Spiritual Sharing August 2011

Wed 20110808
* My dearest prayer for Mxxx. May you be with her. May we all be Your presence around her:
Estate, Señor, conmigo
siempre, sin jamás partirte,
y, cuando decidas irte,
llévame, Señor, contigo;
porque el pensar que te irás
me causa un terrible miedo
de si yo sin ti me quedo,
de si tú sin mí te vas.
Nos aprietan por todos lados, pero no nos aplastan (2 Cor 4, 8).
I have devoted myself to the cause of the people. It is a good cause. It shall ultimately prevail. It shall finally triumph.
Sun 20110814
* Yesterday, Jxxx Mxxx Mxxx, the redemptorist missionary in the Icory Coast, passed away. Everything happened so fast. Thank you so much for having known him.
Lord, we lay in your loving hands our dearest redemptorist friend José María Montes. You have blessed him in a special way allowing him satisfying his willing wish of passing away in Africa; in his loved Tiébissou, as he said.
We thank You, Lord, for his life; we will always remember him with great love. We will keep within us this immense love he had for You, this love which allowed us being better people.
We will also keep in our hearts his simplicity and goodness, his authenticity, his gentleness and the greatest gift of his friendship.
Those who have the luck of having met him, feel the privilege, satisfaction and joy of having met and loved a saint man.
Señor, ponemos en tus manos amorosas a nuestro querido amigo redentorista José María Montes. Tu lo has bendecido de manera especial concediéndole su mayor deseo que era morir en Africa; en el Tiébissou de sus amores, como él decía.
Te damos gracias, Señor, por su vida; siempre lo recordaremos con mucho cariño. Guardaremos en nuestro corazón ese amor inmenso que sentía por ti, que a nosotros nos hizo ser mejores personas.
Guardaremos también en nuestro corazón su sencillez su bondad, su autenticidad, su caballerosidad y el precioso regalo de su amistad.
Los que hemos tenido la suerte de colaborar con él, sentimos el privilegio, la satisfacción y la alegría de haber conocido y querido a un hombre santo.
Holy men of humble heart, bless the Lord.
Encourage each other daily while it is still today (Hebrews 3:13).
Tue 20110816
* My dearest prayer for these two young priests from Ivory Coast. After the death of Jxxx Mxxx, they must be devastated. A difficult horizon opens in front of them. One of them is in Tiébissou and the other is in Bouaké. They were joyfull but the situation there is very hard. My prayer for them.
* My prayer for Mxxx. She is in Galicia now. She has lost the equilibrium. She must be taken by someone to walk. Take courage, dear Mxxx, take lots of courage.
Mt 19:23-30
Jesus said to his disciples:
“Amen, I say to you, it will be hard for one who is rich
to enter the Kingdom of heaven.
Again I say to you,
it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle
than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God.”
Wed 20110817
* I talked to my aunt on the phone. She has been taking care of my nephew and niece with my parents. She is tired. Mum is tired too. I have spent a wonderful summer and now I think that perhaps I should have been a little more present to soften the relation between my mother and my aunt which sometimes becomes a little difficult. Let me at least value what I have enjoyed this summer. Let me be at least attentive and careful now.
Thu 20110818
* I went with mum to a concert as part of the activities of the World Youth Day. In the middle of the street, quite a few people, very young, some people from my mother's parish. I enjoyed it. It was good to be with mum. Also the simple conversation with Lxxx, the person who stays at home these days of the World Youth Day.
* My tender memory for Jxxx Mxxx, the missionay in Ivory Coast. The whole family went there to bury him in his own beloved parish.
Mon 20110822
* About a very intense weekend, lots of happenings. I feel a little worried and I don't quite know why.
* About the visit of the pope for the Wold Youth Day. I enjoyed very much the procession steps on Friday. It was cultural but also spiritual. I enjoyed the attitude of the people. Respectful and silent. A very big event took place there. It was indeed very worth.
* About going to Cuatro Vientos for the mass enents on Saturday and Sunday. In the end, I was only with Jxxx. It was good. Jxxx is questioning me a lot. I enjoyed going to those events, especially the eucharist on Sunday.
* About the perpetual vows of Mxxx on Sunday evening. She told me that I was a pillar in her discerniment process when I was her cathequist. My dearest Lord, I am a simple messenger of Your love. Thank you for being so for Mxxx.
* About seeing Txxx and Pxxx once more. I had not seen Txxx, the Newyorker radio priest from Vallecas, for more than two years. He is experiencing some difficulties, but je believes in God's providence.
* About the end of relationship of Pxxx and Axxx. I have been praying for them intensively these days. May You continue by their side. This might have touched my heart.
Tue 20110823
* Thank you, my dearest Lord for the conversation I had with Jxxx yesterday. About being called by God to be a priest. My dearest prayer and congratulations for him. He asked me for my own path in the same direction.
* My dearest Lord, You have always been the only one, my rock, my foundation. What is Your plan for this humble servant of yours? Please, do call me to whatever You want me to be or to do. Please, call intensively, I am deaf. Let me hear You. Let me get more certain about Your call, whatever it is. Let me follow You, my dearest Lord.
Wed 20110824
* Feeling very tired at the end of the day. This happens to me since long ago.
* Feeling uneasy, somehow worried. Please, do call me if that is Your will. May I know Your will in my life.
* My prayer for Jxxx Mxxx, our computer scientist. You called him to be a priest and he is answering you. He is perhaps the very one who made me feel uneasy when he told me about his own process.
* My dearest Lord, there is something missing. Can You help me to find it?
Turn down your ear, my dearest Lord, listen to me, that I am a simple helpless one; protect my life, that I am faithfull; save your servant who trusts you.
Inclina tu oído, Señor, escúchame,
que soy un pobre desamparado;
protege mi vida, que soy un fiel tuyo;
salva a tu siervo, que confía en ti.
Thu 20110825
* How shall I make a return to the Lord for al the good he has done in me.
In this very one I will set my eyes: the humble and weary whose deep heart gets moved with my words. I call you from the depths of my heart, answer me, my dearest Lord.
En ése pondré mis ojos: en el humilde y el abatido que se estremece ante mis palabras. Te invoco de todo corazón, respóndeme, Señor.
* I get back home every day after work so tired. I usually fall asleep in my way home. Is all this effort worthwhile? Should not it be more worthy to be as tired or even more for directly building the Kingdom of God?
Sun 20110828
Aleluya, aleluya.
May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, light the eyes of our heart, so that we may understand the hope to which our Lord calls us.
El Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo ilumine los ojos de nuestro corazón, para que comprendamos cuál es la esperanza a la que nos llama.
Mon 20110829
The Lord extended my hand and touched my lips; he ordered me to prophesy to the nations.
Isaiah 49, 1-2
The Lord called me from birth,
from my mother’s womb he gave me my name.
He made of me a sharp-edged sword
and concealed me in the shadow of his arm.
Tue 20110830
Genesis 28, 12ss:
Tomó una piedra del lugar, la puso en cabecera y se acostó. Y tuvo un sueño, y he aquí, había una escalera apoyada en la tierra cuyo extremo superior alcanzaba hasta el cielo. Los ángeles de Dios subían y bajaban por ella. El Señor está en este lugar y no lo sabía, es la casa de Dios, la puerta del cielo.
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