Friday, December 19, 2008

Spiritual Sharing November 2008

Wed 20081103
* My prayer for dad. May the infinite love of my dearest Lord be poured onto him so that he may recover, go up.
* Yesterday xxx sent me an email telling me that he had gone to a retreat with his parish. They were addressing the topic of Advent. He told me that the word that was pronounced most was "dream". Looking into the future and see how it could look like. I was jealous for I haven't dreamt in years. What are my dreams? Perhaps I don't allow myself to dream. That's unfortunate. Where do I want to get to? Perhaps I prefer not to do many plans for I have discovered that they change too much. I like the plans of my dearest Lord. He has plans for me and I have discovered that those are the plans that make me happiest. What are You dreaming about me, my dearest? I have never done the exercise. What does my dearest Lord dream about me? Let me dream my Lord's dreams. Let me imagine my Lord's plan for me and the rest of my family. Let me enjoy that plan as xxx was doing.

Spiritual Sharing October 2008

Wed 20081001
* Philippians 4, 6-9
There is no need to worry; but if there is anything you need, pray for it, asking God for it with prayer and thanksgiving, and that peace of God which is so much greater than we can understand, will guard your hearts and your thoughts, in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, fill your minds with everything that is true, everything that is noble, everything that is good and pure, everything that we love and honor and everything that can be thought virtuous or worthy of praise. Keep doing all the things that you learnt from me and have been taught by me and have heard or seen that I do. Then the God of peace will be with you.

Fri 20081003
* Today, I spent a rather dreadful day. Feeling unvalued, unacknowledged. I don't know what it is. I cannot avoid feeling horrible and apparently I have no positive reason to complain. Today, I cannot stand myself. May your dearest presence invade me, so that I may forget about myself.

Mon 20081006
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, I'm feeling better. On Saturday I spent almost the whole day correcting the error I had in my paper. There have been very few times where I could correct a problem and make it work at the first time. I thank my dearest Lord, for that's what I needed to recover from such a bad day on Friday. You gave me what I needed. Thank you, my dearest Lord, thank you very much. You stopped my destructive thoughts.
* About the phone call by Pxxx on Sunday. May my dearest Lord give me a well trained tongue that I may know how to say the right word to the right person in order to bring the presence of my Lord. I'm very sorry for Pxxx. My prayer for Jxxx Lxxx too. I think he very much needs to get in contact with You.
* On Sunday I spent the whole day with my brother taking a refrigerator to Humanes. It did not fit in the place and we had to reorganize some of the furniture to make it fit. What was supposed to take a few hours, took us the whole day. I didn't mind because I had solved the problem that was worrying me on Saturday.
* I could not arrive on time to say goodbye to Exxx. He is returning back to Venezuela today. We had an appointment at 8pm on Sunday. I had no way to contact him (he lost his phone). I arrived in Madrid with my brother by 9.30pm. He also missed his meeting with his sharing group. At the end of the day, he sent me an SMS saying goodbye. He said that maybe the destiny did not want us to say goodbye to each other. I responded his message saying goodbye and agreeing with him that perhaps the destiny did not want us to say goodbye. I had no intention to miss that meeting. However, things came this way and I missed it.
* Thank you my dearest Lord. I liked the conversation my brother and I had on our way back to Madrid.

Wed 20081008
* Jxxx Lxxx asked me to discuss with him as part of my spiritual direction, where should I locate my work in the context of my whole life. My life is my work, he said. I think he is right. He advised me kindly not to let my work affect negatively my personal life.
* My dearest Lord. May I ask you something? What should I do at work? I feel I haven't quite found my place and I spent most of my time there. Can you help me to find my place? Getting frustrated quite often. Feeling I cannot progress at the pace I would like. Having no time to do research. I cannot continue doing my research work outside working hours. I'm thinking to take a week off to study and get into new things.

Thu 20081009
* My dearest Lord, today I address my prayer to myself (this is not very common). May I find my place at work. Teach me how to deal with my work so that it does not affect my personal life. Let me find an appropriate place in my life for my work. Jxxx Lxxx said the other day that my life was my work. This week I cannot avoid feeling sometimes devastated, without an exit. This is not a rational feeling. There is something wrong in me. Help me figure out what it is. Heal me.

Wisdom 7, 7-11
I prayed, and understanding was given to me;
I entreated, and the spirit of Wisdom came to me.
I esteem her more than sceptres and thrones;
compared with her, I held riches as nothing.
I reckoned no priceless stone to be her peer,
for compared with her, all gold is a pinch of sand,
I loved her more than health or beauty,
preferred her to the light,
since her radiance never sleeps.
In her company all good things came to me,
at her hands riches not to be numbered.

Psalm 89
Make us know the shortness of our life
that we may gain wisdom of heart

Haznos conocer la brevedad de nuestra vida
para que alcancemos sabiduría de corazón.

* My dearest Lord, send Your spirit of Wisdom to me. Maybe I'm too concentrated on myself. I realize no priceless stone to be comparable to Your Wisdom. I love her more than health of beauty. Send the radiance of Your Wisdom to me, that I may see my own place in life. May I know the shortness of my life, that I may gain wisdom of heart.

Mon 20081013
* Last Thursday my mother broke her waist. We took her to the hospital and was operated on Friday afternoon. A few hours after the operation she was already moving her leg. Thank you, my dearest Lord, for everything followed such a smooth path. She is very well recovering.
* Now things are recovering the right context, especially my work. Last week I was having a hard time at work. When mum broke her waist, my work was relegated to a second tier and that was good.
* About taking some flowers to mum on Friday, sleeping with dad, eating with him so that he is not alone. Visiting and continuing correcting my paper. Doing everything at a time but still, doing the right thing. Postponing my wishes and needs to address the necessities of the others.
* Enjoying the conversation with Mxxx yesterday. Wishing to spend time with him.

Spiritual Sharing September 2008

Tue 20080902
* About spending the weekend with Exxx and Exxx in Guadalajara. My prayer for Exxx. After a health problem she gets extremely tired after just a little walk. Getting better little by little through time. I was happy to spend the weekend with them. Wishing all the best. Enjoying the fact that she is developing in hope and not desperation. Looking people around who take care of her. People who are there.
* About spending the evening with Mxxx. I had a great time. I simply like spending time with him, the same way Jxxx Lxxx likes to be with me, spend time with me. Being together in the walk of life, supporting each other. I would like that Mxxx may also like spending time with me.

Matthew 18, 15-20
I tell you solemnly once again, whatever you bind on earth shall be considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be considered loosed in heaven.

I tell you solemnly once again, if two of you on earth agree to ask anything at all, it will be granted to you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three meet in my name, I shall be there with them.

Fri 20080905
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for You are always there, when we need You.
* My prayer for Jxxx. She feels alone in New York. My little girls go there so that she does not feel alone.

Mon 20080915
* Thank you very much for last week conference. I went to Linz to present my work last week. My presentation was very good but more importantly, I met some people and got in contact and very enthusiasted with the work that some other people do. The working session with Pxxx Lxxx was a very good starting point to work together.
* About some very intense moments this past week. They brought Jxxx into my prayer. Thinking about her feeling lonely in New York. That is a hard situation but she will go on, get above it with the help of my dearest. Willing her so much to be conscious of Your presence, counting on Your help.
* About Cxxx, Sxxx and Exxx going to New York to visit Jxxx so that she does not feel alone. I was telling this fact to some people I met in the conference and they were somehow astonished that these three friends would come to visit another friend because she feels lonely.

My eyes, my poor eyes
that just woke up.
You did them to see,
not only to cry.

Make me guess the light
among the shadows,
may never evil blind my eyes
may I never forget You there are.

That, when pain arrives,
that for sure will arrive,
may my love not get confused
nor my peace troubled.

Hold my faith on,
so when I reach Your home,
with my own eyes I'll see You,
and shall my weeping cease.

Mis ojos, mis pobres ojos
que acaban de despertar
los hiciste para ver,
no sólo para llorar.

Haz que sepa adivinar
entre las sombras la luz,
que nunca me ciegue el mal
ni olvide que existes tú.

Que, cuando llegue el dolor,
que yo sé que llegará,
no se me enturbie el amor,
ni se me nuble la paz.

Sostén ahora mi fe,
pues, cuando llegue a tu hogar,
con mis ojos te veré
y mi llanto cesará.

Thu 20080918
Isaiah 55, 6-9
Seek the Lord while he is still to be found,
call to him while he is still near.
Let the wicked man abandon his way,
the evil man this thoughts.
Let him turn back to the Lord who will take pity on him,
to our God who is rich in forgiving;
for my thoughts are not your thoughts,
my ways not your ways (it is the Lord who speaks).
Yes, the heavens are as high above earth
as my ways are above your ways,
my thoughts above your thoughts.

* This is probably one of the most meaningful texts You, my dearest Lord, revealed to me a few years ago. About my plans and Yours. About how higher Yours were. The foundation to build my own trust in You. About the big connection of this text and what You have taught me about how to interpret Your Divine Providence. Let me trust Your plans although I may not understand them. In hard situations, I read this text trying to remember that what chokes me today might be part of Your own plan to teach me the goodness of Your works.
* Thank you for making me humble and little. The way You taught me to be humble is so related with this text. Little things, trust in someone else plans. May Your will be done, Your paths accomplished, for You are my dearest Lord and I trust You. For Your ways are so much above my ways. For Your thoughts are so much above my thoughts.

Mon 20080922
* Exxx has submitted the documentation to change his job sector. I wish him all the best. That is what he decided to do although I thought that was not perhaps the best option. However, now that he has followed that path, the only thing I can do is to wish him luck.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord for in the end, it seems that I will be allowed to take some time from my working timetable to do some research and keep contact with people. A month ago, I didn't see a way out to continue doing research at work. I was getting very frustrated. What relieved my frustration was talking to Jxxx and Mxxx about starting to move the possibility to get back to the university. In addition, I started to feel better when I was able to think that I was going to ask for some time to do research at work hours. The good news is that at the end of last week, I heard from the direction of my department that I may be given time to do research at work. For me, this is very good news, for this is what I have been searching in the last three years. Thank you, my dearest Lord, for I may not need to suggest or ask for more time to do research. My company is already realizing that they have to do it without me asking for it.
* This weekend I had planned to get something done from work but other things got more priority. I had lunch with my brother and his wife and spent some time in the afternoon with my nephew and niece. Then the meeting at CRISMHOM and going out with the people thereafter. Jxxx Lxxx advised me to get out with the people and not get back home to work the following day. On Sunday, I spent the whole day working for CRISMHOM. I did not have time to do what I had planned. Jxxx invited me to go with him to the cinema at the end of the day and I also accepted.
* My dearest Lord, I'm not allowing myself to work only. This weekend I gave more priority to other things: being with my brother and his family, working for CRISMHOM and cultivating my relationships with the people. Thank you for it seemed more important to me to do all this than to continue working.

Tue 20080923
* Yesterday, it was mum's birthday. I went with my parents to a funeral. I was motivated mainly to spend some time with mum on the day of her birthday. It was celebrated by Jxxx Mxxx and the people from Welcome and Sharing. All this celebrations have something special that is difficult to describe. After the celebration Jxxx Mxxx told me that a theology teacher of him had published my letter in his blog. The letter about Sexual orientation and spirituality. I was not surprised because someone from CRISMHOM had sent me yesterday an email because he had also seen it published. A little sand grain to contribute to a fair sharing.
* Today it is the funeral for Mxxx. Mxxx is a girl from the Welcome group at my Jesuit community. She joined the group the year where I left the welcome group to enroll in CRISMHOM. However I met her and spent some time with her. She passed away a few months ago. I don't know what happened but it is very sad. She was very young and happy. I don't know how her family might be but I guess that devastated. I pray for them today. That your comfort and company be with them.

Wed 20080924
* My dearest Lord, yesterday it was the funeral for Mxxx. Something simple, just a few people. Let us become humble for we are so unable. Mxxx had committed suicide. I knew that yesterday. I now pray for her and very especially for her family. May she be in Your presence and so be her family. May she rest in peace.

Psalm 24:
Remember you mercy, Lord
Lord, make me know your ways.
Teach me your paths.
Make me walk in your truth, and teach me:
for you are God my savior.

Tue 20080930
* Thank you my dearest Lord for the situation at work is improving. My boss is starting to ask me to spend some of my time to do research. That's very good news for me. I was about to ask for the same thing as I could not stand the situation much more. However, in the end, I did not have to ask for it. It came about naturally by its own weight.
* My dearest Lord, teach me to be patient. May I exercise and educate myself to be patient. I was patient for over a year. Now I see the result of that. Being patient has allowed me to find a place, the place that my dearest Lord reserved for me. Now I'm happy to find myself where I am, after so much difficulty and pain.

Spiritual Sharing August 2008

Fri 20080801

Así: te necesito
de carne y hueso.
Te atisba el alma en el ciclón de estrellas,
tumulto y sinfonía de los cielos;
y, a zaga del arcano de la vida,
perfora el caos y sojuzga el tiempo,
y da contigo, Padre de las causas,
motor primero.

So I need you,
from meat and bone.
In the star cyclone the soul peeks you,
turmoil and heavenly symphony;
through day after day in life,
it pierces chaos and judges time,
and finds you, Father of happenings,
engine the First.

mas el frío conturba en los abismos,
y en los díasde Dios amaga el vértico.
¡Y un fuego vivo necesita el alma
y un asidero!

Hombre quisiste hacerme, no desnuda
inmaterialidad de pensamiento.
Soy una encarnación diminutiva:
el arte, replandor que toma cuerpo:
la palabra es la carne de la idea:
¡encarnación es todo el universo!
¡y el que puso esta ley en nuestra nada
hizo su carne su verbo!
Así: tangible, humano, fraterno.

Ungir tus pies, que buscan mi camino,
sentir tus manos en mis ojos ciegos,
hundirme como Juan, en tu regazo,
y (Judas sin traición) darte mi beso.

Carne soy, y de carne te quiero.
¡Caridad que viniste a mi indigencia,
qué bien sabes hablar en mi dialecto!
Así, sufriente, corporal, amigo,
¡cómo te entiendo!
¡Dulce locura de misericordia:
los dos de carne y hueso!

Mon 20080811
* Getting back to work after almost three weeks of vacation. Thanks for this vacation. My German has come back. Thank you for meeting Pxxx, the woman I lived with, and her boyfriend and her son. I hope to maintain the friendship with them.
* My prayer for dad. He is has continued up and down in these three weeks I was on vacation. My prayer for Jxxx Lxxx.
* I pray for Jxxx Mxxx, the missionary in the Ivory Coast. He is in hospital recovering. May this saint of Yours be well in the company of Your presence.
* Thank you for Axxx is getting a lot better.
* Today I will speak again with Exxx, this person from Venezuela that has asked for my help. I don't know what to say. This situation is getting very hard. May my dearest Lord help me do what could be best. I simply don't know.

Thu 20080814

As a shadow pass the days
of the man with vain purpose,
but a single one before God,
counts a thousand such of those.

To the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
may I praise my life complete:
the rosary of the hours,
of the nights and days. Amén

* Yesterday I talked to Jxxx. He talked me to get back into academia. This is something that I have always been thinking of. I may now start a reflection period to see whether this is my path.

Siempre es hora de la gracia,
¡despierte el alma dormida!

Los canglicones del sueÑo
van hurtando el agua viva
en la noria de las horas,
de las noches y los días.

PeldaÑos de eternidad
me ofrece el tiempo en su huida,
si, ascendiendo paso a paso,
lleno mis manos vacías.

Sólo el tiempo se redime,
quitándole su malicia.

Como una sombra se esfuman
del hombre vano los días,
pero uno solo ante Dios
cuenta mil aÑos de espigas.

"Tus aÑos no morirán",
leo en la Sagrada Biblia:
lo bueno y noble perdura
eternizado en la dicha.

Sembraré, mientras es tiempo,
aunque me cueste fatigas.

Al Padre, al Hijo, al Espíritu
alabe toda mi vida:
el rosario de las horas,
de las noches y los días. Amén.

Tues 20080819
* May You, my dearest Lord be very close to me. I need Your presence. I find it difficult to pray these days. I feel frustrated. I'm not sure whether I can explain how I feel. I feel that I cannot allow me to complain because I have everything I could possibly need. Because so many people would be so happy if they had what I have: my family, job, friends. However, I cannot avoid feeling the way I'm feeling.
* About going to the cinema last Sunday with Mxxx, Cxxx and Mxxx. I had a great time with them. I could not sleep the following night. Maybe, this is all about loneliness.

* My dearest Lord, don't allow me to think that people don't love me, because they don't "call me". I know this is all about loneliness. They most likely won't call, so please, be with me so that I don't feel lonely.

Wed 20080820
* When I got back home, I updated my cv. I think that I will ask for certificates of all the conferences and courses I have attended. I called Jxxx to accept his proposal of preparing my qualifications towards getting back to academic life. Tomorrow I will go to see a movie and so on Friday. All this relieved me a little.

Thu 20080821
* I woke up this morning feeling down. I don't know what is happening to me. Yesterday I went to see "Mamma Mia" with my parents. I had a great time.

Fri 20080822
* My dearest Lord, today I feel a little better. Yesterday I was studying the papers I want to get through. Perhaps only a couple of hours but I got clarified. I also transferred some of my work to another person. That has released me too.
* It seems to me that I was starting to get blocked. I could not avoid feeling so bad in the morning. They only thing that relieves me is getting some work done.
* I'm getting out of the work group. They have proposed me many times to play football with them. I have never accepted. Give me the strength to accept, at least once. I don't feel at all like playing football but I should integrate with the rest of people.
* I think that what blocks me is the feeling that there's no way out to do what I like. The perspective to get back to academic life seems uncertain and far away. In addition, only academic life is not what is best (a combination of both academic and practitioner life). Now, it is not possible. The feeling of never getting there is frustrating me a lot. It does not allow me to "waste" time and integrate with the other people of the group.
* My dearest Lord, teach me to be patient. Be with me, I need your presence. It seems to me that the only thing I can ask is for more "time". I'm sure that I will not get acknowledged for what I have done this year with an increase of salary. Then, I will ask for "time".

Tue 20080826

Romans 11, 33-36
How rich are the depths of God, how deep his wisdom and knowledge and how impossible to penetrate his motives or understand his methods! Who could ever know the mind of the Lord? Who could ever be his counselor? Who could ever give him anything or lend him anything? All that exists comes from him; all is by him and for him. To him the glory for ever! Amen.

¡Qué abismo de generosidad, de sabiduría y de conocimiento, el de Dios! ¡Qué insondables sus decisiones y qué irrastreables sus caminos! ¿Quién conoció la mente del SeÑor? ¿Quién fue su consejero? ¿Quién le ha dado primero, para que él le devuelva? El es el origen, guía y meta del universo. A él la gloria por los siglos. Amén.

The ways of my dearest Lord are not mine. They are so much higher than mine. His paths overwhelm me so much. May Your will be done, Your paths accomplished. This is my prayer for Jxxx Lxxx. May You be close to him so that he can keep always near You. Difficult and misleading paths, put to the test. Don't allow, my dearest Lord, us fall under these stressing and insecure feelings that sometimes are outside our control. Whatever corresponds to me, whatever corresponds to Jxxx Lxxx. I join him for I also feel myself put to the test. Let us pray not to fall under test.

* I call Gxxx yesterday to tell her that I'm so sorry for the death of her father. My prayer for her mother.

Fri 20080829

Jeremiah 20, 7-9
You have seduced me, Lord, and I have let myself be seduced; you have overpowered me: you were the stronger. I am a laughing-stock, everybody's butt. Each time I speak the word, I have to howl and proclaim: "Violence and ruin!" The word of the Lord has meant for me insult, derision, all day long. I used to say, "I will not think about him, I will not speak in his name any more". Then there seemed to be a fire burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones. The effort to restrain it wearied me, I could not bear it.
* My dearest Lord, You have seduced me and I have let myself be seduced. Continue seducing me.
* Today Nxxx says goodbye at work. I wish her all the best. I don't even know whether she believes in You. Anyway, protect her and her difficult decision process.
* I was very happy to see all the people from CRISMHOM yesterday.

Spiritual Sharing July 2008

Tue 20080701
* My prayer for Mxxx and Ixxx. I learned that Mxxx was not in his best moment at the mass on Saturday. He said a little comment. I asked a little more later. Too many activities, being everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I wrote him on Sunday trying to learn how to say to the weary a word that will rouse them. My prayer for Ixxx. May he be peaceful and progressing, finding his own way through life.
* I feel that I'm working too much. I don't organize myself well. I don't feel like going for a coffee with the rest of the people from my work. I prefer to continue working. Only getting my work done, releases my tension. Maybe, I should have seen with Sxxx the football game on Sunday. Rejecting the offer of Sxxx to go to the tango dance intensive course. I feel oppressed. At least this time, I trust me and I haven't lost my self-esteem.
* After going out with two people this year, I don't feel like trying again for now. Getting to know a lot better some people at my gay community. This was a good year. I should not leave this opportunity to get to know these people.
* About the telephone talk I had with Exxx yesterday. I told him that he was following a chain of not very good decisions. He listened to me, though I don't think he will change plans. My prayer for him, for I wish him all the best, but this time I don't think I will be supporting him as I did eight months ago.
* About Jesus asking his disciples who He is and Peter the only one answering "You are the Messiah, the living son of God". About Jesus telling Peter that noone in this world had told him that but his Father in Heaven. About those moments in which it is You who speaks and I listen.

Wed 20080709
* Spending six days in Barcelona attending a course. I went to mass in Catalan with my English missal, in order to understand. Thank you for the hospitality of Exxx and Exxx. My congratulations to them for their luck and success in their job change. Spending time with their 2-year-old Mxxx. About not doing much work these days, having some rest. I needed it.
* About the passed Sunday gospel Matthew 11,25-30. Such a meaningful text for me.

Jesus exclaimed: "I bless You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these tings from the learnt and the clever and revealing them to the simple. Yes, Father, for that is what it pleased You to do. Everything has been entrusted to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him".

Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.

* Let me take some rest. Let me not allow myself to be oppressed. I don't work well in that environment.
* About Mxxx feeling lonely. He took for granted that I would have sometime felt like that (lonely, lonely). I thank my Lord, for I don't think I have felt that lonely. Family, friends have been around. But especially, my dearest Lord has never allowed me to feel that lonely.

Thu 20080710
* About the birthday party of Lxxx. He celebrated at Jxxx's preparing a lot excellent food. Nice company of people. This kind of events were not organized last year. We are now enjoying the harvest of what was planted throughout the year.
* About the comment of Jxxx saying that he had phoned our president to take interest for how he was going. It was a short conversation but I liked the initiative of Jxxx to call him. These are the little details that make up a community.
* Now I realize of other people's love, I don't really know why, but probably a subtle way of thanking a progression of hidden work with no expectations of return for CRISMHOM. Not my work, but that of others too. This is indeed the message I feel called to transmit. This is not quite my message but that of my dearest Lord. I think that this message does not quite get through at my job (who knows, maybe I'm not the one to know about this). However, it seems to me that it does get through CRISMHOM.
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for hiding who You are to those who occasionally consider themselves wise and learnt, and choosing the simple and humble to show who You indeed are. Thank you, for You wanted to reveal Yourself this way.

Mon 20080714
* Isaiah 55, 10-11

Thus says the Lord: "Yes, as the rain and the snow come down from the heavens and do not return without watering the earth, making it yield and giving growth to provide seed for the sewer and bread for the eating, so the word that goes from my mouth does not return to me empty, without carrying out my will and succeeding in what it was sent to do".
* Dad is feeling slightly better after not being able to move his arm. Something happened one night in which he woke up unable to move his arm. A bug biting him, an allergic reaction, we don't know. My prayer for him. May he find himself getting better.
* I'm trying to spend time reading some papers in relation with new developments connected to my work. A professor invited me to work with him for a week in Vienna. He wants to know about my work and willing to share what he is currently working on. He sent me some papers that I'm trying to read. I don't have time at work.
* About spending the whole afternoon and evening with my nephew and niece and the rest of the family. For the first time I did not have to go early but could stay the whole evening. I somehow wanted to go and spend some time studying those papers. However, I stayed. I did well, for one of my problems is prioritizing all my wishes. On one side I see that I cannot progress with my reading but on the other, I think I'm not missing something that I should not miss: spending time with the little ones of my family and my family itself.

Wed 20080716
* Romans 8, 26-27
The Spirit comes to help us in our weakness. For when we cannot choose words in order to pray properly, the Spirit himself expresses our plea in a way that could never be put into words, and God who knows everything in our hearts knows perfectly well what he means, and that the pleas of the saints expressed by the Spirit are according to the mind of God.
* Thinking of Sxxx and Exxx when reading this text. Especially thinking of Sxxx. There are times in life when one cannot pray. There is no word to say or perhaps no wish to say a word, or perhaps no good word to say. Moments in which we cannot choose words to pray properly. Bad luck, trying hard without success. Some whys being asked and not responded. May the Holy Spirit express without words those hidden pleas of those people loosing hope or patience. My dearest Lord, You know what is in our hearts. You know our weaknesses. May Your Holy Spirit formulate without words our pleas when we are unable to do it. Maybe we don't want to pray. May even in those cases hear that wordless plea of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and life. May prayer for Sxxx.

Mon 20080721
* Thank you my dearest Lord, for dad was better this week. He recovered the mobility of his arm and he is in a much better mood. Last weekend he was hopeless but this weekend he is a lot better.
* Thank you my dearest Lord, for Axxx is also better. He decided not to be alone and got out and met some people. I proposed him to come over and have dinner with me and some other friends and he rejected because he had already arranged plans.
* Matthew 13, 24-43:
"The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all the seeds but it was grown, it is the biggest shrub of all and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and shelter in its branches".