Spiritual Sharing June 2009

Tue 20090602
* Thank you for the wonderful past weekend. I really enjoyed it. It was a good time to rest. Good to see some of the people of my old parish. Time does not seem to have passed.
* Yesterday I spoke to my high boss. He is leaving the company. I wanted some advice. He gave it to me and I thank him for that. He told me that the research time he assigned to me was only to keep me happy and achieve more concentration in the rest of my time. He was not interested in getting anything in particular from my research or start a research department. He also told me that I could no longer continue trying to be in between university and company. He thought that would not work. I think he is right. That means that I should start to think seriously that if I want to stay, I need to assume and accept that I will do work during my work time and do whatever I want outside there.
* My prayer for Cxxx. May You help her decide what to do.
Thu 20090604
* Yesterday I received a job proposal in London. A great opportunity. However, I'm not sure whether that is the path You have prepared for me. Let me be very attentive to your signals.
John 17, 11-19
"Padre Santo, cuida en tu nombre a los que me has dado, para que sean uno como nosotros. Cuando estaba con ellos, yo cuidaba en tu nombre a lo que me habías dado. He velado por ellos y ninguno se ha perdido, salvo el hijo de la perdición, para que se cumpliera la Escritura. Pero ahora voy a ti, y digo estas cosas en el mundo para que tengan en sí mismos mi alegría colmada.
Yo les he dado tu palabra, y el mundo los ha odiado, porque no son del mundo, como yo no soy del mundo. No te pido que los retires del mundo sino que los guardes del mal. Ellos no son del mundo, como yo no soy del mundo. Santifícalos en la verdad: tu palabra es verdad. Como tú me has enviado al mundo, yo también los he enviado. Y por ellos me santifico a mí mismo, para que ellos también sean santificados en la verdad.
Padre Santo, no sólo ruego por ellos, sino también por los que crean en mí por la palabra de ellos, para que todos sean uno, como tú, Padre, en mí, y yo en ti; que ellos también lo sean en nosotros, para que el mundo crea que tú me has enviado.
También les di a ellos la gloria que me diste, para que sean uno, como nosotros somos uno, yo en ellos y tú en mí, para que sean completamente uno, de modo que el mundo sepa que tú me has enviado y los has amado como me has amado a mí.
Padre, este es mi deseo: que los que me confiaste estén conmigo donde yo estoy y contemplen mi gloria, la que me diste, porque me amabas antes de la fundación del mundo. Padre justo, si el mundo no te ha conocido, yo te he conocido, y estos han conocido que tú me enviaste. Les he dado a conocer y les daré a conocer tu Nombre, para que el amor que me tenías esté en ellos, como también yo estoy en ellos".
Mon 20090608
* Thank you my dearest Lord for all the good You have done on us during the retreat last weekend. You have done yourself especially present. Thank you for the fruits of your Spirit.
* Help me, my dearest Lord so that xxx can get out of my heart and my life. I hope we can recover our friendship at some point in the future.
Mon 20090615
* About some songs by the group "Brotes de Olivo". They inspire strongly the presence of my dearest Lord these days after the retreat.
"Si no tengo amor, no soy nada. Nada soy, si no tengo amor. Nada soy, nada soy, si no tengo amor".
"If I don't have love, I'm just nothing. Nothing I'm, if I just don't love. Nothing I'm, nothing I'm, if I don't have love".
"Me levantaré, e iré a mi Padre; le declararé, "te amo, SeÑor"
"I will make me stand, and go to my Father; I will him declare, I love you, my Lord".
* I had again a hangover on Saturday and Sunday morning. This time I didn't even see xxx. This is out of my control. It's perhaps all about loneliness. Please, be with me, my dearest Lord, love me more for I need your help.
* About the phone conversation yesterday with Lxxx and Jxxx. They make me feel peaceful. Thank you for their friendship.
* About Pxxx calling me on Sunday morning. I left on Saturday night without saying a word. I had to go to a concert. He called me because that was not a good way to say goodbye. He was right, I apologized. Thank you for him too, for he is taking care of me.
* Thank you for the retreat last week. It was wonderful. That was the first time I started to really feel the friendship for Lxxx and Jxxx.
* Thank you very much for the act of presence that Fxxx Gxxx did the other day before starting the meeting of CRISMHOM. He had to leave ten minutes later. Thank you, for although he knew that he was only making a simple act of presence, he wanted to do it.
Tue 20090616
* Whatever You want, whenever You want, if ever You want. For You are my dearest Lord and I trust You. Don't leave me alone, for I feel lonely these days. Love me my dearest Lord, let me feel Your presence.
John 14, 14-21
"I shall ask the Father and He will give you and her Advocate to be with you for ever, that Spirit of truth whom the world can never receive since it neither sees nor knows him; but you know him, becasue he is with you, he is in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come back to you. In a short time the world will no longer see me; but you will see me, because I live and you will live".
* My dearest Lord, you say "I will not leave you orphans". Don't leave me alone. Be with me so that I don't feel lonely.
* My prayer for Mxxx, the woman who is sponsoring the new establishement where CRISMHOM will develop its activities. She lost three days ago her niece. May the Lord be with her and especially her mother, who will miss her the most.
Thu 20090618
* Yesterday the renting contract of the new establishement of CRIMSHOM was signed. An emotional moment. A starting point. A lot of work. May a place of hope be created for many around this place, around all of us.
Fri 20090619
* My parents went to Málaga these days. It's been two years since they did not come. They have a house there. Dad has not been well in the past two years and that is the reason why they did not go. Last Tuesday, mum fell down the stairs and hurt her strongly. Fortunately, she is only bruised but she did not break any bone. Dad is devastated, for he thought again that mum would no longer be there.
* May we accept the reality as it is. It seems to me that it is going to be another two years before they get back to Málaga. Dad will not longer be ready to travel in quite a long time.
Tue 20090623
* Thank you very much for this past weekend. The Rainbow prize event was good. Thank you for the presence of Lxxx. I'm feeling very close to him and Jxxx since the retreat. I also see that they correspond to me. They are probably the people I feel the closest from a spiritual point of view. xxx did not come to the event but called me later to join us. He finally joined but I did not pay too much attention to him. However, I did not feel hangovered the following day and I could sleep well. It seemed to me that my dearest Lord helps me getting over this situation.
* About the SMS message to Lxxx, wishing him a safe trip back to Extremadura and thanking him for his presence (he came just to attend the Rainbow prize).
* I feel more calmed down, not so anxious. About the wonderful birthday celebration of my aunt. That was also wonderful.
Mon 20090629
* There are many things to give thanks for this weekend. I ate with mum and dad and they are fine. You have sent an angel to protect mum. So many accidents happening to her in the past years. Thank you for protecting her. She fell down through the long stair case of Torremolinos. Nothing serious happened to her. Thank you so much for protecting her.
* I told mum my intention to go to an asylum this summer. She told me that I could do whatever I want but she thought that I should enjoy myself, have a rest. She told me not to spend time during weekends studying or working. I'm now correcting a paper from a magazine and now I need to finish. However, It seems now very sensible to me to reject other proposals in this line. I need to enjoy a empty weekend. To have time to call someone on a Sunday to spend time without hurry. I need to have time not to worry about what I have to do next. Time to read perhaps.
* Help me out solving the situation with xxx. He's not to blame but I cannot do any better. Help me out not to live this with tension. I wish I can recover our friendship.
* Thank you for the inauguration mass last Sunday at the new establishment of CRISMHOM. It was great, my dearest Lord's work.
Psalm 122
To you have I lifted my eyes,
you who dwell in the heavens:
my eyes, like the eyes of slaves
on the hand of their lords.
Like the eyes of a servant
on the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes are on the Lord our God
till he show us his mercy.
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
We are filled with contempt.
Indeed all too full is our soul
with the scorn of the rich,
with the proud's man disdain.