Spiritual Sharing November 2011
Thu 20111103
Rom 14:7-12
Brothers and sisters:
None of us lives for oneself, and no one dies for oneself.
For if we live, we live for the Lord,
and if we die, we die for the Lord;
so then, whether we live or die, we are the Lord's.
For this is why Christ died and came to life,
that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living.
* Thank you for yesterday meeting of communion of life at CRISMHOM. I was glad to see Mxxx and Txxx. About the comments of Mxxx of how to show others the path of Christ.
Sun 20111106
Know that it is the Lord: that He created us. We are His, His own people and sheep of His Flock.
Sabed que es el Señor: que él nos hizo y somos suyos, su pueblo y ovejas de su rebaño.
Ven fácilmente la sabiduría aquellos que la aman y la buscan. Ella se da a conocer.
Tue 20111108
About spending a few hours with Mxxx on Monday evening. I enjoyed his presence, simply spending some time with him. Getting to know each other better. Sharing some of our livings. It seems to me that during last year, we got to appreciate each other considerably at the community of life and faith. I enjoyed it very much.
May we be attentive and on alert, for we don't know the day and time of the encountering moment with Christ. He comes by when He wants. May we recognize Him.
Estemos atentos y vigilantes, porque no sabemos el día ni la hora del encuentro con Dios. Él pasa y se hace presente cuando quiere. Que sepamos reconocerle.
Thu 20111110
* Thank you for yesterday it was a day of rest. I don't do that very often, although I should. Thank you for dad came home just to bring me some yogurts he had made himself.
* About the conversation with Gxxx and Rxxx after watching the movie yesterday. Talking about some old photographs. About interpreting them quite a few years later with more freedom.
¡Oh Dios!, tú eres mi Dios, por ti madrugo,
mi alma está sedienta de ti;
mi carne tiene ansia de ti,
como tierra reseca, agostada, sin agua.
En el lecho me acuerdo de ti
y velando medito en ti,
porque fuiste mi auxilio,
y a la sombra de tus alas canto con júbilo;
mi alma está unida a ti,
y tu diestra me sostiene.
Pon tu vida en las manos del Señor, en Él confía y Él hará que tu justicia y tu derecho brillen igual que el sol de mediodía.
Leave your life in the hands of the Lord, trust Him and He will do that your justice and right shine like midday sun.
Fri 20111111
Today I feel miserable. May my dearest Lord help me overcome this mood, giving thanks for everything You have given to me.
He was shepherd and shape of the flock,
light for the blind, staff for the poor,
common father, provident presence, everthing for everyone.
Él fue pastor y forma del rebaño,
luz para el ciego, báculo del pobre,
padre común, presencia providente,
todo de todos.
Alumbre así vuestra luz a los hombres, para que vean vuestras buenas obras y den gloria a vuestro Padre.
Mon 20111114
* My prayer for Lxxx. He lost his mum last Friday. I went to the hospital to be with him. Single son, no brothers or sisters. He was peaceful. I was happy to be there.
* About working in the correction of the paper this weekend. I progressed quite a lot.
* My dearest Lord, let me get convinced of going to the Ivory Coast to visit the mission in Tiébissou and Bouaké. I can do it. I just need to get convinced. Let me not think about effectiveness, utility or things like that.
* My prayer for Axxx. In time of desolation, don't move away. I find myself in the same situation. About lacking sense of life. Weboth need newer answers about what's the meaning of life.
* About going to the concert of the 8th symphony by Bruckner with dad and my aunt. It was great.
* Thank you for getting inside Cxxx life. We were at his house on Sunday evening after the mass. It was a great priviledge to be there.
* Thank you for my parents, they take care of me with very simple things.
* Perhaps one of your greatest gifts to me was the goodness and good will that You have given to me. Let me appreciate it.
LECTURA BREVE 2Ts 3, 10b-13
Si alguno no quiere trabajar, que tampoco coma. Porque nos hemos enterado que hay entre vosotros algunos que viven desconcertados, sin trabajar nada, pero metiéndose en todo. A éstos les mandamos y les exhortamos en el Señor Jesucristo a que trabajen con sosiego para comer su propio pan. Vosotros, hermanos, no os canséis de hacer el bien.
A dónde me queréis llevar,
Dónde me llamáis.
Siguiéndoos, mi Señor,
Yo no me podré perder.
Tue 20111115
* About what the single people express about the mystery of God's love and the greatest expression of that love in heaven: fraternity. Thank you, Dxxx, for your wonderful talk yesterday about marriage.
Pero el que obra según la verdad va a la luz para que quede de manifiesto que sus obras están hechas según Dios. Muchas felicidades, Axxx, tú que eres luz en la tiniebla.
But the one who acts according to the truth goes to the light so that it gets clear that the works are done according to God. Congratulations, Axxx, you are light in the darkness.
Levántate, Axxx, brilla, que llega tu luz; la gloria del Mesías amanece sobre ti. Muchas felicidades, guapísimo.
El que tiene mis mandamientos y los guarda, ese es el que me ama; y el que me ama sera amado de mi Padre y me manifestaré a él. Querido Axxx, el Señor se ha manifestado a muchos de nosotros a través de ti y nosotros te guardamos en nuestro corazón.
Thu 20111117
Heaven is my throne and earth is the platform of my feet. However, I will set my eyes in that ver one: the humble and weary who gets moved with my words.
El cielo es mi trono y la tierra el estrado de mis pies. Sin embargo, en ese pondré mis ojos: en el humilde y el abatido que se estremece ante mis palabras.
Mon 20111121
* Thank You for this weekend. The family meal on Saturday with my brother's family, my aunt, my nephew and niece. I stayed most of the afternoon and enening with them. About the meeting at CRISMHOM with Axxx. He gave an inspiring talk, a meeting with groups thereafter. About the meal at Sxxx's house. I went to the mass before the meal. He is very welcoming, a nice host. Creating good community. Staying at home on Sunday evening. I finished the review of the paper. A nice relief.
* About resting, sleeping well, taking a little nap on Saturday. I was really tired and with sore throat, coughing, sneezing.
* About writing to the Ivory Coast in January. Sxxx encouraged me to go. Getting out of my land, my comfort. New experiences.
Tue 20111122
I devored your words whenever I could find them; they were joy and happiness of my heart, for your name was pronounced upon me, Lord, my God.
Cuando encontraba palabras tuyas las devoraba; tus palabras eran mi gozo y la alegría de mi corazón, porque tu nombre fue pronunciado sobre mí, Señor Dios mío.
Tue 20111129
Christ, Word of the Father, eternal light of every believer: come and listen the burning cry of the poor; come by for it's getting late. May you encounter Him.
Jesucristo, Palabra del Padre, luz eterna de todo creyente: ven y escucha la súplica ardiente de los pobres; ven que ya se hace tarde. Que te encuentres con Él.
For unto us a child is born, and to us a son is given and shall be called Almighty God, Counsellor, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of peace.
Porque un niño nos ha nacido, un niño se nos ha dado, al que llamarán Dios todopoderoso, Consejero, Padre perpetuo, Príncipe de la paz.
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