Inspired readings
Romans 8, 26-27
"The Spirit comes to help us in our weakness. For when we cannot choose words in order to pray properly, the Spirit himself expresses our plea in a way that could never be put into words, and God who knows everything in our hearts knows perfectly well what the Spirit means, and that the pleas of the saints expresssed by the Spirit are according to the mind of God".
* My dearest Lord, it seems to me that I don't have words to pray. Only one word for Jorge. I pray for him so that he might clear him up.
Hch 11, 1-18: Peter justifies his conduct
* "I was in prayer in the city of Joppa when, in a trance, I saw a vision. Something like a large sheet came down from the sky and drew near to me, landing on the ground by its four corners. As I stared at it, I saw four-legged creatures of the earth, wild beasts and reptiles, and birds of the sky. Then I heard a voice saying to me: "Get up, Peter, kill and eat!". I replied, "Certainly not, Lord!, No common or unclean creature has ever entered my mouth". A second time the voice from the heavens spoke, "What God has made clean, you must not call unclean". this happened three times, and then it was all drawn up into the sky" (...)
"I had begun to address them when suddendly the Holy Spirit came upon them, just as it had come upon us at the beginning. Then I remembered what the Lord had said: "John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit". If, then, God had given them the same gift that he had given us when we believed in he Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to resist God?".
Numbers 6:22-27
The Lord spoke to Moses and said, "Say this to Aaron and his sons: 'This is how you are to bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them:
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord let his face shine on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace.'
This is how they are to call down my name on the sons of Israel, and I will bless them."
Is 55,6-11
Seek Yahweh while he may be found; | call to him while he is near. | Let the wicked abandon his way, | let him forsake his thoughts, | let him turn to Yahweh for he will have mercy,
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, | my ways are not your ways, says Yahweh. | For as the heavens are above the earth, | so are my ways higher than your ways, | and my thoughts above your thoughts.
As the rain and the snow come down | from the heavens and do not return | till they have watered the earth, | making it yield seed for the sower | and food for others to eat, | so is my word that goes forth out of my mouth: | it will not return to me idle, | but it shall accomplish my will, | the purpose for which it has been sent.
Un pastorcico solo está penado,
ajeno de placer y de contento,
y en su pastora puesto el pensamiento, | y el pecho del amor muy lastimado.
No llora por haberle amor llagado
que no le pesa verse así afligido,
aunque en el corazón está herido;
mas llora por pensar que está olvidado.
Que sólo de pensar que está olvidado | de su bella pastora, con gran pena |
se deja maltratar en tierra ajena, |
el pecho del amor muy lastimado.
Y dice el Pastorcico: !Ay, desdichado
| de aquel que de mi amor ha hecho ausencia, | y no quiere gozar la mi presencia, | y el pecho por su amor muy lastimado!
Y al cabo de un gran rato se ha encumbrado | sobre un árbol do abrió sus brazos bellos, | y muerto se ha quedado, asido de ellos, | el pecho del amor muy lastimado.
San Juan de la Cruz
¿Qué tengo yo, que mi amistad procuras?
¿Qué interés se te sigue, Jesús mío,
que a mi puerta, cubierto de rocío,
pasas las noches de invierno oscuras?
¡Oh, cuánto fueron mis entrañas duras,
pues no te abrí! ¡Qué extraño desvarío,
si de mi ingratitud el hielo frío
secó las llagas de tus plantas puras!
¡Cuántas veces el ángel me decía:
«Alma, asómate ahora a la ventana,
verás con cuánto amor llamar porfía»!
¡Y cuántas, hermosura soberana,
«Mañana le abriremos», respondía,
para lo mismo responder mañana!
(Rafael y Lope de Vega)
Creador discreto
No hay que pensar en el aire
para que se filtre
al último rincón de los pulmones,
ni hay que imaginar la aurora
jugando con los colores y las sombras.
No hay que dar órdenes
al corazón tan fiel,
ni a las células sin nombre,
para que luchen por la vida
hasta el último aliento
No hay que amenazar
a los pájaros para que canten,
ni vigilar los trigales
para que crezcan,
ni espiar la semilla de arroz
para que se transforme
en el secreto de la tierra.
En su dosis exacta
de luz y de color;
de canto y de silencio,
nos llega la vida sin notarlo,
don incesantemente tuyo,
trabajador sin sábado,
Dios discreto.
Para que tu infinitud
no nos espante
te regalas en el don
en que te escondes.
Benjamín González Buelta
Sal 39
Aquí estoy, Señor, para hacer tu voluntad.
Yo esperaba con ansia al Señor; Él se inclinó y escuchó mi grito; me puso en la boca un cántico nuevo, un himno a nuestro Dios.
Tú no quieres sacrificios ni ofrendas' y, en cambio, me abriste el oído; no pides sacrificio explatorio, entonces yo digo: "Aquí estoy".
Como está escrito en mi libro: "Para hacer tu voluntad". Dios mío, lo quiero, y llevo tu ley en las entrañas.
He proclamado tu salvación ante la gran asamblea; no he cerrado los labios: Señor, Tú lo sabes.
Sal 1:
"Dichoso el hombre que no sigue el consejo de los malvados, ni se sienta en la reunión de los cínicos, sino que su tarea es la Ley del Señor y medita esa Ley día y noche.
Será como un árbol plantado al borde de la acequia: da fruto en su sazón y no se marchitan sus hojas; cuando emprende, tiene buen fin".
· Is 60, 19-20:
Luz Perpetua (funeral abuela Isabel)
· Is 55, 6-13:
Mis planes no son vuestros planes. Semilla que muere para dar fruto
· Mt, 11,28ss:
Acercaos a mí los que estais cansados y agotados
· Jn 16, 16-23a:
La pena acaba en alegría
· Mt 6, 19-34: La Providencia
Is 55,6-11
Seek Yahweh while he may be found; | call to him while he is near. | Let the wicked abandon his way, | let him forsake his thoughts, | let him turnto Yahweh for he will have mercy,
My Beloved for me
Alredy I gave me all to my Lord
and in such way I became
that my Beloved is for me,
and I am for my Beloved.
When the sweet Hunter
shot me and left me hurt
in the arms of love
my soul surrendered,
and drawing new life
In such way I became
that my Beloved is for me
and I am for my Beloved
He hurt me with an arrow
poisoned with love,
and my soul became
one with its Creator;
I don't want any other love,
for to my Lord I have given myself.
And my Beloved is for me
and I am for my Beloved.
Saint Teresa of Ávila
Is 50, 4-7
The Lord God has given me a well trained tongue,
that I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them.
Morning after morning he opens my ear that I may hear; and I have not rebelled, have not turned back.
I gave my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard; my face I did not shield from buffets and spitting.
The Lord God is my help, therefore I am not disgraced; I have set my face like flint, knowing that I shall not be put to shame.
Prayer of Generosity (St Ignatious Loyola)
Eternal Word, only begotten son of God,
Teach me true generosity.
Teach me to serve you as you deserve.
To give without counting the cost,
To fight heedless of wounds,
To labor without seeking rest,
To sacrifice myself without thought of any reward
Save the knowledge that I have done your will. Amen.
Trust in the Lord of the Journey
Above all, trust in the slow work of God. We are, quite naturally, impatient in everything to reach the end without delay. We should like to skip the intermediate stages; we are impatient of being on the way to something unknown, something new. And yet, it is the law of all progress that it is made by passing through some stage of instability ... and that, it may take a very long time.
And so, I think it is with you, that my ideas mature graduallly -- let them grow. Let them shape themselves, without undue haste. Don't try to force them on, as though you could be today, what time (that is to say, grace and circumstances acting on your own good will) will make you tomorrow. Only God could say what this new spirit, gradually forming within you, will be. Give our Lord the benefit of believing that His hand is leading you, and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself in suspense and incompleteness ...
(Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)
Lc 7,36-48: Jesus, the woman and the Pharisee.
Jn 8,1-11: The adultress
Page 327. Magnificat book
We walk by faith, and not by sight;
No gracious words we hear
from him who spoke as noone ever spoke;
but we believe him near.
Help then, O Lord, our unbelief;
and may our faith abound,
to call on you when you are near
and seek where you are found:
That when our life of faith is done,
in realms of clearer light
we may behold you as you are,
with full and enless sight.
Page 254 Magnificat book
All who seek to know and serve God,
See the past and understand:
None who hoped were disappointed;
Rich the blessings from God's hand!.
None who waited were forsaken.
None who trusted were deceived.
All who asked his gracious pardon,
Gentle mercy have received.
If our God does not condemn us,
who against us then will stand?
Will the Lord who died for sinners,
who is now at God's right hand?
What could take us from Christ Jesus?
Neither hunger, sword, nor pain!
Neither life nor death shall part us
from the Lamb for us once slain.
Os 11, 1-4:
I loved Israel when he was a child; out of Egypt I called my son. But the more I have called, the further have they gone from me (sacrificing to the Baals, burning incense to the idols).
Yet it was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; yet little did they realize that it was I who cared for them. I led them with cords of human kindness, with leading strings of love, and I became for them as one who eases the yoke upon their neck and stoops down to feed them.
"The Spirit comes to help us in our weakness. For when we cannot choose words in order to pray properly, the Spirit himself expresses our plea in a way that could never be put into words, and God who knows everything in our hearts knows perfectly well what the Spirit means, and that the pleas of the saints expresssed by the Spirit are according to the mind of God".
* My dearest Lord, it seems to me that I don't have words to pray. Only one word for Jorge. I pray for him so that he might clear him up.
Hch 11, 1-18: Peter justifies his conduct
* "I was in prayer in the city of Joppa when, in a trance, I saw a vision. Something like a large sheet came down from the sky and drew near to me, landing on the ground by its four corners. As I stared at it, I saw four-legged creatures of the earth, wild beasts and reptiles, and birds of the sky. Then I heard a voice saying to me: "Get up, Peter, kill and eat!". I replied, "Certainly not, Lord!, No common or unclean creature has ever entered my mouth". A second time the voice from the heavens spoke, "What God has made clean, you must not call unclean". this happened three times, and then it was all drawn up into the sky" (...)
"I had begun to address them when suddendly the Holy Spirit came upon them, just as it had come upon us at the beginning. Then I remembered what the Lord had said: "John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit". If, then, God had given them the same gift that he had given us when we believed in he Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to resist God?".
Numbers 6:22-27
The Lord spoke to Moses and said, "Say this to Aaron and his sons: 'This is how you are to bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them:
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord let his face shine on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace.'
This is how they are to call down my name on the sons of Israel, and I will bless them."
Is 55,6-11
Seek Yahweh while he may be found; | call to him while he is near. | Let the wicked abandon his way, | let him forsake his thoughts, | let him turn to Yahweh for he will have mercy,
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, | my ways are not your ways, says Yahweh. | For as the heavens are above the earth, | so are my ways higher than your ways, | and my thoughts above your thoughts.
As the rain and the snow come down | from the heavens and do not return | till they have watered the earth, | making it yield seed for the sower | and food for others to eat, | so is my word that goes forth out of my mouth: | it will not return to me idle, | but it shall accomplish my will, | the purpose for which it has been sent.
Un pastorcico solo está penado,
ajeno de placer y de contento,
y en su pastora puesto el pensamiento, | y el pecho del amor muy lastimado.
No llora por haberle amor llagado
que no le pesa verse así afligido,
aunque en el corazón está herido;
mas llora por pensar que está olvidado.
Que sólo de pensar que está olvidado | de su bella pastora, con gran pena |
se deja maltratar en tierra ajena, |
el pecho del amor muy lastimado.
Y dice el Pastorcico: !Ay, desdichado
| de aquel que de mi amor ha hecho ausencia, | y no quiere gozar la mi presencia, | y el pecho por su amor muy lastimado!
Y al cabo de un gran rato se ha encumbrado | sobre un árbol do abrió sus brazos bellos, | y muerto se ha quedado, asido de ellos, | el pecho del amor muy lastimado.
San Juan de la Cruz
¿Qué tengo yo, que mi amistad procuras?
¿Qué interés se te sigue, Jesús mío,
que a mi puerta, cubierto de rocío,
pasas las noches de invierno oscuras?
¡Oh, cuánto fueron mis entrañas duras,
pues no te abrí! ¡Qué extraño desvarío,
si de mi ingratitud el hielo frío
secó las llagas de tus plantas puras!
¡Cuántas veces el ángel me decía:
«Alma, asómate ahora a la ventana,
verás con cuánto amor llamar porfía»!
¡Y cuántas, hermosura soberana,
«Mañana le abriremos», respondía,
para lo mismo responder mañana!
(Rafael y Lope de Vega)
Creador discreto
No hay que pensar en el aire
para que se filtre
al último rincón de los pulmones,
ni hay que imaginar la aurora
jugando con los colores y las sombras.
No hay que dar órdenes
al corazón tan fiel,
ni a las células sin nombre,
para que luchen por la vida
hasta el último aliento
No hay que amenazar
a los pájaros para que canten,
ni vigilar los trigales
para que crezcan,
ni espiar la semilla de arroz
para que se transforme
en el secreto de la tierra.
En su dosis exacta
de luz y de color;
de canto y de silencio,
nos llega la vida sin notarlo,
don incesantemente tuyo,
trabajador sin sábado,
Dios discreto.
Para que tu infinitud
no nos espante
te regalas en el don
en que te escondes.
Benjamín González Buelta
Sal 39
Aquí estoy, Señor, para hacer tu voluntad.
Yo esperaba con ansia al Señor; Él se inclinó y escuchó mi grito; me puso en la boca un cántico nuevo, un himno a nuestro Dios.
Tú no quieres sacrificios ni ofrendas' y, en cambio, me abriste el oído; no pides sacrificio explatorio, entonces yo digo: "Aquí estoy".
Como está escrito en mi libro: "Para hacer tu voluntad". Dios mío, lo quiero, y llevo tu ley en las entrañas.
He proclamado tu salvación ante la gran asamblea; no he cerrado los labios: Señor, Tú lo sabes.
Sal 1:
"Dichoso el hombre que no sigue el consejo de los malvados, ni se sienta en la reunión de los cínicos, sino que su tarea es la Ley del Señor y medita esa Ley día y noche.
Será como un árbol plantado al borde de la acequia: da fruto en su sazón y no se marchitan sus hojas; cuando emprende, tiene buen fin".
· Is 60, 19-20:
Luz Perpetua (funeral abuela Isabel)
· Is 55, 6-13:
Mis planes no son vuestros planes. Semilla que muere para dar fruto
· Mt, 11,28ss:
Acercaos a mí los que estais cansados y agotados
· Jn 16, 16-23a:
La pena acaba en alegría
· Mt 6, 19-34: La Providencia
Is 55,6-11
Seek Yahweh while he may be found; | call to him while he is near. | Let the wicked abandon his way, | let him forsake his thoughts, | let him turnto Yahweh for he will have mercy,
My Beloved for me
Alredy I gave me all to my Lord
and in such way I became
that my Beloved is for me,
and I am for my Beloved.
When the sweet Hunter
shot me and left me hurt
in the arms of love
my soul surrendered,
and drawing new life
In such way I became
that my Beloved is for me
and I am for my Beloved
He hurt me with an arrow
poisoned with love,
and my soul became
one with its Creator;
I don't want any other love,
for to my Lord I have given myself.
And my Beloved is for me
and I am for my Beloved.
Saint Teresa of Ávila
Is 50, 4-7
The Lord God has given me a well trained tongue,
that I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them.
Morning after morning he opens my ear that I may hear; and I have not rebelled, have not turned back.
I gave my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard; my face I did not shield from buffets and spitting.
The Lord God is my help, therefore I am not disgraced; I have set my face like flint, knowing that I shall not be put to shame.
Prayer of Generosity (St Ignatious Loyola)
Eternal Word, only begotten son of God,
Teach me true generosity.
Teach me to serve you as you deserve.
To give without counting the cost,
To fight heedless of wounds,
To labor without seeking rest,
To sacrifice myself without thought of any reward
Save the knowledge that I have done your will. Amen.
Trust in the Lord of the Journey
Above all, trust in the slow work of God. We are, quite naturally, impatient in everything to reach the end without delay. We should like to skip the intermediate stages; we are impatient of being on the way to something unknown, something new. And yet, it is the law of all progress that it is made by passing through some stage of instability ... and that, it may take a very long time.
And so, I think it is with you, that my ideas mature graduallly -- let them grow. Let them shape themselves, without undue haste. Don't try to force them on, as though you could be today, what time (that is to say, grace and circumstances acting on your own good will) will make you tomorrow. Only God could say what this new spirit, gradually forming within you, will be. Give our Lord the benefit of believing that His hand is leading you, and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself in suspense and incompleteness ...
(Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)
Lc 7,36-48: Jesus, the woman and the Pharisee.
Jn 8,1-11: The adultress
Page 327. Magnificat book
We walk by faith, and not by sight;
No gracious words we hear
from him who spoke as noone ever spoke;
but we believe him near.
Help then, O Lord, our unbelief;
and may our faith abound,
to call on you when you are near
and seek where you are found:
That when our life of faith is done,
in realms of clearer light
we may behold you as you are,
with full and enless sight.
Page 254 Magnificat book
All who seek to know and serve God,
See the past and understand:
None who hoped were disappointed;
Rich the blessings from God's hand!.
None who waited were forsaken.
None who trusted were deceived.
All who asked his gracious pardon,
Gentle mercy have received.
If our God does not condemn us,
who against us then will stand?
Will the Lord who died for sinners,
who is now at God's right hand?
What could take us from Christ Jesus?
Neither hunger, sword, nor pain!
Neither life nor death shall part us
from the Lamb for us once slain.
Os 11, 1-4:
I loved Israel when he was a child; out of Egypt I called my son. But the more I have called, the further have they gone from me (sacrificing to the Baals, burning incense to the idols).
Yet it was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; yet little did they realize that it was I who cared for them. I led them with cords of human kindness, with leading strings of love, and I became for them as one who eases the yoke upon their neck and stoops down to feed them.
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