Spiritual Sharing June 2004
Tue 6/15/04. Jesus before Herod. Lc 23,5-12
* Lord Jesus Christ, did I know, how I would break my heart with grief for you. Of all the people in the world, you should have suffered least. I am ashamed of what we did to you while you broke your heart with grief for me.
Mon 6/14/04. Jesus before Pilate. Mt 27,1-2; 11-14
* I pray for Jxxx. I feel very compassionate for him. I think of how my Lord would have approached him.
* I imagine myself, telling the people of the group my coming out story.
* Thinking of coming out versus a priest vocation.
* Contemplation of how Jesus signs his death penalty when He answers "you say so".
* "The Lord has given me a well trained tongue that I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them".
28th week: EE 3rd week 3.
Fri 6/10/04.
* He was despised, rejected. Despised and rejected of men. A man of sorrows and acquainted with grieve.
Thu 6/10/04
* I felt undervalued by AFI. It's not only the money. It is about not acknowledging all what I have done.
Wed 6/9/04.
* Thanks my Lord, because you don't give me much choice. I think that Grupo Analistas is what best fits into our vocational plan.
* I'll have lunch with Bxxx at least once a week. Let me spend some time with her.
Tue 6/8/04. Jesus before Annas. Jn 18,12-27
* My Lord, did I know that I would break my heart with grief for you?.
* Don't allow me to say "though all will fall, I will never fall". Just let me be with you.
Mon 6/7/04. Gethsemane
* Contemplation of the last days of grandma Ixxx. Kissing her was the first thing I did when arriving home.
* Contemplation of Exxx mourning for Jxxx in Valdejimena.
27th week: EE 3rd week 2/3.
Sun 6/6/04. Pr 8,22-31
* When the Lord was doing all creation, then I was beside him as his craftsman, and I was his delight day by day, playing before him all the while, playing on the surface of his earth; and I found delight in the human race.
* What is man that you should be mindful of him, or the son of man that you should care for him?.
Rm 5,1-5
* These sufferings bring patience, as we know, and patience brings perseverance, and perseverance brings hope, and this hope is not deceptive, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.
Sat 6/5/04.
* Imagine being with grandma Isabel the last moments.
* Imagine that Jesus asks me to stay with Him in His last hours.
Fri 6/4/04. Repetition
* My Lord, don't allow me to think that people don't love me, because they don't "call me". I know this is all about loneliness. They most likely won't call, so please, be with me so that I don't feel lonely.
* How did Lxxx get to know me as to ask me the question about being a priest?. I haven't called him. He hasn't called me. We haven't spoken about each other very often. Maybe, it is not so necessary to talk and call to get to know someone.
Thu 6/3/04. Mt 26, 30-56. The night of the garden.
* My Lord, did I know that I would break my heart with grief for you?.
* Don't allow me to say "though all will fall, I will never fall". Just let me be with you.
* My soul is filled with sorrow even to death. Remain here and stay awake with me.
* "Not what I want, but what you want".
Wed 6/2/04.
* Contemplation of how pleased my Lord is at my prayer.
* Meeting about the temporal king. Frodo as my king.
Tue 6/1/04.
* Walk with my friend during his last days.
* In this week, we are likely to find no place to rest except Jesus Himself.
* Dolor, sentimiento y confusión, porque por mis pecados, va el Señor a la Pasión.
* Thank you, my Lord, so much, because you chose this very way to teach me how to love.
* Se despojó de su rango y se convirtió en uno de tantos.
27th week: EE 3rd week 1/2.
Sun 5/30/04.
* No one can say "Jesus is Lord", except by the power of the Holy Spirit
Fri, 5/28/04. Recollection
Thu, 5/27/04. The Transfiguration (Mt 17,1-9)
* I have experienced who my Lord is. In bright and clear moments and through little, tiny everyday details.
* I last saw my Lord in bright light when I wrote the email to Mxxx Axxx.
* Mxxx inspires me a great compassion. I see how sincerely he searches you and also all the difficulties he finds. I pray for him.
Wed, 5/26/04. Lc 7,1-10. Jesus cures the centurion's servant.
* Do not trouble yourself for I am not worthy to welcome you under my roof.
Tue, 5/25/04. Repetition
* "I am the resurrection. Whoever believes in me, though will die, shall live. Whoever is alive by believing in me will never die".
* Jesus was moved in the depths of his spirit and troubled.
* If you believe, you will see the glory of God.
Mon, 5/24/04. Lazarus (Jn 11,1-44)
26th week: EE 2nd week 13.
Sun, 5/23/04. Mass.
Holy Father, I pray not only for my disciples but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that the world may know that you love them even as you love me.
Fri, 5/21/04. Repetition.
* My Principle & Foundation.
Thu, 7/20/04. Lc 6,6-11
* I ask you, my Lord, that you don't allow me to stop doing an act of love because it is against a rule or law.
* When rules and laws become too abstract and intellectual to love, let me land them down into the simplicity of an example in my own life.
Wed, 7/19/04. Jesus clears the temple. Jn 3,13-22.
* Don't allow me, my Lord, to take advantage of what it is yours. Don't allow me to turn your Father's house into a marketplace.
* Don't allow the messenger to take advantage of the message. Let me just deliver it to its destination.
Tue, 5/18/04. Repetition.
* As you enter the house, wish it peace. If the people deserve it, your peace will be on them. If not, your peace will come back to you.
* I like being your messenger and your servant.
Mon, 5/17/04. Jesus continues his public ministry. Mt 10,1-16
* Look, I send you like sheep among wolves. You must be clever as snakes and innocent as doves.
* Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. You received this as a gift, so give it as a gift.
25th week: EE 2nd week 12.
Sun, 5/16/04. Sunday mass.
Yet the word you hear is not mine but that of the Father, who sent me.
Fri, 5/14/04. Repetition (Jn 13,1-15)
* Truly I say to you the servant is not greater than his master, nor is the messenger greater than the one who sent him.
Thu, 5/13/04. Repetition (Jn 13,1-15)
* Jesus realized that his hour had come to pass from this world to the Father, and as he had loved those who were his own, He loved them to the extreme.
Wed 5/12/04. Washing of the feet (Jn 13,1-15)
* You decided to love us to the extreme.
* See how God could have got rid of his enemies but He chooses not to do so. Thank you my Lord so much, because you chose this very way of giving you (death on a cross), to teach me how to love.
Tue 5/11/04
* Don't allow me to take advantage of what is yours, my Lord (Miguel's email related thoughts for myself).
* Feeling identified with John. Because he recognized Jesus, because he was the most affectionate with him..
Mon 5/10/04
* Email to Mxxx Axxx. My Lord may be providing again. Grupo Santander might be making me a great favour with their employment refusal. Let me know, my Lord, what you want.
* The email to Mxxx is the work of the Lord (not mine). Thanks so much, my Lord, for making yourself present in my daily life.
24th week: EE 2nd week 11 (Repetition)
Fri 5/7/04.
* I pray my Lord to move my will towards what He wants for me, to more praise and glorify Him.
Thu 5/6/04. Repetition
* The first rule: the love that moves me and makes me choose, may descend from above, from God's love, so that the one who chooses, may feel first from within, that the love for the thing under choice is only for his/her Lord and Creator.
Wed 5/5/04. Second mode to do election
* May the love which makes me choose, come from you. May I feel that this love is only for you.
The love to get myself out of Mxxx's life, the love to continue Tiébissou, the love to send messages and letters, the love to host the guy in the elevator, the love to go to Oklahoma, the love to stay in New York, the love to bring Martin to the first concert, the love to talk to Axxx about You, your love during Easter, the love to send Martin the message about the rejected stone, the love of the messenger.
Tue, 5/4/04. First mode to do election.
* Love one another as I have loved you.
Mon, 5/3/04. How to do good election
* Thank you my Lord so much, because those 5 moments from Easter came from you. This is the work of the Lord. This is not the work of human hands.
24nd week: EE 2nd week 11 (Repetition)
Fri, 4/23/04: Repetition Easter sharing.
Thu, 4/22/04. Mt 14, 22-33.
* Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you, walking on the water.
* My Lord, if you are calling me, command me to come to you.
Wed, 4/21/04. Jesus cures a paralytic.
* Let me be in your presence.
Tue, 4/20/04. Jn 20, 11-18
* Thanks so much for the Mutter, Previn & Harrell concert. They moved my heart. They brought me the texts of Easter.
* Mary Magdalene sees Jesus risen.
Mon 4/19/04. Mt 8,23-27.
* I want to want, what You want, if Your Spirit will teach me how.
23nd week: EE 2nd week 11
Fri, 4/16/04. Is 51, 7ss
* The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. By the Lord has this been done; it is wonderful in our eyes.
Thu, 4/15/04. Repetition
* Thank you, my Lord, for all the things that I know which neither flesh nor blood have revealed to me, but it is you who have told me.
* Thank you, my Lord, for telling me
who you are.
Wed, 4/14/04. Mc 8,27-33.
* Who do I say my Lord is?. My little great Lord is an intimate friend. He has told me himself who he is. He's done so much with and for me. My little Lord is with me.
Tue, 4/13/04. Jn 6, 1-15.
* "Where shall we buy bread so that these people may eat?.
* Buena Vista Social Club.
Mon, 4/12/04.
* The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. By the Lord has this been done; it is wonderful in our eyes.
22nd week: EE 2nd week 10
Thu, 4/8/04. Lc 19,1-10. A readjustment of life.
* The encountering process with the Lord is so much not about me (what I do or fail to do). But so much more about Him (what He can achieve in me, what He does, what He did, what He is so much willing to do for me).
* What have you done for me?. What are you doing for me?. What will you do for me?.
* Let myself be done. May your will be done.
* How shall I make a return to the Lord, for all the good he has done for me (Psalm 35).
* Thank you my Lord so much, because you chose this very way of giving you (death on a cross), to teach me how to love.
Wed, 4/7/04. Is 50, 4-9
* Morning after morning, He wakes me up. He has opened my ear. I have not rebelled. I have offered my back to those who strike me. I have not despaired. He comes to my help.
Tue, 4/6/04. Mc 10,46-52: the blind of Jericho.
* Let me see clearly what your will is.
Mon, 4/5/04. Is 50, 4-9
* The Lord has given an inspired tongue so that I get to know how to say to the weary, a word to sustain them.
* The Lord has opened my ear. I have not rebelled, nor have I withdrawn.
21th week: EE 2nd week 9