Friday, August 02, 2013

Spiritual Sharing May 2012

Wed 20120509

Yo soy la vid, vosotros los samientos. Permeneced en mí, como yo lo estoy en vosotros. Junto a mí daréis fruto abundante. Pedid en mi nombre y se os concederá.

Mon 20120514
* After four months having a relationship and the way in which was over, what's the reading You inspire me out of it. You must be telling me something woth all these happenings.
* About being in contact with hard situations. Unemployed people who don't have any income, who live out of the providence of each day. Lack of health, limit situations at the edge of insanity. Loneliness, pride, sickness.

Wed 20120516

There is still a lot left for me to tell you, but now you cannot receive it. When the Spirit of truth comes, she will show the truth to you, because she does not speak about herself, but from the one who sent her.

Thu 20120517
 It is good for you that I go. You will stop seeing me very soon, you will be sad while the world is happy. But later, you will see me again and your sadness will become great joy.

Os conviene que me vaya. En poco no me veréis, estaréis tristes y el mundo alegre. Pero poco más tarde me volveréis a ver y vuestra tristeza se convertirá en alegría.

Mon 20120524
* My dearest Lord, help me carry on. Help also Mxxx. This situation is being so hard. May You help me. May You help those who still need it more than me.

Fri 20110525
Thank you for the meeting yesterday with Jxxx Pxxx, a professor with whom I worked and published a paper. I felt very encouraged while I spoke to him.
My prayer for Cxxx. May she find her place. Make her and me also patient.

Tue 20120520

The Lord always builds wonderful things in you and through you. May He allow us see his presence and passover in the past, present and future.

El Señor siempre construye cosas maravillosas en ti y a través de ti. Que nos conceda ver su paso y presencia en lo pasado, presente y futuro.

Wed 20120530

Go and make disciples around the world, baptising them in my name and showing them who I am. And know that I'm with you till the end of the world.

Id y haced discípulos de todos los pueblos bautizándolos en mi nombre y enseñándoles quién soy yo. Y sabed que yo estoy con vosotros hasta el fin del mundo.


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