Spiritual Sharing October 2011
Sat 20111001
No se te acercará la desgracia,
ni la plaga llegará hasta tu tienda,
porque a sus ángeles ha dado órdenes
para que te guarden en tus caminos;
Verán al Señor cara a cara y llevarán su nombre en la frente. Ya no habrá más noche, ni necesitarán luz de lámpara o de sol, porque el Señor Dios irradiará luz sobre ellos, y reinarán por los siglos de los siglos.
Sun 20111002
With all the splendor of heavenly worship, you still delight in such tokens of love as earth can offer.
* My dearest Lord, I am here for what you may want. Let me know your paths, your will. May I enjoy and relax, enjoy the child I have inside. May not all be justified. Release my spontaneity so that I may do what I really feel like doing.
Mon 20111003
* About spending the weekend in Seville making myself present after the operation of Ixxx. Give her patience and courage. Bless her.
* Whatever You want, the way You want, whenever You want, if ever You want, for You are my dearest Lord and I trust You. May I abandon myself in You. I want to have everthing under control but it is impossible. You lead, I just follow. What else can I do? Give me the certainty that you work inside my heart. Inspire me the right word and action at work. My heart is shrinked.
If this is what I have to live, should I not perhaps accept it? If this is the best I can and know how to do, should I not perhaps deserve being peaceful?
Si es esto lo que tengo que vivir. ¿Acaso no he de aceptarlo? Si es esto lo mejor que puedo y sé hacer, ¿acaso no merezco estar en paz?
Wed 20111005
* What a stressful week at work! Feeling miserable, unable, not happy with my own work. Thanks Pxxx, for helping out.
Thu 20111006
Ask and you will be given, search and you will find, call and you will be opened. My dearest Lord, inspire me ask, search and call You according to Your will, for I need to find You.
Pedid y se os dará, buscad y encontraréis, llamad y se os abrirá. Señor, inspírame pedirte, buscarte y llamarte según tu voluntad, porque necesito hallarte.
Fri 20111007
Be patient with me, my Lord, God of mine. Although, Perhaps it's me the very one impatient with myself. Continue working in my heart, even if I am not aware of it.
Mon 2011109
* I offer You perhaps the greatest gift You gave me: support others with little words, acts of presence. Nothing seemed to stay with me, but just simply You. It's all free. It's not for me. Thank you for all that. It's not mine.
My dearest prayer for Axxx, may he find his own way.
Thank you, my dearest Lord, for everything You give us. Give us the happiness and peace of knowing that you take us by hand to an unknown place but prepared by You for us.
Gracias, Señor, por todo lo que nos regalas. Concédenos la alegría y la paz de sabernos llevados de tu mano hacia un lugar desconocido, pero preparado por ti para nosotros.
Tue 20111010
I give you thanks, my dearest for I slept so well last night. I was dreaming. I hardly remember it, but I dreamt. Thank you.
Fri 20111013
May your true way encounter you, the wind blow on your back, the sun shine on your face. May God take you on his hand palm until we see again.
Que el camino vaya a tu encuentro, el viento a tus espaldas, el sol brille en tu rostro. Y hasta que nos volvamos a ver, que Dios te lleve en la palma de su mano.
Now, Lord, you can leave your servant go in peace. For my eyes have seen your Saviour, light to shine to the nations and glory of your people Israel.
Ahora, Señor, puedes dejar a tu siervo ir en paz. Porque mis ojos han visto a tu Salvador, luz para alumbrar a las naciones y gloria de tu pueblo Israel.
Mon 20111017
* Thank you, my dearest Lord, for this weekend. For the opera on Saturday, the lunch with my aunt.
* About going on Sunday morning on excursion with Jxxx and some other people from the group Madrid G Sport.
* About visiting Jxxx Lxxx, giving him the photographs from this summer. Talking to him.
* May You, my dearest Lord, help me find the meaning of life. The answers I had to this question start not to be valid any longer. Help me find the meaning of life.
Muéstranos, Señor, el sentido de nuestra vida, el plan que siempre has tenido para hacernos felices. Danos intuición para atisbarlo.
Wed 20111019
Help me find, my dearest Lord, the meaning of life.
Mon 20111024
My dearest Lord, may I fall in my place, what You have reserved for me. May we search, follow and love the truth.
Don't allow me build life stories which may not be true.
My prayer for Lxxx. He was sick last week. His brother has a throat cancer. His mother needs also his support.
Tue 20111025
* I'm not sleeping well these days. May my dearest Lord help me fall in my right place. Let me find You, a way, an open window.
The Kingdom of God is similar to the mustard seed. It grew and became a tree where birds build up their nests. Today I feel as small as a mustard grain.
El Reino de Dios se parece a un grano de mostaza. Creció y se convirtió en un árbol donde anidan los pájaros. Hoy me siento tan pequeño como un grano de mostaza.
You are always working inside my heart, even if I don't know it. Thank you for making me small. That is not what I would want, but thanks anyway.
Wed 20111026
Rom 8:26-30
Brothers and sisters:
The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness;
for we do not know how to pray as we ought,
but the Spirit himself intercedes with inexpressible groanings.
And the one who searches hearts
knows what is the intention of the Spirit,
because he intercedes for the holy ones
according to God's will.
El Espíritu intercede por nosotros con gemidos indecibles y nos ayuda en nuestra debilidad, aunque no sepamos orar como debiéramos. Él escudriña nuestro corazón.
* Thank You, my dearest Lord, for I slept well last night. May You, who search within my heart, give what is best for me according to Your will.
We know that all things work for good for those who love God,
who are called according to his purpose.
Sabemos, además, que Dios dispone todas las cosas para el bien de los que lo aman, de aquellos que Él llamó según su designio.
* My prayer for Txxx. He's back from China. A lot of uncertainty in his horizon. He was rejected as the prison chaplain in New York.
¿Quién podrá apartarnos del amor de Cristo? ¿La aflicción? ¿La angustia? ¿La persecución? ¿El hambre? ¿La desnudez? ¿El peligro? ¿La espada? En todo esto vencemos fácilmente por aquel que nos ha amado.
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