Spiritual Sharing May 2011

Wed 20110504
Yo no soy el Amor,
pero Dios quiere amar a través de mí.
Yo no soy la Luz,
pero mi vida se alimenta en la búsqueda de la verdad.
Yo no soy la Palabra,
Pero en mi silencio puede escucharse la voz del Infinito.
Yo no soy la Santidad,
pero en medio de mis imperfecciones
se cultiva la flor más bella que pueda existir.
Yo no soy Salvador de nadie,
pero el Salvador de todos quiere apoyarse en mí, para seguir salvando.
Yo no sé muy bien quién soy,
Pero me basta con saber que Alguien lo sabe
Y me lo va diciendo paso a paso.
A. López
Mon 20110509
* My dearest Lord, help me get rid of those negative feelings which invade me at work. There are objective reasons and just feelings. Help me look at the situation as objectively as possible, get rid of the feelings.
* Thank you for the conference of Mxxx Vxxx.
Tue 20110510
* Thinking about Gxxx. Willing to see him again. Very pleased for the email he sent me last Friday.
* About my new situation at work. I have inherited a good mess. Feeling very muchlike leaving, changing jobs. Thank you for the conversation with my brother. That helped me out a lot.
* About enjoying the walk this past Sunday with my niece, nephew and my sister in law.
Thu 20110512
* On Tuesday I felt really miserable when getting out of work. Hopefully, yesterday I felt better.
* No news from Gxxx. Let me take it very easy. This week, with the turmoil at work I hardly had time to think of him.
Mon 20110516
* My dearest prayer for Rxxx, Nxxx and his brothers. Nxxx's father passed away yesterday. My dearest prayer for them all.
* About sending messages to Nxxx, I was very moved when writing them.
Mensajes a un gran amigo, tras la muerte de su padre.
Muy querido Nxxx: que el Señor os acompañe y lo percibáis. Os quiero un montón. Un beso muy fuerte a tu madre y un inmenso abrazo para ti y tus hermanos.
En la casa de mi Padre hay muchas estancias. Cuando os prepare sitio, volveré y os llevaré conmigo, para que donde estoy yo, estéis también vosotros.
Aunque la tristeza os inunde, os conviene que me vaya, porque así os enviaré el Espíritu Santo, el Consolador. Me quedan muchas cosas por deciros, pero no las entenderíais ahora. Será el Espíritu quien os las vaya diciendo, poco a poco, en el tiempo venidero.
La paz os dejo, mi paz os doy. No la doy como la da el mundo. Que no tiemble vuestro corazón. Si me amarais, os alegraríais de que vaya al Padre, porque Él es más que yo. Dentro de poco no me veréis y os lamentaréis, pero vuestra tristeza se convertirá en alegría y nadie os la arrebatará.
Padre, cuida en tu nombre a los que me has dado, para que sean uno como Tú Padre en mí y yo en Ti. Para que sean completamente uno y el mundo sepa que me has enviado y que los amas como a mí me amas. Padre, este es mi deseo: que los que me confiaste estén conmigo, donde yo estoy.
Amaos unos a otros como yo os he amado. No os llamo siervos sino amigos, porque todo os lo he dado a conocer. Como el Padre me envía, os envío yo a vosotros. Y todo lo que pidáis en mi nombre se os concederá. El que me ama guardará mi palabra, mi Padre y yo le amaremos y haremos morada en él.
Esta es la vida eterna: que te conozcan a ti y al que has enviado. Tú me los has dado, ellos han guardado tu palabra y han creido que tú me has enviado. Por ellos ruego, por los que me has dado, porque son tuyos y todo lo mío es tuyo y lo tuyo mío. Este es mi deseo, que los que me confiaste estén conmigo.
En la casa de mi Padre hay muchas estancias. Cuando os prepare sitio, volveré y os llevaré conmigo, para que donde estoy yo, estéis también vosotros.
Muy querido Nxxx: que el Señor os siga acompañando siempre y lo percibáis. Os quiero un montón. Un beso muy fuerte a tu madre y un inmenso abrazo para ti y tus hermanos.
Gracias. Tenerte cerca de nosotros, es una bendición de Dios. Un abrazo, Nxxx
John 14, 1-6:
Jesus said to his disciples, "Don't be worried! Have faith in God and have faith in me. 2 There are many rooms in my Father's house. I wouldn't tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you. 3 After I have done this, I will come back and take you with me. Then we will be together.
* Thank you for this weekend. I had time to prepare the course I will give next week and some time to rest. Thank you for meeting the people of CRISMHOM and some friends related to the yoga class. I enjoyed very much joining them.
Mon 20110523
* My prayer for Nxxx and his family. Writing sms messages to him has been the centre of my spiritual life this past week.
* Thank you for the support of my parents. They invited me to have lunch with them. It was some time since the last time.
* Help me out with the situation at work. Give me the strength to demand my rights.
* I saw Jxxx last Saturday. I was still somehow affected on that night.
* May You help me find someone to share my life with. Gxxx has not contacted me in the past two weeks. I wrote him a few times. Now I think he is not very interested. Let me be patient at least to preserve his friendship.
Wed 20110525
* Too many things hapenning at the same time. I cannot cope with everything. Help me out at work.
* Thank you for yesterday community of faith and life. Only four people, but it was good.
Que tengas muy buena semana, Axxx, porque el Señor a sus ángeles ha dado órdenes para que te protejan en tus caminos! El sol que nace de lo alto te ilumina y da color a tu vida?!! Besos, Xxxx
May you have a good week, Axxx, for the Lord has given orders to the angels to protect you on your way. The sun which arises from above shines and gives color to your life?!! Kisses, Xxxx
Thu 20110526
9 I have loved you, just as my Father has loved me. So remain faithful to my love for you. 10 If you obey me, I will keep loving you, just as my Father keeps loving me, because I have obeyed him. 11 I have told you this to make you as completely happy as I am. 12 Now I tell you to love each other, as I have loved you. 13 The greatest way to show love for friends is to die for them.
So wie der Vater mich liebt, habe ich euch meine Liebe erwiesen. Bleibt in dieser Liebe! 10 Wenn ihr meine Gebote befolgt, dann bleibt ihr in meiner Liebe, so wie ich die Gebote meines Vaters befolgt habe und in seiner Liebe bleibe. 11 Ich habe euch dies gesagt, damit meine Freude euch erfüllt und an eurer Freude nichts mehr fehlt. Dies ist mein Gebot: Ihr sollt einander so lieben, wie ich euch geliebt habe. 13 Niemand liebt mehr als einer, der sein Leben für seine Freunde opfert.
Mon 20110530
* Yesterday Jxxx told me about giving thanks to You, my dearest Lord. He said: "Are you giving thanks to your Lord for all the good you are experiencing?" I think that he is right. I might not be giving thaks to my dearest Lord for all the good I'm receiving.
* My prayer for my dearest Pxxx and Axxx. If it's Your will and their greatest hapiness, may they enjoy a full shared life.
Spiritual Sharing April 2011
Fri 20110401
* It was announced today that Ouattara, the elected president, has entered Abidjan in the Ivory Coast. The process continues. I'm happy that the situation evolves. I'm very happy to see Jxxx Mxxx with hope. Thank you, my dearest Lord.
Wed 20110406
* About writing an article to be published in the magazine of my Jesuit community, "Community Sharing". The title "Dialogues with a man of God". About experiencing that what moved my heart to write this article is not necessarily what understands or feels the person who reads it. Fxxx, with his best criterion, made the article shorter and converted it in "News about a man of God". However, it is not about news but mainly about dialogues.
* Thank you for the response from Jxxx. My messages are not a burden to him.
Mirad que os mando como ovejas entre lobos ...
Cuando entréis en una casa, dad la paz, ...
Mon 20110418
* About a week in Paris, attending a conference but a lot more. Meeting wonderful new people. Visiting younger old friends, spending time with my aunt.
* About reading news about the Ivory Coast. Remembering Jxxx Mxxx Mxxx.
* About meeting Gxxx. Spending two evenings with him. Having a great time as Dxxx himself did years ago. Thanks Dxxx for letting me know him. About intensively remembering a great hug I gave him from behind at a bar before leaving.
* About meeting Axxx and Jxxx on Saturday afternoon. A great surprise was to find there Xxxx, Axxx's brother. So happy to meet him again after five years. A great evening, taking some pictures: "Frères amis" (Axxx and Xxxx), "Amis frères" (Axxx and I), "Une jeune couple avec toutes mes amitiés" (Axxx and Jxxx).
* Good conference, meeting new people, some from Linz. Great opportunity.
Tue 20110419
John 13, 21-33
After Jesus had said these things, he was deeply troubled and told his disciples, "I tell you for certain that one of you will betray me."
Right then Satan took control of Judas. Jesus said, "Judas, go quickly and do what you have to do."
My children, I will be with you for a little while longer. Then you will look for me, but you won't find me. I tell you just as I told the people, "You cannot go where I am going." 34 But I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you. 35 If you love each other, everyone will know that you are my disciples. (Matthew 26.31-35; Mark 14.27-31; Luke 22.31-34) 36 Simon Peter asked, "Lord, where are you going?"
Thu 20110421
How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done in me.
Mon 20110425
Happy Holy Thusday, day of fraternal love. Farewell moments, shared last supper, being aside in difficulty, day of love to the extreme. Happy day of fraternal love.
Feliz Jueves Santo, día del amor fraterno. Momentos de despedida, cena compartida, acompañando el duelo, día de amor al extremo. Feliz día del amor fraterno.
The stone which the builders rejected, has become the cornerstone. By the Lord has this been done. It is wonderful in our eyes. Happy Easter!!!
La piedra que desecharon los constructores se ha convertido en la piedra angular. Es el Señor quien lo ha hecho. Es un milagro patente. ¡Feliz Pascua de Resurrección!
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