Spiritual Sharing March 2011

Thu 20110310
Cristo, a pesar de su condición divina, no hizo alarde de su categoría de Dios; al contrario, se despojó de su rango y tomó la condición de esclavo, pasando por uno de tantos. Y así, actuando como un hombre cualquiera, se rebajó hasta someterse incluso a la muerte, y una muerte en cruz.
* My prayer for Exxx. He is rather alone. Let me help him a litle.
A pesar de su condición divina, se despojó de su rango haciéndose uno de tantos, sometiéndose hasta la muerte y muerte en cruz. Hoy, miércoles de ceniza, voy a sentir mucho no poder ir al acto conjunto de profesionales.
In spite of His divine condition, he resigned from his own glory by becoming a simple one out of many, surrendering himself to death and death on a cross. Today, Ash Wednesday, I'm going to miss so much not being in the celebration in my jesuit community.
Sun 2010313
* About inviting Exxx to the concert on Friday. He is so much out of place. Not socializing too much, enclosing himself inside his own situation. I was so happy to go with him for dinner after the concert. He enjoyed it and I enjoyed his enjoyment. Gxxx brought us to a wonderful place to eat dinner. Thanks, Gxxx, thank you so much.
* About missing Jxxx during the weekend. He's now very busy.
* About the celebration at CRISMHOM. I was not very much willing to go but I joined the people singing and I found my place. I had a great time. The dinner was great. I spent a very nice time with the two young guys, Oxxx and Mxxx after dinner. I was impressed by Mxxx. He's just 18 but is a lot more mature for his age. About how he removed fire out of difficult situations.
Tue 20110315
4 Money paid to workers isn't a gift. It is something they earn by working. 5 But you cannot make God accept you because of something you do.
Wed 20110316
* From Jxxx Mxxx Mxxx in the Ivory Coast, answering a simple email. My dearest prayer for him and the people from the Ivory Coast.
"Bon courage, homme de Dieu. Bon courage à tous. Je t'embrace, toujours très fort, Axxx".
Take heart, man of God. May you all take lots of heart. I hug you, always very strongly, Axxx"
Going aside these People in this difficult moment, I can see the limitation of my good intentions. I have nothing left to give but the love I truly feel for them. "Bon courage" you say to me, but it is not easy to keep optimism in this situation. Your words indeed help me without doubt. Feeling your closeness and friendship encourages me. Thank you.
Acompañando a este Pueblo en este momento difícil veo la limitación de mis buenas intenciones. No me queda paray darle más que el amor que de verdad siento por él. “Bon courage” me dices, pero no es fácil guardar el optimismo en estas circunstancias. Tus palabras sin duda me ayudan. Sentir tu simpatía da ánimos. Gracias.
* Dearest Jxxx Mxxx, I could not quite sleep yesterday. These words of yours came to my mind. "I have nothing left to give but the love I truly feel for them". That's a lot, that's indeed everything. However it seems so little from a human point of view. My most tender prayer for Jxxx Mxxx and the people in the Ivory Coast.
Fri 20110318
¡Que ese frescor y simplicidad de tu mirada ilumine a muchos corazones a llegar a buen puerto!
Que las ganas de conocer y conocerte ¡crezcan en todos aquellos a los que amas y te aman!
¡Que una sonrisa sea tu insignia y no lleguemos tarde a la vida!
May the freshness and simplicity of your look shine on the hearts of many to reach right destination!
May your desire to get to know and the desire to know you, grow among all those who you love and who do love you!
May a smile be your identity card and may we not be too late to life!
Que el Señor nos conceda la certeza de amar a quienes queremos y de sentirnos amados por quienes nos quieren, con gran apertura, confianza y buen humor.
May the Lord give us the certainty of loving those who we appreciate and of feeling loved by those who appreciate us, with great openness, trust and good mood.
Mon 20110321
* About the celebration of my birthday at home, inviting many people at different times. It was exceptional. I did really enjoy it. A lot of work but worth the effort. Thank you for the presence of all this people.
* May my dearest Lord help me discover and unveil His happiness plan for me. Have You thought of anyone to be with me? Guide me to find him, help me clear up my doubts, my fears. May I not be too late to life.
* About the letter from Jxxx Mxxx in Boaqué. Bon courage, homme de Dieu, bon courage á tous. You touched my heart when you said that the only thing left to do is to give the love you truly feel for this people and how difficult is to have courage. My dearest Jxxx Mxxx, you man of God.
Acompañando a este Pueblo en este momento difícil veo la limitación de mis buenas intenciones. No me queda para darle más que el amor que de verdad siento por él. “Bon courage” me dices, pero no es fácil guardar el optimismo en estas circunstancias. Tus palabras sin duda me ayudan. Sentir tu simpatía da ánimos. Gracias.
Wed 20110323
Muy querido José María:
Tu respuesta a mi correo me ha hecho sentirme muy cerca de vosotros estos días.
Me conmovió intensamente el último párrafo de tu correo. Cuando dices que al acompañar al pueblo marfileño en este momento de extrema dificultad, ves la limitación de tus buenas intenciones. Que ya sólo te queda por entregarle el verdadero y auténtico amor que sientes por él. No es poco lo que tienes que ofrecer aunque este mundo donde vivimos no parezca valorarlo mucho. Lo que tienes que ofrecer es lo que quizá bastó al mismo Dios entregar a todos nosotros a través de Jesús: el verdadero amor que siente por nosotros. Hoy pido a nuestro queridísimo Señor, que se siga haciendo presente entre vosotros y te vaya desvelando día tras día ese plan de felicidad y redención que tiene pensado para ti y para el pueblo al que tanto amas. Un plan hecho con un cariño inmenso, porque lo que ojos nunca vieron ni oídos oyeron, lo que jamás mente humana concibió, es lo que nuestro queridísimo Señor tiene guardado para los que tanto le queréis.
Me hago consciente de la inocencia de mis palabras. Me hago como un niño pequeño para poderlas escribir sin sentir vergüenza de mi cómoda situación en Madrid.
Ayer te escribía un correo similar a este, pero la maravilla de la tecnología no acertó a enviarlo; es más, perdí el mensaje. Parece que mi Señor se empeña en hacérmelo escribir dos veces. Aquí va mi segundo intento.
Bon courage, c'est la seule chose que j'arrive à dire. Bon courage, homme de Dieu. Bon courage a tous, même dans la grosse dificulté. Je t'embrace, toujours très forte,
My dearest Jxxx Mxxx:
The response to my email has made me feel very close to you all these days.
The last paragraph of your previous email has moved greatly my heart. When you say that going aside the people from the Ivory Coast in this moment of extreme difficulty, you see the limitation of your good intentions. That the only thing you have left to give them is the true and authentic love that you feel for them. It is not little what you have to offer, although this world where we live might not quite seem to value it. What you have to offer is perhaps what was enough to God Himself to give to all of us through Jesus: the true love He felt for us. Today I ask our dearest Lord that He may be very present among you and may He unveil day after day the happiness and redemption plan that He has thought for you and the rest of those people who you love so much. A plan made with an immense love, for what eyes never saw and ears heard and what human mind ever conceived is what our dearest Lord has thought for you who love Him so much.
I'm concious of the innocence of my words. I become today a little child to be able to write these words without shame from my comfortable situation in Madrid.
Yesterday I was writing you an email similar to this one, but the marvel of technology could not send it; indeed I lost the message. It seems that my dearest Lord wanted me to write it twice. Now I send my second trial.
Bon courage, c'est la seule chose que j'arrive à dire. Bon courage, homme de Dieu. Bon courage a tous, même dans la grosse dificulté. Je t'embrace, toujours très forte,
[Take heart, that's the only thing I find myself abled to say. Take heart, man of God. Take heart you all, even in extreme difficulty. I hug you, always very strongly,
Thu 20110324
»Wenn du wüsstest, was Gott den Menschen schenken will und wer es ist, der dich jetzt um Wasser bittet, dann hättest du ihn um Wasser gebeten und er hätte dir lebendiges Wasser gegeben.«
"You don't know what God wants to give you, and you don't know who is asking you for a drink. If you did, you would ask me for the water that gives life."
"Wenn du wüsstest, was Gott dir schenken will".
My dearest Jxxx Mxxx, if you knew what God is willing to give you.
Mon 20110328
* Txxx departed yesterday to Senegal. Getting closer to the most poor, with good intentions, trying to help. Bon voyage, Txxx. My prayer for him and the people he may encounter. May he encounter You, my dearest Lord. It is not so difficult getting so close to the most poor.
* Thank you for the meal with Sxxx, the company of Mxxx and Mxxx. Reading the article where CRISMHOM was mentioned that Jxxx sent to us all.
* About spending Sunday evening with Ixxx. Explaining him how to deal with the email distribution lists of CRISMHOM. Going for a walk thereafter. Sharing our lives.
* About the wonderful coffe with Jxxx on Saturday afternoon. Getting to know each other a litle better. I enjoyed very much his presence. He was very happy to go next year to continue his studies in New Jersey. I enjoyed very much hugging him in the mass. I was emotionally hangovered the following day. I did not sleep very well. My dearest Lord, teach me what to do for I don't know. I cannot start being emotionally hangovered. Let me know about Your happiness plan for me.
* About Lxxx getting back to CRISMHOM after more than nine months of absence. Jxxx welcomed him very well. The thanked his presence in public.
Tue 20110329
»Wenn du wüsstest, was Gott den Menschen schenken will und wer es ist, der dich jetzt um Wasser bittet, dann hättest du ihn um Wasser gebeten und er hätte dir lebendiges Wasser gegeben.«
"You don't know what God wants to give you, and you don't know who is asking you for a drink. If you did, you would ask me for the water that gives life."
* Dialogues with a man of God. My dearest Jxxx Mxxx, if you knew God's gift. Indeed you know. May He give you living water.
Wed 20110330
* I thank Jxxx for being clear and loving. Help me move along. All the best for him. May we still be in contact.
* My prayer for Vxxx. Thinking about leaving CRISMHOM.
Thu 20110331
* Today some good news from the Ivory Coast. Tiébissou and Yamoussoukro have been taken by the forces of the elected president Quattara. Only Abidjan is left. My prayer for the normalization of the situation. May the elected president take the goverment and start giving some hope to this country.
* Thank you my dearest Lord for giving some hope to Jxxx Mxxx and the people from the Ivory Coast. Thank you.
[...] On our side, we cannot do any more but just tell God everything in our prayer. May these people suffer as little as possible with these happenings. May we be, as Redemptorists, a sign of love and God's Divine Providence.
Jxxx Mxxx
[...] Por nuestro lado poco más podemos hacer que contar todo al Señor en la oración. Que este Pueblo sufra lo menos posible en estos acontecimientos. Que como Redentoristas podamos ser, para aquellos a los que acompañamos, signo del amor y de la providencia de Dios.
Jxxx Mxxx
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