Spiritual Sharing July 2011

Mon 20110704
* Thank you, my dearest Lord for this past long weekend. I took Friday off and spent the three days in Málaga with my parents. Time to rest, to be with them. They showed me a lot of things. Thank you, once more.
* My prayer for Axxx. Why should it be always so difficult? Let us be friends. I will take care of him.
Come to me everyone of you who are tired and opressed, and I will give you rest.
My Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I am grateful that you hid all this from wise and educated people and showed it to ordinary people.
Tue 20110705
* About going to CRISMHOM yesterday evening. I went to talk to Axxx but he was inside a meeting by the time I arrived, quite late by the way. I thought of leaving but I stayed. I talked to Jxxx. It was a nice little conversation. He is now retired and comes quite often. Ixxx was not fine. He was angry and could not quite stand himself. I went for a walk with him. He was silent but I talked to him. About saying hello to the people. Talking a little while with Axxx. Leaving with Oxxx. I had not seen him in a long while. Actually, this is not what I had planned for this evening. However, it was fine.
Mathew 9:
Jesus went to every town and village. He taught in their meeting places and preached the good news about God's kingdom. Jesus also healed every kind of disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he felt sorry for them. They were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 He said to his disciples, "A large crop is in the fields, but there are only a few workers.
Fri 20110708
* Matthew 16:
16 I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves. So be as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves. 17 Watch out for people who will take you to court and have you beaten in their meeting places.
* Thinking about Ixxx and her pilgrimage to Santiago this summer. Of how she felt out of this world. Not understood, unable to talk and share about her spiritual life. About being sent like lambs among wolves.
Mon 20110711
Um dia eu tive um sonho e realizei esse sonho. Porque ali sentado nas naos do Cristo Redentor eu consegui mostrar pra todo mundo a importancia de una cosa: A ESPERANÇA. Albert, quando se tem esperança tu consegues chegar aonde quiser.
Un día tuve un sueño y realicé ese sueño. Porque allí sentado, en las manos de Cristo Redentor logré mostrar al mundo la importancia de una cosa: LA ESPERANZA. Xxxx, cuando se tiene esperanza, consigues llegar a donde quieras.
Tue 20110712
* About the comment Mxxx Rxxx did last Sunday explaining why she had enrolled her vocation in a secular institute. She was in love, in love of Jesus, in love of God. The particular way to develop that relationship could vary but that love was at the very core of everything.
Thu 20110714
* Matthew 11:
If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. 29 Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. 30 This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light.
Thank you for the opera about Francis of Asisi yesterday. It was great, with a lot of spiritual content. Good to go with Gxxx. He also enjoyed it greatly.
Fri 20110715
* Thank you for the dinner with some people from the other departments. Noone from my group apart from me came. Mxxx from the Metrics and Capital also came. A small group, I enjoyed sharing dinner with them. I need some fresh air, new people.
Sun 20110717
* My prayer for Pxxx and Axxx. May my dearest Lord help them attain, if that is Your will and their greatest happiness, a full common shared life.
Mon 20110718
* I didn't know that Pxxx found himself such a little piece of nothing. Willing to conquer the world a few years ago. My dearest prayer for him and Axxx. May Your will be done, Your paths accomplished. Take special care of Pxxx and Axxx.
* My prayer for Mxxx. I'll go to visit her with a few people tonight. May You be with her, may we be with her too. May she never feel alone.
Tue 20110719
* My dearest Lord, thank you for last Sunday. I went to Robledillo with the whole family. About that short time when We went to Axxx's house with my nephew and niece. They were looking at two tortoises they had.
* My prayer for Mxxx and Pxxx. Thinking about them and Jeremiah 1:
My power will make you strong like a fortress or a column of iron or a wall of bronze. You will oppose all of Judah, including its kings and leaders, its priests and people. 19 They will fight back, but they won't win. I, the LORD, give my word--I won't let them harm you.
He aquí, yo te he puesto hoy como ciudad fortificada, como columna de hierro y como muro de bronce contra toda esta tierra: contra los reyes de Judá, sus príncipes, sus sacerdotes y el pueblo de la tierra. 19 Pelearán contra ti, pero no te vencerán, porque yo estoy contigo--declara el SEÑOR--para librarte.
Wed 20110720
If the Lord does not build the house, worthless is the effort of the builders. If the Lord does not guard the fortress, for no purpose stay the guardians awake. May the Lord build and guard you, Pxxx.
Si el Señor no construye la casa, en vano se afanan los albañiles. Si el Señor no guarda la ciudad, en vano velan los centinelas. Que el Señor te construya y te guarde, Pxxx.
* My dearest prayer for Ixxx's nephew.
Thu 20110721
What eyes never saw and ears heard, what human mind shall ever conceive, that's what our dearest Lord has reserved for those who like you, Pxxx, love him.
Lo que ojos nunca vieron ni oídos oyeron, lo que jamás mente humana concibió, es lo que nuestro queridísimo Señor tiene reservado para los que como tú, Pxxx, le aman.
Wed 20110727
When a part suffers, the whole body suffers with it. If another is happy, the whole body is full of hapiness. May today be my suffering, but soon my great hapiness.
Cuando una parte sufre, el cuerpo entero sufre con ella. Si una parte se alegra, el cuerpo entero se llena de alegría. Sea hoy mi duelo y pronto mi alegría.
Que el Espíritu de Jesús os ilumine y os inspire para acertar en pedirle y pediros mutuamente lo que más os conviene. Mucho ánimo. Un inmenso abrazo.
Yo, por mi parte, te convierto hoy en ciudad fortificada, un pilar de hierro y un muro de bronce para confrontar a toda la tierra.
Un día tuve un sueño y realicé ese sueño. Porque allí sentado, en las manos de Cristo Redentor logré mostrar al mundo la importancia de una cosa: LA ESPERANZA. Xxxx, cuando se tiene esperanza, consigues llegar a donde quieras.
Si el Señor no construye la casa, en vano se afanan los albañiles. Si el Señor no guarda la ciudad, en vano velan los centinelas. Que el Señor te construya y te guarde.
Lo que ojos nunca vieron ni oídos oyeron, lo que jamás mente humana concibió, es lo que nuestro queridísimo Señor tiene reservado para los que como tú, Pxxx, le aman.
Tu fidelidad es grande, tu fidelidad incomparable es. Nadie como tú, bendito Dios. Grande es tu fidelidad. Hpy Dios te quiere y te acoge y siempre es fiel. Traigo a mi oración a ti, a tu padre y a Ángel también, para que si es su voluntad y vuestra mayor felicidad, os conceda una vida plena compartida.
Te amo Señor, fortaleza mía, roca mía, castillo mío, mi libertador. Dios mío, en ti
confiaré. Pues mi escudo eres tú y la roca de mi salvación. Que vaya muy bien la operación de tu padre. Cógele de la mano, como él cogía la tuya hace dos navidades
El fundamento de mi vida es dejar convertirme en tesoro escondido y perla preciosa de un Reino que no es mío, pero que un día alguien conocerá, porque de pronto y en mi ignorancia, encontrará el tesoro, descubrirá la perla y sin yo saberlo irá y con gran alegría venderá todo cuanto tiene y los comprará.
Llevamos el tesoro de conocer a Jesús en vasijas de barro, para que quede claro que la fuerza de Dios no proviene de nosotros. Nos aprietan, pero no nos aplastan; estamos apurados, pero no desesperados; acosados pero no abandonados; nos derriban, pero no nos rematan.
Que el Señor te inspire ofrecer tus mejores intenciones, aunque tan sólo sean cinco panes y dos peces. Para que Él las multiplique para alimentaros a Ángel y a ti.
Cuando una parte sufre, el cuerpo entero sufre con ella. Si una parte se alegra, el cuerpo entero se llena de alegría. Sea hoy mi duelo y pronto mi alegría.
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