find him, help me clear up my doubts, my fears. May I not be too late to life.
* About the letter from Jxxx Mxxx in Boaqué. Bon courage, homme de Dieu, bon courage á tous. You touched my heart when you said that the only thing left to do is to give the love you truly feel for this people and how difficult is to have courage. My dearest Jxxx Mxxx, you man of God.

Acompañando a este Pueblo en este momento difícil veo la limitación de mis buenas intenciones. No me queda para darle más que el amor que de verdad siento por él. “Bon courage” me dices, pero no es fácil guardar el optimismo en estas circunstancias. Tus palabras sin duda me ayudan. Sentir tu simpatía da ánimos. Gracias.

Wed 20110323

Muy querido José María:

Tu respuesta a mi correo me ha hecho sentirme muy cerca de vosotros estos días.

Me conmovió intensamente el último párrafo de tu correo. Cuando dices que al acompañar al pueblo marfileño en este momento de extrema dificultad, ves la limitación de tus buenas intenciones. Que ya sólo te queda por entregarle el verdadero y auténtico amor que sientes por él. No es poco lo que tienes que ofrecer aunque este mundo donde vivimos no parezca valorarlo mucho. Lo que tienes que ofrecer es lo que quizá bastó al mismo Dios entregar a todos nosotros a través de Jesús: el verdadero amor que siente por nosotros. Hoy pido a nuestro queridísimo Señor, que se siga haciendo presente entre vosotros y te vaya desvelando día tras día ese plan de felicidad y redención que tiene pensado para ti y para el pueblo al que tanto amas. Un plan hecho con un cariño inmenso, porque lo que ojos nunca vieron ni oídos oyeron, lo que jamás mente humana concibió, es lo que nuestro queridísimo Señor tiene guardado para los que tanto le queréis.

Me hago consciente de la inocencia de mis palabras. Me hago como un niño pequeño para poderlas escribir sin sentir vergüenza de mi cómoda situación en Madrid.

Ayer te escribía un correo similar a este, pero la maravilla de la tecnología no acertó a enviarlo; es más, perdí el mensaje. Parece que mi Señor se empeña en hacérmelo escribir dos veces. Aquí va mi segundo intento.

Bon courage, c'est la seule chose que j'arrive à dire. Bon courage, homme de Dieu. Bon courage a tous, même dans la grosse dificulté. Je t'embrace, toujours très forte,


My dearest Jxxx Mxxx:

The response to my email has made me feel very close to you all these days.

The last paragraph of your previous email has moved greatly my heart. When you say that going aside the people from the Ivory Coast in this moment of extreme difficulty, you see the limitation of your good intentions. That the only thing you have left to give them is the true and authentic love that you feel for them. It is not little what you have to offer, although this world where we live might not quite seem to value it. What you have to offer is perhaps what was enough to God Himself to give to all of us through Jesus: the true love He felt for us. Today I ask our dearest Lord that He may be very present among you and may He unveil day after day the happiness and redemption plan that He has thought for you and the rest of those people who you love so much. A plan made with an immense love, for what eyes never saw and ears heard and what human mind ever conceived is what our dearest Lord has thought for you who love Him so much.

I'm concious of the innocence of my words. I become today a little child to be able to write these words without shame from my comfortable situation in Madrid.

Yesterday I was writing you an email similar to this one, but the marvel of technology could not send it; indeed I lost the message. It seems that my dearest Lord wanted me to write it twice. Now I send my second trial.

Bon courage, c'est la seule chose que j'arrive à dire. Bon courage, homme de Dieu. Bon courage a tous, même dans la grosse dificulté. Je t'embrace, toujours très forte,

[Take heart, that's the only thing I find myself abled to say. Take heart, man of God. Take heart you all, even in extreme difficulty. I hug you, always very strongly,


Thu 20110324

»Wenn du wüsstest, was Gott den Menschen schenken will und wer es ist, der dich jetzt um Wasser bittet, dann hättest du ihn um Wasser gebeten und er hätte dir lebendiges Wasser gegeben.«

"You don't know what God wants to give you, and you don't know who is asking you for a drink. If you did, you would ask me for the water that gives life."

"Wenn du wüsstest, was Gott dir schenken will".

My dearest Jxxx Mxxx, if you knew what God is willing to give you.

Mon 20110328
* Txxx departed yesterday to Senegal. Getting closer to the most poor, with good intentions, trying to help. Bon voyage, Txxx. My prayer for him and the people he may encounter. May he encounter You, my dearest Lord. It is not so difficult getting so close to the most poor.
* Thank you for the meal with Sxxx, the company of Mxxx and Mxxx. Reading the article where CRISMHOM was mentioned that Jxxx sent to us all.
* About spending Sunday evening with Ixxx. Explaining him how to deal with the email distribution lists of CRISMHOM. Going for a walk thereafter. Sharing our lives.
* About the wonderful coffe with Jxxx on Saturday afternoon. Getting to know each other a litle better. I enjoyed very much his presence. He was very happy to go next year to continue his studies in New Jersey. I enjoyed very much hugging him in the mass. I was emotionally hangovered the following day. I did not sleep very well. My dearest Lord, teach me what to do for I don't know. I cannot start being emotionally hangovered. Let me know about Your happiness plan for me.
* About Lxxx getting back to CRISMHOM after more than nine months of absence. Jxxx welcomed him very well. The thanked his presence in public.

Tue 20110329

»Wenn du wüsstest, was Gott den Menschen schenken will und wer es ist, der dich jetzt um Wasser bittet, dann hättest du ihn um Wasser gebeten und er hätte dir lebendiges Wasser gegeben.«

"You don't know what God wants to give you, and you don't know who is asking you for a drink. If you did, you would ask me for the water that gives life."

* Dialogues with a man of God. My dearest Jxxx Mxxx, if you knew God's gift. Indeed you know. May He give you living water.

Wed 20110330
* I thank Jxxx for being clear and loving. Help me move along. All the best for him. May we still be in contact.
* My prayer for Vxxx. Thinking about leaving CRISMHOM.

Thu 20110331
* Today some good news from the Ivory Coast. Tiébissou and Yamoussoukro have been taken by the forces of the elected president Quattara. Only Abidjan is left. My prayer for the normalization of the situation. May the elected president take the goverment and start giving some hope to  this country.
* Thank you my dearest Lord for giving some hope to Jxxx Mxxx and the people from the Ivory Coast. Thank you.

[...] On our side, we cannot do any more but just tell God everything in our prayer. May these people suffer as little as possible with these happenings. May we be, as Redemptorists, a sign of love and God's Divine Providence.

Jxxx Mxxx

[...] Por nuestro lado poco más podemos hacer que contar todo al Señor en la oración. Que este Pueblo sufra lo menos posible en estos acontecimientos. Que como Redentoristas podamos ser, para aquellos a los que acompañamos, signo del amor y de la providencia de Dios.

Jxxx Mxxx